OIR'S Opening Day

Track prep was great, as was original layout with longer track. Everything went so smoothly. Thanks so much for a great day! We got there at noon and still had plenty of track time. Thanks to Chet and Nick for a great day.
I will be shocked if rider turnout isn't double for the next practice! Home run guys!!
Any pictures from Sunday...? Thinking about heading there soon. That step down sounds sweet..any pics of that...?
So was the layout longer then the one posted in the Pellet vid?

The layout was longer than I remember it being for some time. Nothing huge they just used the entire back section. The nice thing is if they choose to do so there are many options like smith rd to change it up a little every week. Just run the disc and water truck on sections already there.
Great job with the track guys, as already said it was nice to see it back to how it used to be. Keep putting in the effort and it will pay off with nice rider turnouts.

Thanks for a fun day.
Bummed I missed out, Fashion Bugs 2 for 1 sale was stellar, tho...

Thanks Rupert for your support, although I had to work over due to the havoc you imposed on the + sized fitting rooms. Good to hear OIR and other tracks were stellar this weekend. Fall is the best time to Moto, seems the dirt stays tacky and moist so much longer.
That was me! Lol.... I believe that is the new FOX rep for our region. He just moved here from CA. Nice guy very quick too.