Anaheim 3

There's no crying in SX!! there?? Did like the Alessi reference. hahahahahah :)

Oh yeah A3,

5th-Villpodium(coming back from a first turn incident)

Heard its gonna be a mudder? Any truth to that?

Well, at least I got one of them right.....the most important one....go reeeeeeeeeed!
Amazing Reed held it together with those two behind him... Props to him... Rv hating aldon baker while Kroc high fiving him... Lol... Aggressive dunge ain't working either...
This could get freakin awesome next week. Reed always lights it up in San Diego . Rv2 is off his game on the slick tracks , if he can't win 2 in a row soon he will not win the tittle. KROC and Js7 will steal a few .

I just hope the east coast lites can live up to the west coast series. Seemly rides his ass off , Anderson is flat out wants it more than anyone . Lil Stewie gets better every week . Although I don't care for the idea he is blocking for seely . Was that Ralph or Emig that said that ...? Lol.
Kick ass season so far , can't remember a time when the 250/450 classes were both this good !
Deano's a little hard to understand at times - if I didn't have relatives right outa Scotland I'd have a rough time hearing him!
Best season in a long time, all the mains have been good so far.

Stewie hit the "Quad" but didn't have his "Flow". Broadcast team love those words.

According to Ralph if you are on the same brand then you are teammates.

Maybe Kleenex should start sponsoring the post race interviews.
I'm usually not critical of the track layouts, but it seemed to lack something last night. Looked like a big ax track. Those whoops looked gnarly though. And they even said they tamed them down after practice.
I still use a VCR, bought it and been paid for, for about 15 years. And I can replay tapes of races I have, going back to the '84 season.
450 main was boring, no action at all besides the first lap lol

What are you smoking? That main was awesome. Whenever the top 5 guys are all in eye sight on the track, that is some great racing. Those guys were all on it. Bubba ended up on the ground, no surprise there. Dungey on the ground was a surprise. Reed amazes me, him and Windham never look like they are riding hard because they are so smooth. Reed is has the speed, and I think he could actually pull off the Championship this year. Bubba, fastest man in the heats still.........and you know, not there in the main. Would not surprise me if he goes winless in SX.

What about Weston Pieck? This guy is flying! 5th place in the main. Absolutely the fastest man with out major support. I cant believe Gibbs would not pick this guy up.
According to Ralph if you are on the same brand then you are teammates.

Yes, that was funny. Emig finally called him out on it. ;)

Maybe Kleenex should start sponsoring the post race interviews.

Ha ha, That is funny.

First time I didn't extend time on the dvr.... Race ended for me with four laps to go.... Damn time Warner...

I always extent my recordings 30 minutes.

I just switched to TWC it's been a nightmare. I've had two dvr boxes that don't record or work at all. I hate paying all this money for this crap.

Dude, you're just having shitty luck. I got a TWC Cisco DVR and it's been golden since I got it early last year. Once I have all the different names that they call this stuff in there, I seldom, if ever, have an issue. Of course, I really don't need the DVR as I have been watching them live. Although I fell asleep around 8 and didn't wake up until 10:15, so the DVR came in handy there. Give it time man. Once you get it working it's just too damn good in my opinion. I feel your pain on the cost though. I think about other options, but that's about all the farther I get... :(

450 main was boring, no action at all besides the first lap lol

You are on crack. Were they more exciting when first place was 20+ seconds ahead of 2nd?... ???

What are you smoking? That main was awesome. Whenever the top 5 guys are all in eye sight on the track, that is some great racing. Those guys were all on it.


Bubba ended up on the ground, no surprise there. Bubba, fastest man in the heats still.........and you know, not there in the main. Would not surprise me if he goes winless in SX.

You smoking now. He's been fairly consistent other than A1. Slick tracks seem to hinder JS7 and RV2. He'll mix it up in the east coast rounds I'll bet ya... His mains are typically good other than the inability to get a good start consistently... All it will take is a bobble from each of the top 3 and everything tightens up. Dungey fell this weekend. The pressure of the competition favors this.

What about Weston Pieck? This guy is flying! 5th place in the main. Absolutely the fastest man with out major support. I cant believe Gibbs would not pick this guy up.

Yeah, there's something there that we're not being told. I heard somewhere that he had burned bridges in the industry. I cannot remember where I heard that and/or could I confirm it. He just needs to keep it up. One would think he'll get a good ride at some point. Dude is fast and looks good.

Can't wait until next week. Finally bought my Indy tickets. I am just hoping everyone stays healthy. Been such a great season so far. Mains are insane with so many fast guys bunched up at the front of the mains... I'm thinking about making the NY round possibly in April. Would love go make it to Vegas for the final round, but thinking I am going to have to put that one out until October...