Stuck in a rut

7-8 pages of this,What happen to us man,Maybe we should be pumped the weather broke finally .Races are in full swing,Outdoors are starting up in a week or two_Oh and Apple cabin just runs bikes...they have great turnouts..just sayin!! Hahahahahaha
You guys are idots about the quad thing. Quit talking about it. It's not going to happen. At least I do not think it should and I'm a bike guy. The quads didn't ruin a thing at BC Sunday and seemed to mix quite well. I actually got into watching a couple of the quad races. Really didn't so much the mini's and/or mini quads though. Just me maybe, but I'm not saying get rid of them. Racing's racing. You all need to get over yourself. Seen a few quad guys over the weekend that would wipe any of you on the track. You guys floor me. Bring the trikes back... ;)

Keyboard jockey's... Stay home and play video games then... Quit your bitchin'... Why can't we all just get along...???
You guys are idots about the quad thing. They didn't ruin a thing at BC Sunday and seemed to mix quite well. I actually got into watching a couple of the quad races. Really didn't so much the mini's and/or mini quads though. Just me maybe, but I'm not saying get rid of them. Racing's racing. You all need to get over yourself. Seen a few quad guys over the weekend that would wipe any of you on the track. You guys floor me. Bring the trikes back... ;)

Keyboard jockey's... Stay home and play video games then... Quit your bitchin'... where did I say get rid of them...but it could work running them on sat and still having time for bike practice....bikes Sunday and with less motos peeps could get home a little sooner and maybe have a lap or to added to there class...

That's killin three bird with one stone!;)
Timsr. It is not the 5 or 6 quad hating guys on pitracer. It s the thousands of quad hating motocrossers not comming to your tracks.

Would you have a beta max movie rental store 10 years ago ,or vhs store? Phonegraph or cd? E mail or fax , bike or trike. Forget that. My bad
It is business. Follow the money. Thats the fact.
I am not going to start a business selling fax machines.
Oh for the record. I have zero issue with quads at practice.

Maybe on the c track where i am trying to keep my 50 rider safe. Not on the big track.
"You know as well as I do Jason said this was fact for him, he gained more bikes than he lost quads....revenue increased.
OIR without a doubt had the largest turnouts for a normal race in Ohio on a regular basis. No question about it.
Racers that actually race continually say in these types of posts that they seek out tracks that DONT run quads."

Keep in mind Dave, that was in reference to Wednesday practice. Not race weekends. I really don't understand why but a decent weekday quad turnout just does not seem to exist. Best we have ever seen is 18.

With all of the great things that the Hands did at OIR, I think that one of the main reasons that the Hands had big turn outs at OIR was because they didn't have open practice. So the only time to ride there was on race day. I talk to some local riders tonight at Apple Cabin and they said they would rather practice at OIR on May 11 then race there on May 25.

So I'm stand by my no practice on Sunday.
Timsr. It is not the 5 or 6 quad hating guys on pitracer. It s the thousands of quad hating motocrossers not comming to your tracks.

Would you have a beta max movie rental store 10 years ago ,or vhs store? Phonegraph or cd? E mail or fax , bike or trike. Forget that. My bad
It is business. Follow the money. Thats the fact.
I am not going to start a business selling fax machines.

Jeremy, Do you not see this? Thousands of racers. Thousands!!!!

Better drop the quads now Jeremy!!! You are missing out on about a bagillion dollars.
The one guy who said he was just getting warmed up after lap 4...that's funny stuff there....maybe in nascar you can take 4 laps to get going but not MOTO and that will not has always been more of a sprint! But if you want longer motos, well there's always the big show!!

If you're running a track that has some length to it, 4 or 5 laps is good. But a lot of MX tracks really aren't that long. And it seems that the tighter, twistier and jumpier it is, the tougher it is to get a rhythm going, particularly if you've only had 3 warm up laps.

Scenic Highlands for example. That track had some length, and if I couldn't get the job done there in 4 or 5, then I need to some improvement to my skills and lap times. I accept that.

I curiously asked earlier, how long were moto's back in the 70's, 80's and 90's?
And some tracks ran 3 maoto formats correct?
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First off I would like to commend the oma for what they have been doing. We have been running for the most part 5 laps which is more than we ever have in the past and still leaving about the same time. Turnouts have been good and the racing has been fun.

As for the amount of classes and what time we leave I don't get you people. I have never once left for a race track and hoped I would be out of there by a certain time. We are going racing we know it will take the majority of the day. I would rather go to a track and have the option of running three or four classes than one. If we had to drive the 2 hours to BC unload ride 10 mins of practice and how every long a moto for 1 class and leave by noon we won't go. Yes I know there is a lot of sitting around on race day for some, we have never had that problem with 2-4 racers every time out. If you go to a practice that had sessions it's almost the same thing, you spend time sitting. It's the sport we love, you get to ride. Yes sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it too. People that want to race will race and people that don't want to race will practice. I don't think changing the class structure or taking quads out will change this. Can't we just be thankful that we have so many options and places to ride. It's the same small number of people on here complaining about the same thing. It is what it is and that's how its always been.
Keep in mind Dave, that was in reference to Wednesday practice. Not race weekends. I really don't understand why but a decent weekday quad turnout just does not seem to exist. Best we have ever seen is 18.
Malvern......No quads at practice....huge swing in the increase in bikes on weds nights.

Got that, hopefully there wasnt confusion with that in my original statement.

