Local silly season

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I agree with the NV track being a freeway.. There was little to no room to pass. And even the fast 50 kids that got out of the groove would just about crash do to the dirt being clumps. They need to disc it after they rip it. I just think the whole thing needs to be more technical.
Jo haven't meet you yet but am wondering if you are against expanding OMA or what your thought is on this. Be for the good or the bad for OMA??
I fell in my second moto in the second turn. Got up last and past my way up to first. And their was six in front of me. Three of them were fast 40 + riders in front.
I agree with the NV track being a freeway.. There was little to no room to pass. And even the fast 50 kids that got out of the groove would just about crash do to the dirt being clumps. They need to disc it after they rip it. I just think the whole thing needs to be more technical.
Jo haven't meet you yet but am wondering if you are against expanding OMA or what your thought is on this. Be for the good or the bad for OMA??

Jason and I are by no means against expanding the OMA. We had a couple interested, but it never really went anywhere, casual conversations, like I said. My concern with any new track is whether or not they can grow into a premium track. I think we currently have facilities that can meet that goal. We have 5 really nice places to race and ride, all have their strengths and weakness. All can improve, we know this. My question would be why focus on a new facility that is possibly further from that goal than our current tracks? I don't see any other track out there right now that is a hands down, no brainer addition to the OMA. I would really like to add a Dayton area, SW track. I don't see it right now.

BC isn't moving, I'm not opening another track.......EVER. One and done for me. When I'm old and gray I might buy one that's setup and ready and meets my specs, but I will never build one from scratch or renovate one, never again.
I hear hands are taking over dirt world and resurrecting the place back to when Mike had it!!!!! And then going OMA ....I am also hearing some kind of who can build the biggest fire...BriarCliff or DaveSmith.....2015 the year of the bonfire! MR. BC there is a track already built down the road from ya...been sitting there for a couple years...maybe a spring practice session is being called upon??? It sits in a big valley...lots of hills?? can't remember the name though....Benic Lowlands or something !!!
I heard malvern was in talks with old shecks mx track to combine a woods loop between the two making it into a ten minute lap time. 1 lap moto and home by 2:30....
I would not say that AMS is gone. There is a chance that there will be a few races at their home track in the future. I won't go out on ta limb and say its next year but it is a possibility. Oh and I put in a big recommendation for them to contact the OMA if they decide to hold some races.
when your setting through a one hour and 30 minuet intermission. :D

Chris, I don't know where you were this weekend but what in the world could take an hour and a half for intermission????? At Malvern 16 minutes after the tractors pull onto the track the gates start dropping again.
I think for a first race by Tommy it went well and they will improve. Food, prep, layout will get better. They do need to shorten the track and add some good rhythm sections.some how they need to get more water on the track. When you can pick up dirt and it crumbles before practice well its to dry. You can't make clay pots with dry clay and you can form good lines and berms with dry dirt. I loves seeing all the old faces. Had an awesome time all weekend. I will be at the next race for sure.
I hear hands are taking over dirt world and resurrecting the place back to when Mike had it!!!!! And then going OMA ....I am also hearing some kind of who can build the biggest fire...BriarCliff or DaveSmith.....2015 the year of the bonfire! MR. BC there is a track already built down the road from ya...been sitting there for a couple years...maybe a spring practice session is being called upon??? It sits in a big valley...lots of hills?? can't remember the name though....Benic Lowlands or something !!!

My 08' fire with all 8 tall trees dropped by hurricane Ivan, quite a few of which me and hause watched drop within 100' of us while standing on center tunnel (no turkey monster involved), might be one fore the record books. I wish I had video. Trent56mx is the only one two witness both fires, between Dave and I. I will tell you this, I will bring track hoe next time to build mine, if we are talking bragging rights over Dougfest.

Benic lowlands needs a lot moolaka, lots of iron, time and top soil.
Don't all track owners have time and maybe stop swimming in all the cash you guys bring in and get going!!! Hahahahahaha Malvern and shecks combined WOW!!! Heard outlaw is going AMA OR AAA OR CRA I don't know !!!that Duane guy throws a great party I heard the donuts were good.
Actually when we get home we open up the walk in safe and count $2k stacks till we pass out and our wives find us drooling in a giant pile of greenbacks in the morning. Promotors are a degenerative group, don't be a Promotor it's a dark empty life.
Cliff wins the Bonfire award.

I heard there was a big fire in Rome. Might have been bigger, but I was not present for that.
Not sure this will help but we have joined the SW series for 2 races in 2015. There's still a LOT of things that need to be done on our part before next year.
What about Scenic Highlands?
I tried. Emailed the owner, asked for a price. He told me he would come up with a price and then never got back in touch with me. So I drove over and looked at the place. Nice terrain but the SERIOUS lack of anything resembling SOIL, may be a slight problem. As it was posted on here before, I think its ok to just let that one die.
It's been covered in weeds for two seasons now.
I think the last time it was "open" (to the public) was maybe 2006 or 7? I heard people were still riding on it though. I also saw on Outlaw's FB that they were going to open back up again this year but don't think it ever happened.
What about Scenic Highlands?

It was a disaster when I visited at the end of 2012. Tons of erosion, lots of rocks. It would take a massive earthmoving effort to get it rideable. My guess would be a month of earth moving, maybe not all major, but a substantial amount. Driveway is bad too. Even if you owned all the equipment, you would probably have 20-25k in fixing it just from that standpoint. Shes gone.
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