Local silly season

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PR Founding Father
Heard a rumor that the OMA reached out to New Vienna to join them next year. Guess that would put a track in southwest ohio. They would need to improved the water truck and some equipment in my opinion.


PR Founding Father
And.....JO jumped right past the New Vienna post, so there must be some truth to that rumor, since he is taking the "no comment" route.


PR Addict
Another week has passes including a weekend of racing and no one heard anything else on tracks for next year????
Come on, someone know someone that is the third cousin to the guy that cuts the hair of a guy that knows something....spill the beans.... about something other then Beans...


PR Founding Father
There isn't much to tell you. No new news......entertain us funny man with your luke warm stories about the old days while we drum up some smut.


PR Addict
Well since you are not out grading that driveway that we hear is all beat up... What is the target date for the 2015 OMA schedule release?
Ditto with the Old D-11 schedule... speaking of, what will that series be called next year? Rt. 62 is hardly "southern" Ohio.

With Alex taking the initiative of rebuilding Moto in KY, I assume there is a plan for next year as well? More tracks? more events?

How about Indiana? The eastern half of the state had been dead for a long, and I mean LONG time. South has a couple tracks and the west has a national... the east? nothing.

Only "insider" news I heard this week was, KRW is planning another viewer party for the Penton movie at the Neon movies in Dayton. The first was a sell out and a bunch of people did not get in, This time they are going to run it with the new 'On any Sunday" movie. The date is not yet solid.

Team MMR

PR Addict
didnt have good luck at dacefest this year, bought a bike that morning, 4 hr round trip to pick it up, made maybe, MAYBE 10 laps and grenaded top end lol


PR Founding Father
We will have the OMA schedule no later than the banquet, which is also TBA.

The driveway is fine, it slows down the assholes that want to race down it. I think there is so much bitching about it, I will leave it rough, once they start bitching about other stuff, then I know I have a problem.


PR Addict
what a cop out... TBA... I will be under 200lbs, TBA.... See, from my perspective the definition of TBA is = NEVER.
I heard the driveway is rough because you just don't care.... :D

I am going to Doug /Don/ Dace/ Dwayne/ Derrick/ Dan/ Dennis/ fest next year. Make sure its a weekend with no racing... Its all about timing and promotion. You should know that Devon.


PR Founding Father
I heard the driveway is rough because you just don't care.... :D

YEP. If you are coming to the Cliff for a comfortable ride down the driveway, you sir are an idiot (not you knox, those other idiots). If you come to Briarcliff for the dirt, prep, and halfway decent track layout, I would recommend having someone give you laughing gas on Briarcliff Road to enhance the driveway experience.

I will add smaller stone to the driveway when the time is right, but right now that's TBA too. Everybody funny, now you funny too.

Team MMR

PR Addict
it did slow down the pit bike riders at battle, or was it just more sketchy because they couldn't control them then........ actually i agree JO it does help slow everyone down coming in, PAIN in rear end, yes. But def worth it because people arent racing into the pits


PR Founding Father
Just wait till you get a real track and you don't know about broken arms, and other various gnarly get offs. I found out about a Dq from qualifier while in a meeting in ptown. It never ceases to amaze me how much I'm in the dark.
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