Accident Policies

I was wondering for a while what the heck THRONE was in there for. I guess now I finally realized he is trying to spell THORN. I guess that's another tough word like YOUR and YOU'

Anyway, I can't help but think in a way that this insurance is an example of what's wrong with our country. I ride dirt bikes by choice, I hurt myself, and now I'm expecting someone to pay me so I make a profit from my injury?

I mean it's one thing to have insurance to help pay uncovered medical bills, etc when injured/disabled and unable to work. But making a profit from injuring yourself in a sporting activity somehow seems fraudulent to me.

LOL! I had to read it a few times before I actually got what I think he was trying to say....

Yeah, I was kinda thinking along your lines Pit at first, but the medical arena is a crazy game. Charge high 'cause you know insurance isn't going to pay all of it, etc., etc. As far as the supplemental insurance, if their not making money, they wouldn't be doing it. They wait until someone like me who used to get hurt all the time to finally slow down, but keep the insurance "just in case"...although I have slowed, I don't seem to be done quite yet... :(

Maybe you need Taco bell today then?

Meal Deal 3 please with a Mt. Dew!! :)

The real fraud is the hospital inflating charges. $107 for a bag lactated ringers when they get the back for $6.

They charge you 1900 for the ER visit. When they spent $200 in supplies. They charged you $94 for an iv stick and they pay me 1 minute of of my hourly wage to start the iv. The adjustment block of the insurance claims are interesting.

I agree, but it's a vicious circle. You have those that do not pay anyway so we that do have to pay for them as well as the un and under insured folks. For those that have few medical incindents and/or the money to cover expenses without insurance get the most raw deal when charged and pay, but they may come out in the end on top due to not paying overinflated medical insurance costs due to having to the insurance companies having to cover the cost of every Tom, Dick, & Hershey that want to sue them!! (kidding on the Heshey part. Thinking that's supposed to be Harry. ;))

'Tis the Democrat way. Oblamma just trying to add to the issue. Sure, Canadians have "free" healthcare, but they pay for it in getting substandard care I would think. What would be the incentive for a doctor to be better than the next when they all get paid the same? Out of the goodness of their heart? Please...some may do this to an extent, but we all work to get paid, not because it makes us feel good about ourselves. Let's be honest...
I see on his paycheck it says "income protection" in the after tax and "personal accident pretax" in the pretax. guess i am going to have to dig a little deeper! my 2 year old just fell from top bunk to floor, hitting someing on the way down and had to have glue, multiple xrays, and a $1500 ER bill!

After Tax income protection.....that would be his short term disability. Pre-tax accident, would be an accident policy. He may have employee only, EE/Ch, EE/SP. or possibly family.
I can't tell you how many doctors I work with that hate socialized medicine. They don't make any money in England. Or Canada.

And if I don't have insurance I can't call the hospital and negotiate an adjustment. I've tried. My insurance paid 12000 and lake health wanted a $50 copayment. I told them they already paid you 12000. Ill give ya 26 because that's equivalent to the adjustment percentage wise you agreed when my insurance paid you 12,000. They told me tough. They will not make any authorized adjustments. But will set me up with a $5 /mo payment plan and mail me statements each month until its paid off.
So why can insriance companies adjust what they'll pay for services but I can not.

They charged me for 6 medications I refused. So I didn't receive it. But they still charged me....hospitals got some crazy ways of attaining capital.
I used to have Aflac, but that policy didn't pay if I was injured racing. In 07 when I got hurt at High Point they sent a check for the emergency room, then they saw the ambulance was dispatched from High Point raceway. Aflac wanted some money back and they were not going to pay anymore on that claim. If something covered racing like Hershey has that would be good.

Now Chris, ….You know better than come in here and distract from the fantasy with your cold hard facts.
I’m not in the insurance industry and make no claims of my competency on this topic, but I can read and comprehend English at a minimum of the High School Level.

So I did some research on Accident Insurance…..

The first policy that came up on my Accident Insurance search has an exclusion stating: Any Insured Person being engaged in or participating in a motorized vehicular race or speed contest.

