

PR Founding Father
Just wanted to let everyone this is my last year running beans bike park. Figured I'd tell before rumors start flying around . Thanks for the support over the years I do appreciate it. Got a realitor coming this week I'm sure I got to fix a lot of stuff on my house before it will go on the market.
Thanks again hope everyone has some good memories from the track.
I only had the chance to ride at your place twice, but had a great time! It is sad to see a quality place shut down, but when it is time, it is time. Good luck on your next venture and thank you!
At least of my last fifteen years of still "trying" to do mx ur track kept the fun in it for me probably the most... I will never forget the first time I hit Bean's famous tunnel jump and that was back when riders used to come up from the bottom of the hill (before u made it a parking area) ...u r a cool cat Bj and I'm kinda bummed I'm bike less this year and didn't spin some laps down there. Best of luck in ur new venture
WOW sorry to read this! I haven't been down much the last few years (really haven't ridden practice much of anywhere) but you know Beans was always one of my all time favorite tracks! I have some great memories from both racing, riding, and just hanging out at Beans! (Kickit Festival anyone?)

I say this calls for a big Farewell Ride Party!
Really sucks, but wish you the best for the future! Always had a blast riding there!
Always a great time riding at Beans! BJ you are one awesome dude and appreciate all of your hard work and effort over the years. Thanks for the memories and I'm looking forward to the Beans ride day!
Aww man what a bummer. I proposed to my beautiful wife there on the incredible 4th of July open practice whip contest extravaganza. Got my first trophy (D12 5th place in 30+C). BJ you probably will never know how many lives you've touched. I say this calls for an incredible farewell party.
Beans might have been the second track I ever rode back when it first opened up. Thinking that was 1999 or so. Always liked the place a lot. Sad to see it go away. I can't imagine the headaches of operating a track, especially one in your backyard. BJ, thanks for keeping it going all these years. Good luck on whatever you do next.
What a bummer, hope the best for your future. Terrible news on a Monday morning after a sweet riding session yesterday.... at beans :(
Oh man say it aint so! BJ thanks so much over the years for the effort you put into giving us a great place to ride. I have very fond memories of Beans I won't soon forget. Good luck in the future. We will definitely be down more this season.
Good luck for the future BJ.

I remember a race back in '01 or '02 and some nutjob comes blasting past me up the steep hill over in the back corner and ends up plowing into that stand of pine trees....he never let off....good times.
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My one beans story. We parked in the middle of the track, just past the tunnel jump landing. So me and finckel are sitting in chairs toward the back of the trailer, next thing you know this guy on a zook jumps off the side of the jump lands clear off the side of the landing and starts flopping and cartwheeling. He and the bike come to rest right at the ramp door of the trailer. Needless to say we didn't feel the need for a nap between motos.
awesome times & memories, I started riding there when it was a little track in the yard! some of the best 4th of july celebrations as well! thanks for everything you did BJ. could be a good turn-key business for someone, BJ has the place well set up
As long as my family and I are on this earth, we will speak nothing but praise over BJ and Beans Rd. Nothing lasts forever, but pictures and video turn up a hundred years after the generations are gone. I know we'll all do our part to keep the Beans Rd tales told forever.

I got my first win there in 03. I learned to jump at Beans. Our lives changed for the better and we thank you. I will try to get back out for another 100 times around the pipe jump. #allChokedUp