Local silly season

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Straight rhythm track the width of the starting gates from Malvern MX to Sheck's ? 1st moto everyone races one direction , 2nd moto race back . Hand out trophies , day is done .
You know, this would be a GREAT place for both COCR and Treaty City to announce there plans for the future. With the writing on the wall, I'm sure both facilities are working day and night to rebuild their flawed product.
Treaty will finally understand they don't have the room for a natural terrain motocross track and finally build the Amateur friendly supercross track that the property is screaming out to be. They will also realize that having the finish line right after the starting line is a bad design and move it to a more advantageous location BEFORE the start.
On the other hand, COCR will also stop kicking back against the wonderful natural terrain they were given by the creator and embrace a "motocross" track instead of trying to force a jump fest.
I cant wait to hear every tracks plans for 2015.... hint, hint....
Two great points on Treaty City and COCR. Treaty needs to hire someone to build those jumps though. Heard through the grapevine that the last few jumps that they put in the track were not built well.

COCR, could be a great natural terrain track, but you are correct, they throw in jumps places to just throw in jumps.

Biggest issue for both those tracks is learning how to prep before a race, and at intermission properly. Has always been an issue at both.

Every track owner needs to look at their start and finsh line placement. If you can not start the next moto with the last few straglers 1/2 around the track, then move your finish line somewhere else. This can really help speed up your program.

Dirt Country has the most potential in my opinion. He has the dirt in decent shape, just needs to add some things to the track. And address the gate inbetween races a little. The ruts coming out of the gate are now about a foot deep going back to the first race. Not sure why he does not run a dozer over those.
DC, DMC, Treaty and COCR are all tracks that I have been going to since 1980. I don't want to lose ANY of them but “Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.” ― Edmund Burke
Honda Hills
Happy Hollow
Echo Hills
Glen Este
Holeshot hills
and on
and on...
Two great points on Treaty City and COCR. Treaty needs to hire someone to build those jumps though. Heard through the grapevine that the last few jumps that they put in the track were not built well.

COCR, could be a great natural terrain track, but you are correct, they throw in jumps places to just throw in jumps.

Biggest issue for both those tracks is learning how to prep before a race, and at intermission properly. Has always been an issue at both.

Every track owner needs to look at their start and finsh line placement. If you can not start the next moto with the last few straglers 1/2 around the track, then move your finish line somewhere else. This can really help speed up your program.

Dirt Country has the most potential in my opinion. He has the dirt in decent shape, just needs to add some things to the track. And address the gate inbetween races a little. The ruts coming out of the gate are now about a foot deep going back to the first race. Not sure why he does not run a dozer over those.

DC needs help to run it! I went to the last practice they had and man was the dirt good! The problems they have are common to most moto tracks... They make it way to narrow, the layout sucks (freeway), all the good parts to the track have been removed (spectator double, tunnel jump aka widow maker, the ski jump, and the gravity is like a baby grand stands jump), and they have way to many classes. I agree DC has a lot of poetical and could be one bad ass place to race... they used to get 500 plus riders. they could possibly fix the lights and have some Friday night races... man I miss the night races at DC
COCR did well on track prep Sunday. Maybe too well as they were a little muddy-sloppy in a couple spots yet haven't had rain in a while.

Everybody it seems that has raced central Ohio for any length of time has rode COCR and has their opinion of the place. Some good, and many bad. I believe their track is an undeveloped and unappreciated "POTENTIAL" 4 to 5 star track (for a local non-National calliber track), that should never struggle with attendance or filling gates. They have a great location too that's fairly easy to get to right off the highway. Everything is there and waiting.

Action Sports is another fine track with an excellent natural terrain track layout and is one of the funnest tracks that we have raced MX on. And it is a really good example of what a track can do without being littered with jumps. They also know what they are doing and do it very well. Location is a little tougher issue for them.
I have also heard plans of a new track in northern Kentucky over by Earlywine. Funny how a lot of riders will not cross state lines to race. Even looking back when I was racing, we would drive 3 hours to race Drew's tracks but would not drive half that to race Knobby Hills.
Everywhere you drive in Kentucky looks like a perfect place for a track. Land is cheap, some of it is close to large population but still open so you don't have to worry about complaining neighbors. But tracks just cant draw a crowd.
Would the OMA dare to reach into another state? Just asking
We were in talks with mad mike right before the first season to include Steel City in a couple races, we didn't rule it out, but again we were just talking, I guess that wouldn't have lasted long anyway. I really doubt we would take an out of state track unless it was some super special race deal, like adding Red Bud to the Battle of the Great Lakes Region with Crawfordsville representing Indiana. Go lay down though, not on the radar.
It was a disaster when I visited at the end of 2012. Tons of erosion, lots of rocks. It would take a massive earthmoving effort to get it rideable. My guess would be a month of earth moving, maybe not all major, but a substantial amount. Driveway is bad too. Even if you owned all the equipment, you would probably have 20-25k in fixing it just from that standpoint. Shes gone.

