After Battle Review

AND just FYI, I didn't make the call on the sign up dealio. My referee made a decision that sign up was closed, I had a lot going on, and I didn't have time to undermine the authority of the sign up crew nor the referee. Moving forward we will discuss how far can we wait? Is it a set time, or is it the first drop? Maybe this where pre-registration comes in, and if you sign up and pay, but you are not there, then oh well - DNS. Just thinking how we can better from this situation.

Most of us have been using online signups for just about everything in life for 10+ years hotels, plane tickets, restaurant reservations etc., even my grandkids swimming lessons.

I was in IL for the AMA Vintage Nationals yesterday, signed up two weeks early, got a small discount, drove in the gate and the check me off the list 10 sec. max. seems like anything less is silly today. Makes it much easier for the promoter also, the costs involved are much less than the staff needed to handle 500+ at the race.
What a great weekend and what a great series. Here are some highlights:

KTM Demos - I hope everyone thanked KTM for bring out a crap load of new bikes for us to ride between sessions. It really helped break up the sessions. I couldn't keep that 450's front tire on the ground. What a bike.

Dunk tank - I've come to the conclusion every weekend race just needs some entertainment for the kids. Blow up pool, sprinkler, anything water related. They had a ball and I didn't see one golf cart packed full of kids that whole hour. Some great people taking a cold plunge for a good cause. Great job.

Security. Vet Fest had a private security guy cruising around on a golf cart all day/night. This solves many problems for maybe $200.

Pit vehicles. There's nothing wrong with a dad taking mom on a golf cart over yonder to watch their son race. I think we're all talking about the kids ripping through the pits/C track, basically everywhere but not going anywhere. 18+ would solve this problem. A speed limit. See Security above. However the problem is there are 200 bored kids around. Let them walk and burn some energy. Bicycle races on the kids track (more energy burned). A foot race around the C track.

Generators. The only reason you need to run a quiet generator all night is to run A/C. However if it's 64 degrees out open a f'n window. If you have allergies take a pill or spray. All generators should have been off at 10am like the promoter had asked. For those who didn't listen shame on you. See Security above for the solution. The loud Home Depot generators shouldn't be permitted at all (yes they're just as annoying during the day). See Security above. I'm with Hershey with an alternative sugar solution.

40+ and Womens. I saw this all unfold. What a mess. Hard to say if egos were involved or father daughter protective instincts or both. Every female rider I know holds their line, races just as hard, and can handle a couple fast riders coming through. 40+ and womens all had A, B, and C riders. Maybe if we all went off at the same time it would have all worked itself out after the first corner? They certainly deserve to be treated like any other ABC class. My only complaint with putting 40+ with womens is I couldn't watch the womens race;)

Track. That was my favorite practice/race prep at BC since I've been going there. There weren't 20 deep rutts in every corner. It was loamy in places for the first time. Fast as hell. It meant for the first time I could actually race people instead of trying to prevent the track from killing me. So much fun

Flaggers. Awesome job!

Late Arrivals. Charge them a late fee, they miss practice, some penalty but don't turn away revenue. The system should be flexible enough to pencil someone in during practice. No offense to Connie or the AMA because I'm sure they had to have a cutoff time. It sounds like a database application issue. Simple enough to add a late arrival phone number? "Hey I'm in the car line at the gate put me down for schoolboy" or "Hey I got a flat tire but I'm still coming" Something to think about over the winter.

OMA What can be said but wow what a turnaround for Ohio motocross. The battle series is over but there are still plenty of OMA races scheduled this year. Support this organization by supporting these events too.
I would like to think that jon250 is ashamed and embarrassed by his comments and actions Sunday. But I doubt it. After learning he was a city council member it troubled me even more. Enough people heard jon250’s comments and threats to any girl that came near him on the track that it doesn’t matter to me who didn’t here him. You jon250 are a hazard on the track. You zigzag the track or were you trying to make good on your threat. Seriously, you would be at the back of the pack in the women’s class. I wasted enough time on jon250.

MXFLY I have NO idea who you even are. But I can ASSURE you that I NEVER threated any Woman, and never made threats to any woman to come near me on the track. As for any zig zagging on the track....not sure what your talking about. I was racing the 40+ riders just fine. And one women passed me, number 55 over the table top, no issues. I have nothing to hide and took responsibility for what I said, not for the made up crap. As for saying I would kick someones ass........yeah, the big guy in the red shirt that got mouthy with me. The one that probably has never been on a motocross track.

I guess looking out for the safety of the 40+ and womens riders was not the right thing to do.

