Legal recreational cannabis

Lol.... Im just saying that at this point it isnt legal. It isnt victimless. It impairs brain activity and is no better than alcohol when driving. How is that victimless? Who cares why its illegal, the last thing we need is another legal brain function imparing substance killing people on the road.

Just my opinion.
Lol.... Im just saying that at this point it isnt legal. It isnt victimless. It impairs brain activity and is no better than alcohol when driving. How is that victimless? Who cares why its illegal, the last thing we need is another legal brain function imparing substance killing people on the road.

Just my opinion.

So you don't want the government taking our guns away or taking our 'freedom' of speech away.. but you do want them telling us which drugs are OK to kill ourselves with ?
There are SO many drugs that can impair people driving. Whiskey, beer, Vicadin, Percocet, Pot, etc, etc. I think we worry about people driving stoned, but yet people have access to all these other drugs that impair them also. I would argue that there are some people that smoke dope and are very functional while doing it. I don't smoke it, and never have, but think that we spend WAY too much money on Pot related crimes. We are locking people up for minor pot violations because of "mandatory minimum" sentencing guidelines. We release MUCH worse offenders, some violent to make room for these guys. Talk to a local judge or prosecutor, and they will tell you all about how they have no wiggle room in the sentencing, and the guys that should be in jail are released. That's the major problem with our drug laws and with POT in particular.
When it comes to marijuana smoking I'm really torn about how I feel about it. I do believe alcohol, when it's abused is much worse than marijuana. I do believe along with alcohol it a gateway to harder drugs. When you start talking about harder drugs like cocaine and heroin there are plenty of victims.
So you don't want the government taking our guns away or taking our 'freedom' of speech away.. but you do want them telling us which drugs are OK to kill ourselves with ?

I couldnt care less what drugs you do, thats your choice. But the facts are that at this point it is a crime and it is NOT victimless.

Who is a victim when Johnny Blaze is sitting infront of his TV smoking? Maybe the food hes killing thats about it.

Same here, Go ahead and fry your brain cells. Not my problem and I dont care. The problem lies in the OTHER people who are effected by it. You can use the same argument about heroin, crack, alcohol and any other number of brain function impairing substances. Plenty of them sit at home and dont bother anyone. I have a beef with people trying to claim there are no other victims besides the user. Just like alcohol there are far too many people that arent responsible enough to not smoke and drive. It just isnt safe. Go ahead and bash me all you want but it isnt right to kill thousands of innocent people because you want to smoke weed.

A review of studies that shows cannabis alone creates more affect on driving than alcohol

"(Marijuana, Alcohol, and Driving) "As with cannabis, alcohol use increased variability in lane position and headway (Casswell, 1979; Ramaekers et al., 2000; Smiley et al., 1981; Stein et al., 1983) but caused faster speeds (Casswell, 1977; Krueger & Vollrath, 2000; Peck et al., 1986; Smiley et al., 1987; Stein et al., 1983). Some studies also showed that alcohol use alone and in combination with cannabis affected visual search behavior (Lamers & Ramaekers, 2001; Moskowitz, Ziedman, & Sharma, 1976). Alcohol consumption combined with cannabis use also worsened driver performance relative to use of either substance alone. Lane position and headway variability were more exaggerated (Attwood et al., 1981; Ramaekers et al., 2000; Robbe, 1998) and speeds were faster (Peck et al., 1986).
"Both simulator and road studies showed that relative to alcohol use alone, participants who used cannabis alone or in combination with alcohol were more aware of their intoxication. Robbe (1998) found that participants who consumed 100 g/kg of cannabis rated their performance worse and the amount of effort required greater compared to those who consumed alcohol (0.05 BAC). Ramaekers et al. (2000) showed that cannabis use alone and in combination with alcohol consumption increased self-ratings of intoxication and decreased self-ratings of performance. Lamers and Ramaekers (2001) found that cannabis use alone (100 g/kg) and in combination with alcohol consumption resulted in lower ratings of alertness, greater perceptions of effort, and worse ratings of performance."

