So, what's the Quad Excuse THIS week?

Now if we can just figure out how to add a rock pit, tire section, lots of narrow gaps between trees and a creek crossing so we can include the enduro and GNCC guys we might have a real Battle for Ohio.

On a different note, I heard the badminton community are up in arms because they want in on the Wimbledon Championships....those tennis guys really get catered to!

I am only kidding of course but its not hard to see some things arent meant to go together. Its just hard to come up with a solution that works for everything and everyone.
'tis... Glad that's your job to go through all this BS and pull out the real solutions...if indeed they are here. ;)
'tis... Glad that's your job to go through all this BS and pull out the real solutions...if indeed they are here. ;)
Thats is where it gets hard. When you try to please the masses you still have some that will cry loud for all to hear. One persons voice on a forum can be made to look like a bigger problem than it really is. As a promoter we all cringe at the thought of any negative comments but we learn to deal with them and try our best to come up with solutions. Some times it is nearly impossible to have a cure all. In the case of quads vs bikes you will never have a common ground....they want two entirely different things.
Apparently you didn't do well with equations in school: Battle - Quads = No JO. Therefore, No Battle. No further derivatives found.

Apparently you thought that was a dig at you. Wrong, replace quads with PW50's. The question being the same, would the elimination of one 'group' be offset financially by bringing in others? I get the equation quite well thank you. Quads was used in my example because it seems that is the dividing line. Nothing personal. Geesh....
Thats is where it gets hard. When you try to please the masses you still have some that will cry loud for all to hear. One persons voice on a forum can be made to look like a bigger problem than it really is. As a promoter we all cringe at the thought of any negative comments but we learn to deal with them and try our best to come up with solutions. Some times it is nearly impossible to have a cure all. In the case of quads vs bikes you will never have a common ground....they want two entirely different things.
Yes I know. In helping JO I see this. It IS impossible to cure all. Some ain't happen unless they're complaining about something. Makes them feel good for a moment as they think if they focus on someone else's problems instead of thiers I guess they're better than you. However, some of the feedback is crucial and you all do a good job at taking it in and doing what you can, when you can. NONE of us are perfect. You'll try things. Some will win, some will fail. I understand that you have to limit the risk and failures as it affects your bottom line. Go below that, no track and everyone asks why and says how great you were and do not understand why you closed after the fact...

Correct on the quad dealio as well. I, being a vet bike guy, haven't an issue with quads. It's fair game and I do not think the issue is the quads in the series as much as it is just the amount of peeps that are coming to in to the battle races. Sure, it adds the # of motos, but so do 50's, mini's, and vets. There has to be a way to allow them all to work together. Again, sooooo glad it's not up to me to figure it out.

You all will. I'll just keep showing up and doing what I can to add to the positive vs. the negative...mostly. I mentioned that none of us are perfect, right? Now, is there anything you can do to get me a start? Let my gate drop a second early? Yeah. Let's talk about this...I'll come to your Holloweeny thingy? Well, I plan to come to that anyway, so probably not a good bribe...
Today is like dodging fire from the enemy and the friendly's, cant tell which angle you were coming from Fluid Power.

I think if I were asked to cut a group completely (minis, vets, quads, LL freaks), any group, I wouldn't hold the race. If it gets to that point, I'm bowing out of holding these races at that point. Time for a new project at that point.
Jason and Tina, and the rest of the crew did a great job yesterday with what was all on their plate. Thank you guys.

But, i'm chiming in on the quad vs. bike drama. What successful track/race has bikes and quads race on the same day? None that i've been to. Me personally, i'm all for eliminating quads. Its sucks to say because i have friends that race quads, but at the same time, look at what it does to our tracks and our riders. Most of our local guys only have smooth glassy tracks to ride, they get to nationals where no quads are at, and they struggle.

Practice saturday morning at Malvern was the best i've ever seen and ridden the track. All the hard work didnt go unnoticed. Until quads blew all the sand off and it was nice and smooth and hard. I feel bad that Jason and his crew worked that hard, almost for nothing. I would have loved to see how the track woulda shaped up if quads didn't go out.

Plus having to prep the track after practice for quads, then after them for bikes..? If quads were eliminated from racing on the same day, that would eliminate at least 2 sessions of track prep. I mean, do you hear guys complaining about Lorettas being too rough to ride?

Also, why is there talk about eliminating the 50's? In my opinion, racing 50's is more "true motocross" than racing quads.

I could go on and on about this subject. Touchy, like i said, cause we all know someone that rides a quad that we are friends with. But just look at the numbers of bikes vs quads...
Lets all start running the race order from biggest gate to smallest gate. Award the classes who come in masses. Eventually the small numbers will self promote themselves to bigger gates or live with running dead last and spending the most time at the track waiting. food for thought!
My point being where do you draw the line on who races Saturday and Sunday? Its a toughie. This goes back to cutting classes, its ok, except for when its your class.