Now, to the positive that happened. The Women will always have their own gate!! You can thank me at the next round.
Kim Adams told me he went to Connie about the plus 40 and Women gate and was told she would not change it. Only Connie can say if he did or not but my question is, why is the women’s class treated like a burden. 16 riders and they can’t get their own gate. I understand if there are only 8 or less women but on a big race like a state championship race that 16 show up at BC and 17 at Malvern you still can’t see the reason for their own gate. The women’s class has a broad range of skill level and yes a 85cc bike can run in the class. All the more reason to give them their own gate. I don’t need to hear that it’s about the time. Don’t take this as an attack at you Connie, I think your job is a tough one but it’s time that this is addressed.

Wait... What? Once we had a race order done, the Referee, Jeremy and I did the staggers. What I mean by that is, I put in the computer "1" or "2" depending on what was decided by them. THAT is my part. I posted a race order that was approved by the REFEREE. I was then called at some point during races and was told by the REFEREE that the stagger was changing and Women's would be 1st gate, OK - It doesn't affect my scoregirls, it is just an FYI.. The next thing I know there is a brawl on the line. I had nothing to do with making that decision or changing it - so I call BS - I appreciate you asking me, cause that would have pushed me over the edge.. lol

I don't "give" the Women their own moto, because I don't "give" anyone else their own moto. If I had to give everyone their own moto just because we hit the number 16, we would be at the track for days. I have raced Womens class alone - for only 8 riders - Do you know why? Cause I couldn't stagger them with anyone! I do that with EVERY class - I don't play favorites. Race Orders depend on who's sharing a bike, who's riding what classes, what the track conditions are and a zillion other reasons. I favor no one - I treat the Women, like I treat the Plus 40, Schoolboy, and 50cc Oil Injected.:)
Does not section 1.3 of the AMA rule book state that if there are 5 or more entries that establishes a class, and more than 12 they get their own gate? Maybe Kim should clarify the rule for us.
My biggest complaint is too much smoking in staging by moto moms and dads. I know I'm +50 but I'm still an athlete. I don't need to breath your stink ass smoke. If you can't go to staging without the cigs, maybe you should stay out.

Ha ha, that is funny. Although I'd be down for that, something tells me your out of luck my friend. :)

A bit of excitement at the gate 40 plus class & women class Lol
I made out on that move moto 1. Girl asked if she could keep her blocks there when we switched. I said sure and used them. Heck, I may need to get me some if I race more... ;)
Third, when I got to staging and the women started getting called to the line I heard John in the back yelling at Jarrett about us giving us first gate drop. Not only yelling at him, but threatening to take out the women riders, calling us slow, calling us bitches, ect. Your wife must be proud, John. You really know how to respect a lady. How was that 20th place finish by the way?

Well said jordendkester10

As for saying I would kick someones ass........yeah, the big guy in the red shirt that got mouthy with me

Don’t flatter yourself. You are not a tough guy. The guy in the red shirt is and would put you in the hospital.
By ASSURE you mean lie and deny.You have Jordenkester10, lotts24 and myself first hand on here telling you what you said. Hey, if I was you I’d want to deny it too. Your actions were shameful.
I have never seen an adult throw a temper tantrum like you. You are no spokesman for the 40+ riders let alone motocross. You looked out for no one but to start trouble.
john250 let me introduce myself. my name is Robert fry. I have been around racing 25 years. was a good rider back in my time. raised a pro license holder . traveled the world and back. know every fast vet guy out there. chris opliger. jeff pape. Richard silvers. the kuchler brothers. and assure you been escorted out of plenty of tracks by the sheriffs dept. for the ones that know me and many do. im a very nice guy until you piss me off . so if you think im some fat ass and you can threaten my daughter. or any female for that matter me and you should have a private conference meeting. maybe we could get a better understanding of one another.and yes me and kim adams go way back.
Whoa....John250 catching more heat than JS7 this week!
Yeah he is, I can't say anything because I don't know john an I wasn't there but he seems to be one of the few people that can always keep a level head on here. Also he seems to always post with a lot of rationality and respect for everyone's openions. Don't seem like the kind of guy to do what everyone is posting but I really can't say since I was neither tree or know him in person.
I dunno? Guess I'm not a rut guy but watching Gibby hit the fluff in the corner before the six pack just looked cool! I gotta think that the track that was supplied handed out far less injuries.
Hey a hard packed track can also be a challenging track albeit may the best rider win the battle!!!
I've known John from the D11 days. He has a daughter the same age as most of the womens class. I'm 100% sure he was concerned for the safety of the girls. He had the courage to voice his opinion and started at 9am to def ears. It did get out of hand in staging/gate because in his opinion these girls were still in danger. He does run a good pace and doesn't cross lines or take people out. He's being singled out but there were many dads concerned.

I'm glad nobody got hurt during the moto. I'm also glad this site exists so we can discuss this and get it resolved peacefully for the next event and not keep it all bottled up inside.