What happens when you dont listen at Briarcliff


PR Elite

Photo by Bars Racing.....

So the moral here is listen to JO when he speaks or pay the price! One of his own even!

Seriously though, Ive never seen this before at a track. The rider said he felt it on his back while riding, turned around and saw flames so he jumped off! Thank goodness he was ok. Too bad for the loss, hopefully he has insurance on it!

Team MMR

PR Addict
im just curious as to why the water truck wasnt used to put out the fire and try to save some of the quad????

Team MMR

PR Addict
Um he had plenty of time before the oil leaked out? hell i almost had it put out with the fire extinguisher until the race gas leaked out. im not trying to start a keyboard war i was just wondering the reasoning behind it.


PR Founding Father
If that was my quad (which I would never have a quad but that's not the point) I'd be throwing dirt on that thing....everything I could do. Unless of course he knew that insurance policy was just flat out boss.


PR Addict
We were near the C track and saw the smoke, on the bright side its one less QUAD at Briaercliff


PR Elite
By the time he got there with the dozer there wasnt anything left worth saving, it would have been the same had he came with the water truck. I was there before he got there and it was too far gone. Think about it, a quad or bike are made of mostly plastic, rubber and wire. Once it lit up it was a matter of one minute before everything was worthless that wasnt metal even if you could still see it.

Personally I would have let the sucker burn and kept everyone away. If the fuel tank hadnt been full it would have exploded instead of rupturing and letting the fuel out to burn.

I sure hope the rider was smart enough to have the $80 year insurance on his quad.

Team MMR

PR Addict
Bike or quad that's still someone's machine , have a little respect .

Thank you, glad someone else is not disrespectful and cares about the moto family whether its 2 or 4 wheels we are all out there doing what we love.

And mike i hope you were being sarcastic about that but since i have this feeling you werent, i hope he get another quad and just runs ur ass over. Im sick of people being disrespectful and inconsiderate. Better yet, i hope your bike burns to the ground!!!!!! Then we can laugh at you and say, on the bright side one less douchebag at BRIARCLIFF. you cant even spell the name of the track right!


PR Founding Father
I felt for josh, but in that situation I knew I could either try and smother it with dirt or get it off the track and away from others with the dozer. It was so far gone when I was able to see it, there wasn't going to be anything to save. At least I got it off the track so nobody would foolishly ride next to it.


PR Elite

Here we go again, stop taking everything so serious on the internet. If this were posted on Vital the remarks would be insane.

At the end of the day nobody is happy this guys quad burnt but life is about making the best of what happens to you. If you cant laugh at it you will self destruct. Laugh about ALL of it.


PR Founding Father
Wonder what caused that thing to light up? The pipe? Wasn't the guy riding it while the bike was on fire? Most guys on bikes wish they could ride that fast, talk about lighting the track on fire.


PR Member
Hate to hear it, I know how much $$$ I put into my bike and quads are even more! Hopefully he knows what caused it and it can be chalked up as a very crappy and very expensive "lesson learned" Total bummer though!


PR Member
Sucks he lost his ride but this also opens up a great opertunity. An opertunity to name a part of the track based on an event that many will never forget. So let's hear them.