I would pick a class to race Saturday and another to race Sunday. SO I could race both days. Or pick one that I can make, Some work on Saturday.
I like Vet261's idea.

Sorry I am not going to make the battle this year.....
Take a step back. Look at it in $$$ and cents. Not as a quad rider or bike rider.
the numbers will make a decision for you. Once you try to make a hobby a business it is then a job.
If it is a job go for the money. The masses. The masses of money.
We'll I'm pretty sure we get the point week in and week out all the bitchin is u hate quads after every race u hear the same thing they tear up the track I'd hate to see 300 of them show up they would have to hand out tissues from all the crying
From an old guy with a bad back, that should have quit a long time ago......Us 40 plus guys said on the line, don't rip the track, let us ride it just like the Quads left it!!

I seriously think my idea of a Battle for Quads sounds good. First round after Quad national (lots of quad guys there), round two at Malvern. Then Quads are supporting their own series, see if they show up from multi states, and the BoO Bike series would draw another 60-80 entries and no money lost, and money probably saved in trophies, diesel, etc. Am I crazy with this idea?

Or are the profit from the bikes being used to help support the quad classes so they can make a profit on Quads?
Take a step back. Look at it in $$$ and cents. Not as a quad rider or bike rider.
the numbers will make a decision for you. Once you try to make a hobby a business it is then a job.
If it is a job go for the money. The masses. The masses of money.

If I were doing this for the money, I would just run the AQ and a Atv national if I get re selected, and if I didn't, I would just run practice if you want blunt honesty. Good thing I don't just do this for the money huh?
Raptor 519, Woody, and MX 111 how did you guys do at Malvern yesterday? I had a rough time in +50, but was glad to be there supporting the class.
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I want to see you make money. Cause I do not want to run a track, only ride it...
You have to love the sport to do as good as you should make money or at least work less.

In my company I got rid of the things that were a pain in the ....... or did not make a good profit.
I still make the same profit at the end of the year but do not "gross" as much money or do near as much work/aggravation.

That was more my point. Keep it up you guys have a good problem, we are glad to have great tracks local to go to
RapI actuallor 519, Woody, and MX 111 how did you guys do at Malvern yesterday? I had a rough time in +50, but was glad to be there supporting the class.
Second in vet and fourth in open. Dont worry i actually race and dont just run my mouth on here. The results are online.

Btw I didnt complain for one second after leaving chillitown at 9:00 pm. Im just glad to be able to spend a weekend at the track with my family and moto family. Motocross is more than showing off, needing a trophy (I selected tshirts for my awards) etc.... Motocross is what we work all week for and its so much more than the time we put on the hour meter.

Maybe getting home in time to watch criminal minds is more important to some people but winter is coming and you will wish you were out riding at 7:00 rather than sitting in the dark
I don't think I had a chance to thank you guys in person but Jason, Tina, Connie and crew you guys did a fantastic job and Nikki and I really appreciate it!
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Raptor 519, Woody, and MX 111 how did you guys do at Malvern yesterday? I had a rough time in +50, but was glad to be there supporting the class.
Raptor 519, Woody, and MX 111 how did you guys do at Malvern yesterday? I had a rough time in +50, but was glad to be there supporting the class.

Guess I'm the excuse guy issues have been a major factor in my riding time this year. When I get to where I need to be I'll be stinking the back of the pack up . Glad to hear your twisting the throttle in the +50 class !
Malvern amazed me..such a good turn out. So much to read here...I can only agree that it is unfortunate that the quads and bikes don't mix well but it is a fact that it creates a huge problem as far as track condition. One of our dearest friends was a quad rider..Laz Sommers of GT Thunder. So that being said I have nothing to add. I agree though that practice took up far too much time this weekend. You will never please everyone but I really feel that if you are offering a practice day prior to then practice on race day could easily be cut down.
The tracks are not all that technical...just look at this weekends pro race. I thought it was sort of boring..start and then pretty much freight train the whole race. I didn't see a lot of passing or action out there.
I do have one question. Where do you go to discover how the pro purse is dispersed. I have been thinking about this all to word this so it does not offend anyone. I was a little surprised when Chris gave me his pay packet which just goes in the kitty to pay for further races and practice. He finished 6 and 7 with a 6 overall which I felt was not too shabby considering the caliber of riders that showed up. I don't mind saying that he does better when there are only 4 or 5 guys in the class. Boring, yes, but the pay is better. I am not sure how you correct that except try to get more in the kitty and perhaps revise the pay scale some. I would think that as an A rider I would easily become discouraged especially if I was on a shoe string budget. Perhaps some input from the riders themselves is needed here.