2015 Battle For Ohio State Championship Schedule


PR Founding Father
I personally would have put one in June. One in July and the final in august. But hey, what do I know.


PR Addict
They likely avoid June to not conflict with Loretta Lynn Regionals.

Schedule looks good to me. Yes, bummer about Malvern/Red Bud weekend but it didn't seem to hurt either in 2014 as both had huge turnouts.


PR Addict
That does stink about the conflict with Vet Fest, but if I recall right a few PR regulars made the trip to both events last year.


Definetly avoided June due to reginals. It's near impossible to schedule a three race seires and not have some kind of conflict some where. We ideally wanted an every other weekend scenario for the three races but with other big races to contend with and chilitown being somewhat restricted by the fairboard as when they can run. This is what all around fit best.


PR Founding Father
Now there is no way that the SWOHMX series should schedule a race an hour away from chilitown on the same weekend......right?


PR Founding Father
They likely avoid June to not conflict with Loretta Lynn Regionals.

Schedule looks good to me. Yes, bummer about Malvern/Red Bud weekend but it didn't seem to hurt either in 2014 as both had huge turnouts.

Not sure what to do about CTMX, since it conflicts with Mid Ohio VMD. Maybe just race vintage Saturday and head down to CTMX on Sunday.


PR Addict
This gives me a good excuse to skip Sunday at VMD. All the good stuff is already gone and every time I would hear of a good deal, it was a sold right before I walk up.


PR Founding Father
Chillitown is given their available dates by the fairboard, they didnt chose July 12th to conflict with VMD. As a matter of fact I did call and ask if there was a way to move the event to July 19th, no can do. The fairgrounds needs that time to prepare for the up coming county fair. Its not easy trying to make a schedule, there wil always be something else going on. We try hard to avoid stuff as best we can, but its nearly impossible.

The rest of the schedule will be released very soon!


PR Founding Father
Brenner Washel might even be back in if you have 30A.

So what classes are being eliminated this year?