How to make motocross safer?

Oh, and the home school thing....I am sick of the schools. it has nothing to do with Moto. But that is in the other thread.
And socialization? I am sure I can surround them with good influence, not bad, or whatever the school believes.

Wait until election time comes and they are campaigning to our kids again!

Lets get back to these dangerous dirt bikes.
I'm with you on the school thing. We have been home schooling for 5 or 6 years now. Several years before they started racing and the first year it was just Chase who needed extra help and was falling behind in school. I always chuckle when I hear that they need to be around other kids 10 hours a day in order to learn to be social. Come up to either of my boys at the track and talk to them and then tell me what you think, although I'm sure every case is a little different.

Bottom line is when they are young and more likly to be influenced for the better or worst, I will decide who they will be around not public schools ( government).
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as far as tracks, safer landings. more rounded. even in sx, theres no reason for those triples to have landings like that, make them a little forgiving.

as far as riders and education and making people read this and that to get more familiar with the sport and its dangers... i dont really think thats gonig to do anything other than piss people off. I dont want to sign or read crap at the same track ive been going to for 10 years.

I dont think its your entry level guys getting hurt. Its not your C riders. Its your really fast B guys and A guys that are trying to "make it" that are getting hurt. Educating your first timer at his local track isnt going to fix anything.

I think incidents definitely need logged and analyzed, what happened, why.. how to avoid, look for patterns.

Flaggers and staff training / proper stuff around the track (dont run a section right next to trees, dont have fence posts next to the track, put up as many SOFT things around that you can), keep equipment away from the track, etc are all ways to obviously help
No scrubbing.

I've seen a ton of people get hurt bad trying to scrub jumps. Look at Detroit and Anderson eating it big time trying to scrub.

Jeremy and I were just on the phone discussing this thread and what we could each do at our tracks and he had the same opinion about the scrubbing.
Are vet scrubs dangerous too?

I agree with the scrubbing, I've seen so many people catch their foot peg on the face of the jump and it ended horribly, I remember K-Dub eating the dirt a couple years back due to catching his foot peg on the face of a triple. He'll while we're at it, kids trying to throw huge whips too, I've seen kids throw em to where they can't get them back and they land crooked and get high sided or just pummel straight into the ground, yeah whips look cool, but I don't think they're worth the consequences if they're not brought back
Nothing a promoter can do is going to prevent that. Unless you have referees watching it and DQing people for it, which I guess could become a thing? But who will want to race a local race that says if you intentionally whip or scrub you're dq'd.. when trying to practice for big races that you're going to have to do that stuff... nobody. so i dont see anything that can be done about whipping or scrubbing.
ok now you done it. first of all my son was flown out of baha was in a coma and you not knowing me wanna call me an idiot. I hope I get to meet you in person some day. you think I don't don't know what that drive or ride feels like. well I sure it fun no sir. but do I blame baha I don't think so. as john 250 said we all try not to think about it. im lucky my son chase pulled threw and is now ok. and next to travis pastranna I have delt with injuries believe me. so now comes my daughter who now says dad I wanna ride and race so what do I do say no. I believe you misunderstood my comment I was not bashing the safer riding part but we can not put the blame on tracks or bikes. if little johnys dad buys him a 450 when he should be on a 125 that's not anyones fault but dads. I don't want anyone to feel what I did for 42 days.its scary its empty. but even after all that he choose to ride and race. all im saying is that this is a nasty sport. we don't have roll cages. and even if we did theres no guarantee. at the end of the day we all can thank god for the safety of our family. have a nice day.
Nothing a promoter can do is going to prevent that. Unless you have referees watching it and DQing people for it, which I guess could become a thing? But who will want to race a local race that says if you intentionally whip or scrub you're dq'd.. when trying to practice for big races that you're going to have to do that stuff... nobody. so i dont see anything that can be done about whipping or scrubbing.
That is a social media issue. If everyone would stop posting pics and videos of Little Jimmy trying to look like James Stewart by throwing it sideways while he runs 22nd in the schoolboy 3 class. How about some quality pics of him pegs deep in a corner with perfect technique?
Man, it is just eating me up to think what that family is going through. So very sad.
Just watched the videos. Pretty cool idea. Not sure I understand why the air pressure is adjustable? Seams like you would want to pumped up all the time. Hey, its new and trying to fix a big issue. I like it
I just ran across this today. Inflatable chest protector. Thoughts?
I think this is an awesome idea!! This kind of stuff is what in was looking when I started this post, not whos to blame and bs like that. Lets get together on this and find something that will work. I know there will still be people hurt but maybe we can help a few.

This thread isn't about placing blame as much as it is about taking an honest look at our sport.

Glad CK and Fry cleared things Fry's defense (not that he needs it,) he would be one of the first people to point something out that needed fixed at the track.

Love that chest protector.
mr knox I understand. times have changed since you raced supercross. its the industry pushing this. when my son raced in 99 2000. you didn't well very few kids had trainers. now these kids are going to training facilitys at 5 years old. its hard to understand unless you been there. which you have. but in 2015 its all about how hard you can push.and no harm no foul mr knox.