Im not a quad hater TimSR90. And there are way more than 5-6 people on here saying they dont like riding tracks with quads. And talk to people at the track that dont post.

This is the last time I will say this.......

Too long of a race day
bikes and quads dont mix

2 things in every single thread about making racing MX better. I am simply saying these are the 2 things that stand out every time there is this discussion yet these 2 things are not addressed in a way to help racing in our area. Im not saying get rid of the quads. And I understand that the long days are tough to get around. We need to be thinking about new ways to resolve theses issues to help boost attendance and revenue for the local tracks. Also I understand as attendance grows the days will be longer. But one thing that happens with better racing.....the long days arent as annoying. Racers will attend big ticket races knowing the day will be long.

DD said it, Im saying it, JO says it everytime he makes fun of PIT261 and the rest of us that travel out of state to ride, look at the number of racers that travel regularly out of state......Do people have their ears turned on to listen??? I think not. Why do you think so many do that? Why do they spend so much extra time and money doing that?

Good racing, full gates and tracks that are focused on THEIR machine.

The quad guys travel to the ATV nationals and big ticket races.....the bike guys hit LL Qualifiers, the Masters mx series, Red bud vetfest, the Area51 CanAm race and the Baja brawl. Racers go there spending lots of money and time. Why not mimic those events and series....take a couple years of not so good and build them to something great??

The promoters in Ohio can either look at what works for these other tracks, listen to feedback they ask for and put it to work for them or continue to do the same format Ohio racing has done the last 25 years and wonder why racing is " Stuck in a rut"
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Oh for the record. I have zero issue with quads at practice.

Maybe on the c track where i am trying to keep my 50 rider safe. Not on the big track.

I was going to say something to that effect. You all is funny... :)

It is what it is. Nobody is an idiot in response to prior comments, but I'm just not seeing the big deal about no quads and shorter days making all that much better for EVERYONE. Thinking their are some haters on here whether they admit it or not and/or they just ain't happy unless they are complaining. Again, is what it is. Peeps complaing about long days and not enough laps in the same sentence. Complaining about long travel, but going out of state to ride/race.

Let's just say I am glad as well as you all are I am certain, I am not a track owner nor a politician. Have a good one...
When you start doing things strictly for the money, or make decisions solely for money, you walk a slippery slope. I have a hard enough time walking on flat ground, I will stick my piss poor business plan, I don't need to be rich. It seems like it turns normal guys into assholes. Just an observation, ;)
I curiously asked earlier, how long were moto's back in the 70's, 80's and 90's?
And some tracks ran 3 maoto formats correct?[/QUOTE]
I don't remember anyone running 3 moto formats but the motos were longer. Typical race at say Kenworthy was 5 Laps C's 6 for B's and 7 for A
On a 2:30 min track no less.
The people that say they want to run 3 or 4 classes so they get more track time... you can not see the forest for all the darn trees in the way...
You get less track time per class BECAUSE you want so many classes. duh.
Hershey is correct, people go out of state (and always have) to run more competition on better tracks. Why are the tracks better? The events are catered to Motocross... not quadocross.
On that note, keep in mind this weekend is our only bike only race of the year. We didn't have any last year. So as much as TimSr90 likes to paint me as a quad hater it's just not the case.

People will not get any impressions about whether or not you are a quad hater based on the number of bike only events you have. They will look at how many of those scheduled events are cancelled, moved, or rescheduled at the last minute in order to favor the riders you would like to have, without regard to the inconvience caused to those other riders with less favorability who had made arrangements to be there on the scheduled date and time. Once again, I'll reserve judgement until the season has passed.
I curiously asked earlier, how long were moto's back in the 70's, 80's and 90's?
And some tracks ran 3 maoto formats correct?
I don't remember anyone running 3 moto formats but the motos were longer. Typical race at say Kenworthy was 5 Laps C's 6 for B's and 7 for A
On a 2:30 min track no less.
The people that say they want to run 3 or 4 classes so they get more track time... you can not see the forest for all the darn trees in the way...
You get less track time per class BECAUSE you want so many classes. duh.
Hershey is correct, people go out of state (and always have) to run more competition on better tracks. Why are the tracks better? The events are catered to Motocross... not quadocross.[/QUOTE]

I only ran a handful of motos (bikes) in the late 70's or early 80's, but I'm thinking Grand Prix Raceway ran 5 laps. I also remember a lot less riders, and a lot less classes. There wasn't much of variety of bikes to classify at that time.
What a great day of bikes. The jumps didn't get holes or cupped out, the track stayed consistent......all I have to do is push a couple berms in.......sure seems cheaper than refacing every frickin jump. Come on now guys don't get bent. It's no different than saying ban the quads to me. Free speech, right?
"Too long of a race day
bikes and quads dont mix"

While I will agree the bikes and quads don't mix well on most tracks. That is why we run the split program.

The idea that we are loosing some Ohio riders because they are going out of state to race where there are no quads, there for having a shorter race day is complete B.S.!! I have been running Zack all over the eastern half of this country racing different events. Some lorreta's some not. Almost all of them did not have quads and NONE of them were a shorter race day. My god at the spring classic at mill creek in Alabama it took them three days for everyone to do two moto's. You want to talk about a long boring event! But they probably had a ton of riders right? Nope well under 500. Bottom line is there is no such thing as a short race day unless you want to do GP's and I have solid data proving almost no one wants to do that!