The next one phrased it this way: You taking part in any kind ofspeed contest or racing (other than on foot);an accident while you are driving or riding on a motor race track; an accident while you are riding on a motorcycle (but not as apassenger); unless we have agreed in writing to provide this cover.

Allstate’s exceptions read: Or driving in any organized or scheduled race or speed test or while testing an automobile or any vehicle on any race track or speedway.

So I ask ……Where do I look to find this policy that includes me, my bike and my riding on race tracks? Please point me to it.
I have a policy through my employer that I didn't even know about. Not sure if its the same thing you guys are talking about though. I got paid a flat rate weekly when I got hurt. The insurance company even knew I was at a track when I got hurt. Only problem I had was insurance going after the property owner for my bills.
Wow jms, that blows!! They went after the property owner???? with out you asking them too???? ....must be a sucky Insurance Company and they must have it all wrong. According to this underwriter their losses are covered by the all the folks that never use it. Or maybe they were just legally taking advantage of anything they can benefit from.

Not fraudulent in the least. It is an insurance policy. You pay to get the benefit. Lets face it, most people dont get hurt that much. I asked the underwriter why the ins company would offer such a no brainer policy that obviously they lose out on. His response was most people who buy it never use it. Never. He also said that obviously they wouldnt offer it if they werent making money doing it.

I dont expect anything from anyone however I am going to take advantage of anything that I can legally and morally benefit from. This is a product offered by the insurance company and I am paying what they are asking for that product. How is that possibly fraudulent?
That is what I came up with when I checked around myself Marc. I am open to any options though. Maybe PitRacer followers could just put together a collection for us accident prone none insured! Just a thought.
Now Chris, ….You know better than come in here and distract from the fantasy with your cold hard facts.
I’m not in the insurance industry and make no claims of my competency on this topic, but I can read and comprehend English at a minimum of the High School Level.

So I did some research on Accident Insurance…..

The first policy that came up on my Accident Insurance search has an exclusion stating: Any Insured Person being engaged in or participating in a motorized vehicular race or speed contest.

The next one phrased it this way: You taking part in any kind ofspeed contest or racing (other than on foot);an accident while you are driving or riding on a motor race track; an accident while you are riding on a motorcycle (but not as apassenger); unless we have agreed in writing to provide this cover.

Allstate’s exceptions read: Or driving in any organized or scheduled race or speed test or while testing an automobile or any vehicle on any race track or speedway.

So I ask ……Where do I look to find this policy that includes me, my bike and my riding on race tracks? Please point me to it.

Listen grumpy.......

I dont care what you think you have read or what that policy says. All I can tell you is I specifically asked if I would be covered riding or racing my dirt bike and I was told yes. It has paid out to me 5600 for my broken wrist per the paperwork I was provided with at signing up my company for me and my employees. It also paid my 3300 for a broken leg 6 months after I signed up, both of which were due to riding my dirt bike. On top of that I have received 300 2 years in a row for office visits for the kids and another 150 for office visits this year. So all in total I have gotten aprox $9600 in 2.5 years paying $12 a month totaling about $360. You do the math.

Maybe you are looking at a different Allstate policy than what I have for my company?

And everyone knows ALL insurance companies chase who ever they can at any time to reduce their losses. But my under writer, the underwriter that sold me my policy both said that these policies by themselves make them money. The reason they state is MOST people who purchase it dont use it.

But Im sure what you read on the internet is more accurate than a true life experience of mine and the reports of others who sell and actually use it and benefit from it. So for those of you who want to listen to nay sayers and bah humbuggers can revel in the glory of ignorant bliss while those who want to listen to the people who actually USE it can benefit from it......guilt free.
Whew! I believe you Hershey. I will take that $12.00 policy, sign me up. I just think there hard to find for the individually insured.
Ha if your just grumpy after this winter I'd say your doing good. This winter is the worst I've ever been through.
I have a policy through my employer that I didn't even know about. Not sure if its the same thing you guys are talking about though. I got paid a flat rate weekly when I got hurt. The insurance company even knew I was at a track when I got hurt. Only problem I had was insurance going after the property owner for my bills.