(Marijuana, Alcohol, and Driving) "As with cannabis, alcohol use increased variability in lane position and headway (Casswell, 1979; Ramaekers et al., 2000; Smiley et al., 1981; Stein et al., 1983) but caused faster speeds (Casswell, 1977; Krueger & Vollrath, 2000; Peck et al., 1986; Smiley et al., 1987; Stein et al., 1983). Some studies also showed that alcohol use alone and in combination with cannabis affected visual search behavior (Lamers & Ramaekers, 2001; Moskowitz, Ziedman, & Sharma, 1976). Alcohol consumption combined with cannabis use also worsened driver performance relative to use of either substance alone. Lane position and headway variability were more exaggerated (Attwood et al., 1981; Ramaekers et al., 2000; Robbe, 1998) and speeds were faster (Peck et al., 1986).
"Both simulator and road studies showed that relative to alcohol use alone, participants who used cannabis alone or in combination with alcohol were more aware of their intoxication. Robbe (1998) found that participants who consumed 100 g/kg of cannabis rated their performance worse and the amount of effort required greater compared to those who consumed alcohol (0.05 BAC). Ramaekers et al. (2000) showed that cannabis use alone and in combination with alcohol consumption increased self-ratings of intoxication and decreased self-ratings of performance. Lamers and Ramaekers (2001) found that cannabis use alone (100 g/kg) and in combination with alcohol consumption resulted in lower ratings of alertness, greater perceptions of effort, and worse ratings of performance."

Source: Laberge, Jason C., Nicholas J. Ward, "Research Note: Cannabis and Driving -- Research Needs and Issues for Transportation Policy," Journal of Drug Issues, Dec. 2004, pp. 978.
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I couldnt care less what drugs you do, thats your choice. But the facts are that at this point it is a crime and it is NOT victimless.

Same here, Go ahead and fry your brain cells. Not my problem and I dont care. The problem lies in the OTHER people who are effected by it. You can use the same argument about heroin, crack, alcohol and any other number of brain function impairing substances. Plenty of them sit at home and dont bother anyone. I have a beef with people trying to claim there are no other victims besides the user. Just like alcohol there are far too many people that arent responsible enough to not smoke and drive. It just isnt safe. Go ahead and bash me all you want but it isnt right to kill thousands of innocent people because you want to smoke weed.

A review of studies that shows cannabis alone creates more affect on driving than alcohol

"(Marijuana, Alcohol, and Driving) "As with cannabis, alcohol use increased variability in lane position and headway (Casswell, 1979; Ramaekers et al., 2000; Smiley et al., 1981; Stein et al., 1983) but caused faster speeds (Casswell, 1977; Krueger & Vollrath, 2000; Peck et al., 1986; Smiley et al., 1987; Stein et al., 1983). Some studies also showed that alcohol use alone and in combination with cannabis affected visual search behavior (Lamers & Ramaekers, 2001; Moskowitz, Ziedman, & Sharma, 1976). Alcohol consumption combined with cannabis use also worsened driver performance relative to use of either substance alone. Lane position and headway variability were more exaggerated (Attwood et al., 1981; Ramaekers et al., 2000; Robbe, 1998) and speeds were faster (Peck et al., 1986).
"Both simulator and road studies showed that relative to alcohol use alone, participants who used cannabis alone or in combination with alcohol were more aware of their intoxication. Robbe (1998) found that participants who consumed 100 g/kg of cannabis rated their performance worse and the amount of effort required greater compared to those who consumed alcohol (0.05 BAC). Ramaekers et al. (2000) showed that cannabis use alone and in combination with alcohol consumption increased self-ratings of intoxication and decreased self-ratings of performance. Lamers and Ramaekers (2001) found that cannabis use alone (100 g/kg) and in combination with alcohol consumption resulted in lower ratings of alertness, greater perceptions of effort, and worse ratings of performance."

