Pymatuning making changes!!!!!


PR Addict
I use to ride Pyma almost every week for a lot of years. I went a few weeks ago and didn't unload my bike. If they would give up on the disc ( which only roughs up about 8 inches deep) by moto 3 the turns are blown over and rock hard. Use a set of plows to prep the track, I think it would be fun to ride.
I've never liked the finish line jump since they changed it from the double, double, table in the early 2000's. The height makes it too questionable. The backside and landing are blind. It's too easy to land on someone.
I'm not trying to bash, just pointing out what it would take to get me back.


PR Addict
Thank you for the feed back , I agree with you on the finish line jump and it was one of the many jump changes for this weekend ,I think too you would of been impressed with the track prep for the bike races , taking the quads out of the bike motos is a game changer , so far all positive feed back on finish line jump .
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PR Addict
any recent vids?? havent been there since it was a rubber band start.
I haven't been there since I was 17 and used to drive up on night races after school from akron are then hunt down someone willing to sign me in. Man that's been a while. Prolly 20 years by now. Used to love it.


PR Addict
Today they ran the bikes in practice, then ran the quad practice and motos (reverse from yesterday), groomed the track, and ran all the bike motos. Got out fairly early, and despite the heat and humidity, things seemed to click off pretty good. JMO. I think if they keep this format, bikes and quads will know ahead of time when to get to the track. Give them credit for trying. It got my vote.


PR Member
I had so much fun even though it was hot a hell out... the track was even better on sunday... couldn't be happier

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PR Member
I am a vet rider and I love the track... the jumps are so friendly now..they are mostly tables but not all the same size and they arent blind jumps anymore... the finishline was cut down by atleast 5 feet... and the take off is atleast 30 feet wide instead of 8 like it was... now you dont have too jump to the moon to ride the track to be competitive.... a million times more fun for sure... the back double was knocked way down also... it was just plain fun to ride the track for sure

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PR Addict
I'd like to thank every one who came out this weekend , it sure tested us with the heat and humidity . We've been so used to battling rain for the last two months it was the complete opposite , the 20 mph wind all weekend doesn't make it any easier either. I thought the water crew did a great job of keeping moisture in the track and the feedback keeps coming in on the split program . I want to also thank you for any comments good or bad ! We are trying to step up our program , that's the main reason I'm running the starting gate this year so I can talk to the riders and their parents to get a better feel of what they like and what they don't like . Please don't hesitate to unload on me , ( I may regret that ). I really want to know how you feel and it's also gives us a chance to explain why we do something the way we do . I'm always looking for a better mouse trap and I'm never too proud to try somebody's better idea at doing something !


PR Elite
Its a great start just by being available for comment, and for actually replying without getting defensive! Good luck, I used to love coming there around 2000 and racing. I may venture up soon if I have time.


PR Founding Father
I'd like to thank every one who came out this weekend , it sure tested us with the heat and humidity . We've been so used to battling rain for the last two months it was the complete opposite , the 20 mph wind all weekend doesn't make it any easier either. I thought the water crew did a great job of keeping moisture in the track and the feedback keeps coming in on the split program . I want to also thank you for any comments good or bad ! We are trying to step up our program , that's the main reason I'm running the starting gate this year so I can talk to the riders and their parents to get a better feel of what they like and what they don't like . Please don't hesitate to unload on me , ( I may regret that ). I really want to know how you feel and it's also gives us a chance to explain why we do something the way we do . I'm always looking for a better mouse trap and I'm never too proud to try somebody's better idea at doing something !

Art that is a bold and humbling statement. I will be coming out to race a few with you this year and hit some practice nights.

Any way to eliminate the concrete launch pad? I hate concrete starts.


PR Addict
Hey Georgie you can always bring your own dirt with you . But seriously myself and the crew really want the feedback , what's working and what isn't . Just because you've been doing something a certain ways for years on end doesn't always mean there isn't a better way to do it . Trends change in mx just like anything else and were not afraid to make changes too ! The crew is really working hard to make it a good riding experience .