Can MX be made safer?

You know...some people are just plain crazy. Laws for this...regulations for that...cant...don't... blah blah blah. What happened to free enterprise? If people don't like it they don't go and the business goes under. If a track isn't safe...don't go. Don't be some flippin' democrat that tries to control everything with laws regulations and rules that are designed to make someone else money....not actually solve an issue. Its all about control.

How about this...If you don't think a track is safe...don't go and ride it. Accept the responsibility to use your own brain instead of blaming someone else for your lack of judgment. Or better yet, share your ideas of how a track is not to your liking with the owner in a respectful way. But noooooooo. We can't do that. It's always someone else's fault for our lack of good judgment or common sense. America has gone to the birds with the bunch of whining, suing, blaming pansies. Tracks don't hurt people, their lack of judgment does.