(Marijuana, Alcohol, and Driving) "As with cannabis, alcohol use increased variability in lane position and headway (Casswell, 1979; Ramaekers et al., 2000; Smiley et al., 1981; Stein et al., 1983) but caused faster speeds (Casswell, 1977; Krueger & Vollrath, 2000; Peck et al., 1986; Smiley et al., 1987; Stein et al., 1983). Some studies also showed that alcohol use alone and in combination with cannabis affected visual search behavior (Lamers & Ramaekers, 2001; Moskowitz, Ziedman, & Sharma, 1976). Alcohol consumption combined with cannabis use also worsened driver performance relative to use of either substance alone. Lane position and headway variability were more exaggerated (Attwood et al., 1981; Ramaekers et al., 2000; Robbe, 1998) and speeds were faster (Peck et al., 1986).
"Both simulator and road studies showed that relative to alcohol use alone, participants who used cannabis alone or in combination with alcohol were more aware of their intoxication. Robbe (1998) found that participants who consumed 100 g/kg of cannabis rated their performance worse and the amount of effort required greater compared to those who consumed alcohol (0.05 BAC). Ramaekers et al. (2000) showed that cannabis use alone and in combination with alcohol consumption increased self-ratings of intoxication and decreased self-ratings of performance. Lamers and Ramaekers (2001) found that cannabis use alone (100 g/kg) and in combination with alcohol consumption resulted in lower ratings of alertness, greater perceptions of effort, and worse ratings of performance."

Source: Laberge, Jason C., Nicholas J. Ward, "Research Note: Cannabis and Driving -- Research Needs and Issues for Transportation Policy," Journal of Drug Issues, Dec. 2004, pp. 978.
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Since you like to bring up statistics, anything on motorvehicles deaths from alcohol vs. weed?
Since you like to bring up statistics, anything on motorvehicles deaths from alcohol vs. weed?


15% of vehicle accidents related to alcohol while 26% due to weed. Read this article

This study shows a better outlook for you


One thing I found in all the reading on it says that it is difficult to tell because its hard to say who is actually used cannabis alone prior to driving. They all say that cannabis is the #2 substance found in drivers with DWI. And all reports say that mixed with alcohol the two are FAR worse than one or the other alone. I dont think from my reading there is an accurate study to show which one is worse or causes more accidents. There are too many that show both a favorable outlook and a negative. But you cant argue the fact that a very high percentage of drivers tested in DWI accidents are positive for THC.

15% of vehicle accidents related to alcohol while 26% due to weed. Read this article

This study shows a better outlook for you


One thing I found in all the reading on it says that it is difficult to tell because its hard to say who is actually used cannabis alone prior to driving. They all say that cannabis is the #2 substance found in drivers with DWI. And all reports say that mixed with alcohol the two are FAR worse than one or the other alone. I dont think from my reading there is an accurate study to show which one is worse or causes more accidents. There are too many that show both a favorable outlook and a negative. But you cant argue the fact that a very high percentage of drivers tested in DWI accidents are positive for THC.

Also take into account, far more people drink then smoke.
Hershey, man, we agree on most topics but there is just no way possible that 26% of accidents are "weed" related. I like most people have "experimented" back when I was 17. No I did not drive a car, but I can tell you if I would have, top speed would have been 8mph. Pretty sure that not fast enough to kill a cat.
Remember, 84.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot to prove someone's views...
Looks like this is going to be another evergreen issue like abortion, global warming, Obamacare, welfare and so on... People are going to pick a side and it will be next to impossible to sway them.
Dare I say "neck braces..."

I say, make it legal, tax the crap out of it and enforce the Diving under the influence laws. If you get caught driving with weed, alcohol, or any other impairing substance in your system then you to JAIL the first time. None of this going to a class and pay $500 and your off.
If you want to wake and bake and set on the couch all day eating taco bell, fine. Just don't drive or ask the government to cover your health care or unemployment / welfare
Hershey, man, we agree on most topics but there is just no way possible that 26% of accidents are "weed" related. I like most people have "experimented" back when I was 17. No I did not drive a car, but I can tell you if I would have, top speed would have been 8mph. Pretty sure that not fast enough to kill a cat.
Remember, 84.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot to prove someone's views...
Looks like this is going to be another evergreen issue like abortion, global warming, Obamacare, welfare and so on... People are going to pick a side and it will be next to impossible to sway them.
Dare I say "neck braces..."