Speaking of BAD DRIVEWAYS,,,,,,,,,,,,,look out the window
Speaking of BAD DRIVEWAYS,,,,,,,,,,,,,look out the window
Mike, I know its rough, but it does do two things for us. Its slows down traffic so the neighbors aren't annoyed, and it also keeps the dust down. I do plan to add another skim coat of #4's to level it out, but I don't have the extra cash heading into winter.

And one more thing, the next time you tell me there is a tree down and I go looking one and don't find one, I'm sending you the equipment fuel and operation bill, or you can just give me $100 to ride. Have a nice day. Buddy.
Mike, I know its rough, but it does do two things for us. Its slows down traffic so the neighbors aren't annoyed, and it also keeps the dust down. I do plan to add another skim coat of #4's to level it out, but I don't have the extra cash heading into winter.

And one more thing, the next time you tell me there is a tree down and I go looking one and don't find one, I'm sending you the equipment fuel and operation bill, or you can just give me $100 to ride. Have a nice day. Buddy.

LMAO!!!! Now thats funny!
Wait, what was I thinking??? South tracks don't read this forum so no way will they post detail of the re-building plan... Like they had one anyway...
Wait, what was I thinking??? South tracks don't read this forum so no way will they post detail of the re-building plan... Like they had one anyway...

John was right you are ba humbug today:)

Action Sports, Chilitown & Buckeye Hills all actively participate on here. Many others post from time to time. 75% of our traffic are from guests so you can assume they're all listening.
I think A MS is done. Funny how some people that always raced all the AMS races have not been seen this year at all.

Rt 62 I heard was joining the list of southwest ohio mx tracks. Also heard buckeye hills. Went there a couple months ago, and was really disappointed in track conditions considering what i had heard.

Heard COCR had 40 entries yeaterday, but track was awesome.....well easy to keep in good shape with 40 entries on it. 8 motos.

Not sure how COCR and treaty city can stay open with 80 entries or less.

New Vienna and Tommy Boner made a good effort yesterday. 205 entries. I gave him one suggestion on how to keep motos running quicker. Have a few more if they are interested. But will be at his next race to see how it goes.

Really Buckeye Hills has not joined any series, I will erase that rumor now. I have talked to Jason and Jermey and this was the extent of it. The owners and myself will be inviting Jason , Jermy & Zach to ride the property in October. Please don't speculate on anything.

Don't speculate? Really? Is it speculation if I have already put it on my calendar for 2015?
I will work for free for any track willing to make improvements within an hour of the Knox compound. See small print. ("Work" does not mean, yellow flag, mow the grass, weed eaters, shovel anything, or any type of manual labor)
Cocr plans are to enforce the wrist band rules for sat and practice and Sunday race.....EVERYONE MUST HAVE A WRIST BAND....then is will be removed if you leave before 5 o'clock....that's the only post I ever see of the place....maybe throw in a picture or vid of the track!!!!!
At COCR race sign up Sunday a staff member commented "New Vienna has hurt us today" on attendance. My immediate thought was that isn't the only thing that hurt it. There was zero race promotion.

In the past I've read comments that it is this way because COCR is a club, or club owned (I don't know?) and clubs have issues.
There is a phrase often spoken where I work, used when the topic of equipment or area ownership comes up. "If everybody owns it, then nobody owns it".
Really Buckeye Hills has not joined any series, I will erase that rumor now. I have talked to Jason and Jermey and this was the extent of it. The owners and myself will be inviting Jason , Jermy & Zach to ride the property in October. Please don't speculate on anything.

Thanks for the update. I don't know if you want to take on races yet but as a rider I'd love to have your track included in the OMA or SOMX lineup. I've always enjoyed the layout and was thrilled when you started offering open practices. Rip it deep for Zach.
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Seems to be the only two people that want to be in a MX club are 1. the guy that wants to ride for free. 2. The guy that wants to drink with his buddies. Notice I did not say "work" or "lead". Clubs also tend to only have members that live close (I know, duh) but 99% of the time those people have 0 experience building, maintaining or promoting a motocross. Every Tom, Dick and Harry that owns a bulldozer thinks they can build a track. If you are a club and your numbers suck on race day... you may want to set down for this... YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING. Hire, or at least ask for help from the racing community. I am sure I am not alone by saying I would gladly donate my time to help a track re-invent itself.
OK, back to the big announcements from track owners and promoters......
So, Rt 62 is in the south series. Buckeye Hill is being "looked at" by some insiders from up north... AMS is not completely done... Action Sports and Fast trax are still dangling out there.... Pusheta Creek is going to stick to practice only? Come on, Im sure more people have heard other stuff...
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