(ISIS) and US...

What is the difference between a detainee and a prisoner of war? I am not being combative I really would like to know.
Someone can be detained for any given reason at anytime for any period of time if there is an assumed threat, detainees are not convicted or found guilty. There for their is no set release because they are awaiting a due judicial process, witch can take as long as Uncle Sam wants. There are may loopholes and grey areas in the legal system for anyone threatening national security, all technicalities.
The intelligence he based the invasion on was wrong but that does not mean there was no threat. The invasion was based on the threat of weapons of mass destruction, witch there were none. But there was evidence proving funding and plans were made to acquire such weapons. Also remember we were not at war with the country itself but the organizations in witch were residing there.
I can't stand it any longer..not a school teacher but "witch" is wrong..it is "which". Don't be mad but I see in various posts you spell the word incorrectly....just love our English language which is one of the hardest languages to learn!
What is happening in Iraq is sort of our problem. By going in the first time, when we should not have, we upset the government already in place there and this is the result. There is far too much evidence out there that we went into Iraq in hopes of taking over the oil there not because of weapons of mass destruction. I don't want to see us back over there again but at the same time something has to be done with ISIS or now referred to as ASIL. They are a threat to the U.S. and other countries as well because so many of them are either U.S. or European and hold passports which would allow them free to travel both here and to other European countries. My family is British and when my aunt and cousin came over here early this summer they told me that the Muslims are flourishing over there so it was no surprise to hear that many ISIS are in fact British right down to the one who beheaded the journalist. That being said, not all Muslims are bad and in reality they are non violent, it the extremists that are bad and you have that even in the Christian religion.
Obama is NOT Muslim and even if he were, not all Muslims are a threat to us. ISIS is killing more Muslims than any other religious group. They are extremists of a very high degree..like cancer they spread. This is not ALL Obama's fault and in fact it is the fault of many but I agree I hope they do something and in a BIG way. But be careful of what we wish for....this could result in a war of mass proportion and that scares me as much as ISIS itself.
My bad, I'll work on my correct spelling. lol Agreed though on your post, as I stated before the muslim religon is very peacefull. It's the ones that don't understand it and only know what they are told being raised by extreamist and not knowing anything else. If you can't read the book your living by and someone you trust tells you what it says why question it?
My bad, I'll work on my correct spelling. lol Agreed though on your post, as I stated before the muslim religon is very peacefull. It's the ones that don't understand it and only know what they are told being raised by extreamist and not knowing anything else. If you can't read the book your living by and someone you trust tells you what it says why question it?
Funny you would bring that up. From what little I have read the Amish are somewhat the same way.
It's never gonna end, when politics and war mix the problem is never solved. I don't think it can ever be stopped, no matter what they'll just keep coming out of nowhere and rebuilding. Bigger, smarter and stronger. And with all the issues with russia, korea, now china? It'll get worse before it gets better.
Then add religion and you have the perfect mix for a perfect storm. But for the life of me I can not understand a religion that would call for the brutal murders and the raping of women.
Funny you would bring that up. From what little I have read the Amish are somewhat the same way.

You ever want to get beaten up by a 16 year old in the middle of rumspringa (sp?), let me know.
Like me way back when, they all seem to have fake IDs. Unlike me, they have been slinging
bales of hay 12 hours a day for a few years already by then. I avoid the bars they hang in now
days but if you're interested......
It is a very good thing that you gave ample warning as to the content of that vid. I learned how to eat my lunch while observing and studying graphic sites on surgeries. Being the only female in a clinical setting I received much criticism from the female secretarial staff whom I often shared lunch with but this was difficult to watch. Somewhat like the most gruesome horror movie but knowing it is real, not just a movie.
I was somewhat uplifted today (being 99% of my family still resides in Great Britain) that the Prime Minister declared he was raising the terrorist threat to SEVERE and also that they will be throwing in their support with the U.S. in the fight against ISIS. Now if we can get the support of the other countries perhaps we can eradicate this group of radicals. In the Prime Ministers speech GB is going to finally start cracking down on the Muslim immigration into the country. My cousin told me this past summer how bad it has gotten over there with these Muslims moving in, starting business's and undercutting the British workers ect. and they certainly do not use the money to improve their living conditions....so where do you suppose the money is being sent? Great Britain has always had a open door policy, perhaps more lax then even here in the U.S. and now it has to stop. I feel as if we are hurtling into another war, this one perhaps like that of WW11. That ISIS will be like another Hitler.
You ever want to get beaten up by a 16 year old in the middle of rumspringa (sp?), let me know.
Like me way back when, they all seem to have fake IDs. Unlike me, they have been slinging
bales of hay 12 hours a day for a few years already by then. I avoid the bars they hang in now
days but if you're interested......
Growing up slinging s**t out of stalls, tossing hay bales, splitting logs with my brothers will do a lot for your arm strength. I earned a little extra cash and free drinks arm wrestling guys at the bar!! Mind you that was in my much younger days!! But at 63 I still walk in the pits....don't need to ride around in mules or golf carts and I lift 50lb. bags of plaster at work (when no one will take pity on the old lady that is.)
Ha.....A video of extremists doesnt show the entire religion is evil anymore than saying all of the prisoners in the USA shows we are all criminals.

Unfortunately no one will ever eradicate these extremists. They have been fighting in the name of their God for centuries and will never stop. There was a banner in the video that explains it perfectly.

"Our dead are in paradise , your dead are in hell"

That type of mentality can never be beaten, ever.
It's gonna be a never ending battle as long as we are alive. They are everywhere, living in our city's. Every country around the world, hiding, plotting, supporting from the sidelines. We can't stop it, just keep them in the corner. But every here and there they will get a sneaky left hook in.
You are both right...all we can do is try to keep them somewhat contained. What has probably allowed them to grow as much as they have as of late is the social media...internet. As in the Bible prophesy...we will travel to and fro. How easy is it in todays world for evil to proliferate and spread throughout the world. So much of prophesy is coming to light as of late.
I also noticed all the youngsters in that vid...how young they start them. Poor little babes.
You are both right...all we can do is try to keep them somewhat contained. What has probably allowed them to grow as much as they have as of late is the social media...internet. As in the Bible prophesy...we will travel to and fro. How easy is it in todays world for evil to proliferate and spread throughout the world. So much of prophesy is coming to light as of late.
I also noticed all the youngsters in that vid...how young they start them. Poor little babes.
I strongly agree, social media is a big factor in spreading their beliefs. So many disturbed youth all over the world are getting sucked into the bullshit and end up behind bars or worse. I know this first hand, my whole life so far has been military to federal law enforcement. Terrorist are made stateside everyday amongst us, supporting these groups around the world. How? The internet...
Threads merge...

Heard last night that they discovered that while in captivity the recently beheaded was also water boarded..and dressed in orange in retaliation to what our government did during the Bush years at Guantomino. Our sins have come back to haunt us.