I say, make it legal, tax the crap out of it and enforce the Diving under the influence laws. If you get caught driving with weed, alcohol, or any other impairing substance in your system then you to JAIL the first time. None of this going to a class and pay $500 and your off.
If you want to wake and bake and set on the couch all day eating taco bell, fine. Just don't drive or ask the government to cover your health care or unemployment / welfare

Your move likely to get time for the possession of the weed than the DUI. You pretty much have to kill someone or have 25 DUIs before you get locked up for more than a day. Go back to my earlier post. Have a talk with your local prosecutors, judges, and law enforcement. The jails are full!
I say legalize it & while where at lets legalize prostitution too and get more tax revenue!!!
You for sure lost me there. Why would anyone pay for it when it is easy to get for free??? If u need to pay for I then you either stink or total loser. Half, I'm not saying you are so don't get bent out of shape
I couldnt care less what drugs you do, thats your choice. But the facts are that at this point it is a crime and it is NOT victimless.

Same here, Go ahead and fry your brain cells. Not my problem and I dont care. The problem lies in the OTHER people who are effected by it. You can use the same argument about heroin, crack, alcohol and any other number of brain function impairing substances. Plenty of them sit at home and dont bother anyone. I have a beef with people trying to claim there are no other victims besides the user. Just like alcohol there are far too many people that arent responsible enough to not smoke and drive. It just isnt safe. Go ahead and bash me all you want but it isnt right to kill thousands of innocent people because you want to smoke weed.

A review of studies that shows cannabis alone creates more affect on driving than alcohol


15% of vehicle accidents related to alcohol while 26% due to weed. Read this article

This study shows a better outlook for you


One thing I found in all the reading on it says that it is difficult to tell because its hard to say who is actually used cannabis alone prior to driving. They all say that cannabis is the #2 substance found in drivers with DWI. And all reports say that mixed with alcohol the two are FAR worse than one or the other alone. I dont think from my reading there is an accurate study to show which one is worse or causes more accidents. There are too many that show both a favorable outlook and a negative. But you cant argue the fact that a very high percentage of drivers tested in DWI accidents are positive for THC.

Not sure why this has anything to do with what I do.. but anyways yes it is still a crime at the federal level, however not at the state level in CO, and not in other states for medicinal use.

Quoting studies from the 80s is reaching a bit.. people were still told (by our federal government?) that cigarettes were 'good' for you until what, the 60s?

And how was cannabis found in drivers with DWI? Urine sample? Cannabis can stay in the urine for ~30 days, hair even longer. So a urine sample taken in the drunk tank after a DWI arrest is not a very accurate source for a statistic.
Should we outlaw guns cause they kill? Or just those that kill with them.
Many people over drink, over smoke. The drugs,guns and whatever is not the problem.
Outlaw everything and those with problems will just have different ones , problems and addictions that is.. Sniffing chain lube or something.
Legalize it all!!!
I watch cops a lot & there always having stings for it so there must be a lot of people willing to pay so why not get some taxes out of it,regulate it to cut down on disease to!!
In both cases im sober: I can load my trunk up with alcohol get pulled over and allow a search. And be let go.

If I had a pipe, and some seeds or some weed I no longer can get a job anywhere. And go to jail.
If I crash my car hammered I can get it reduced to a lesser charge with the right amount of money.

I can drink all that beer and kill a kid.
I can smoke all that weed on a couch, get busted and have to serve more time than when I killed a kid hammered drunk.

weed, alcohol, guns, backpack bombs, baseball bats, knives, sporks, cars, neck braces, and motorcycles don't kill people. People kill people. Ban people.