BC whoops are gone!!


PR Founding Father
Well we have eliminated the number one complaint.


PR Founding Father
Nice......i Like. Someone last year was selling 4 inch rocks. Nice investment in your property.


PR Addict
Ok now put some on the track or some rockers and don't tell me you already have some, dang it.


PR Addict
Damn....I thought you would NEVER sell out....What's next a dirt bike in the garage? Good attitudes? Smiling faces? You were the last of the old timers mentality !!!!! Damn it!! Hahaha looks good...But you do know we will find something else to bitch about,I mean it is the internet!! Hahaha


PR Founding Father
Which one? Oma or BC? I think you can do AMA on mine, that's why I ask. I think.

The OMA license sign up was not working from the OMA site. No biggie though.....Did it at the track today, and like that they hand you your card right there on the spot.