My insurance company continually wanted to know where I got hurt and why I was off work. They sent me letters weekly, until I responded with "on public land."

how do I get a policies like hershey's?
That is what I came up with when I checked around myself Marc. I am open to any options though. Maybe PitRacer followers could just put together a collection for us accident prone none insured! Just a thought.

We could fund a group. But then again Scoob and Hershey would drain it, lol. how would we determine who gets what and how much?
I've made some calls and I think this Colonial policy that I can sell on a direct basis is probably the best option for anyone that can only purchase a policy on a direct basis. I suggest anyone interested call me direct to actually discuss, and if you then feel this is good coverage for you, I can enroll you. There are three levels of coverage available, Basic, Preferred, and Premier. The nice thing with the Colonial policy is that you can add some optional riders to the Accident policy. You can add a couple different disability riders if needed, and a sickness hospital confinement rider.

I personally believe anyone riding should have a policy, I've had an accident policy for myself, and my family since I was about 22 years old.

There is much more to these policies than people believe, and you need to understand what your purchasing. So if anyone is interested, please call me direct. 937-603-3120.

There was no good way to post the policy here, the slides came out too small. I can email a PDF to anyone wanting to look at a couple PDfs on the policy and rates. PM me your email address and I can email it.


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I was wondering for a while what the heck THRONE was in there for. I guess now I finally realized he is trying to spell THORN. I guess that's another tough word like YOUR and YOU'

Anyway, I can't help but think in a way that this insurance is an example of what's wrong with our country. I ride dirt bikes by choice, I hurt myself, and now I'm expecting someone to pay me so I make a profit from my injury?

I mean it's one thing to have insurance to help pay uncovered medical bills, etc when injured/disabled and unable to work. But making a profit from injuring yourself in a sporting activity somehow seems fraudulent to me.

Thank you! Agree 100%
Lmao.....fraudulent to buy a product and use as intended?

Hershey....I could not agree more. I sell voluntary products to employers and employees every single day. I have one client, that I even questioned. She had something like 39 claims in a year.......and guess what.........Allstate paid each and every one of those claims.

I am not following some people here. Accident policies are just what they say....they pay you lump sum benefits for accidents and injuries. Whether your in a car wreck, playing softball, fall on the ice, cut your hand on a knife, pick up a lawn mower and hurt your back, or fall off of a motorcycle. I've seen claims for injuries that you scratch your head and wonder, how the hell did that happen.

My oldest daughter is into competition cheer. She wrenched her back in tumbling. She went to the Chiropractor about 6 times.......I filed the injury with Allstate, and they paid me a benefit for all those visits.

I have always told clients........if you have is not if your going to make a claim, just a matter of when.

This is a HUGE market for carriers, and now you even have the health insurance companies pushing accident policies with their product. They want a piece of the pie........they are losing revenue. IN the last 5 or 6 years the market has become very competitive. So if you have a really old policy, I would look at changing to a newer policy if at all possible. The newer policies pay out much better, and cover more.
I'm kind of confused as to why so many people see "fraudulent" activity here.

Taking unemployment payments and never looking for a job = fraud. Faking an injury for disability or time off work = fraud. Obama = fraud.

Reading the details of coverage on an supplemental accident policy, buying the policy, and then truthfully making claims against it when something happens = NOT fraud. If you lie to the company about something that DID'NT happen and collect a payment for that lie, then that would be dishonest & fraudulent. They need documentation to process a payment to you so that doesn't happen.

It's not a "GIFT" from the government where you're taking other hard working people's tax $. My deductibles are very high so we can afford it and this is something I'm going to do so that we don't go broke meeting the annual amounts (only if we have any disasters of course)
The only injuries Jesse get are at the
So to answer your question, Yes his Combined policy covers ANY accident.
I wish I had one on my daughter. She is having shoulder surgery next month from a softball injury. Can't wait to see the bills.