C class struggles.

Now Story's situation I don't blame him for running C class. He's within the rules. Scott Leighton a few years ago, same situation. He was within the said rules. This isn't about pointing the finger and making the riders look evil. If they are within the rules then let them do it.

Absolutely they are. But like Knox and I have said, that is the problem. The rules need changed. Unfortunately the AMA doesnt want change. It might ALIENATE seasoned riders.
I see on here all the time about sandbagging and how do we make motorcross safer. I think the problem is it's not motocross anymore. It's all about how big the jumps are and how good do you look nothing like what motorcross used to be. To me motorcross is Smith Road A lot of turns not many jumps ruts get deep track it's rough. Maybe we can bring boat across back and get rid of the Supercross. All these crazy tracks anymore why I don't race anymore. You don't get any Seat time anymore. I've been going to harescrambles all this year and theyre incredible they make you feel like you actually did something that day and you get the seat time everyone complains about. Just my opinion....
Not pussification jackass, its about drawing in NEW riders. Who gives a rats ass if seasoned riders get their ass kicked?

Go get some decal remover

OR we are weeding out the ones that dont belong and may become detremental to the sport too! This happens in all areas of life, professions, organizations, etc. The weed out process is everywhere.
Maybe we need a Pro class, and a Amateur class. Everyone is in one of the two classifications. If more tracks eliminated the option of C riders doing a triple, a larger double, etc. while racing, I think those at the front would move up. No one wants to win a class if their girl friend says why aren't you jumping that big jump..........they will go B right away, lol.
Maybe we need a Pro class, and a Amateur class. Everyone is in one of the two classifications. If more tracks eliminated the option of C riders doing a triple, a larger double, etc. while racing, I think those at the front would move up. No one wants to win a class if their girl friend says why aren't you jumping that big jump..........they will go B right away, lol.

For years I've thought that a similar structure would work just by kind of fooling people by class names. Having a "Expert Class" that pays back cash. "Amateur Class" that pays trophies and a "Beginner Class" that doesn't pay anything.
99% of the time a rider will NOT move up because of being told you cant jump something. I can tell you that for a fact. They just go to the ref or track owner and "complain" about it. There's only 1 really questionable jump in our area on our oma race tracks that I believe is past a C riders ability.

I've known some guys who are plain old slow at racing but would jump anything within reason. Just because they hit a jump like the table to table at Malvern does not mean they are fast enough to race B. Jumps I'd call B or better jumps would be the quad at Malvern, the triple behind the start at high point, loraccos leap.. Ones that take skill and not just a "get straight and pin it" kind of jump.. Just stating personal opinion regarding jumping..
Why not run the c class and b class at the same gate drop. The real fast riders in c will beat the slow b riders and give promotors a reason to move fast c riders up
Or better question why not eliminate a,b,c locally and run full gates for first moto and take second moto and split them by how the finish in first moto or if u use transponders separate by lap time
Problem is there are MANY of us here on Pitracer, that have been around MX 30 plus years, and guys like Alex at the AMA think we don't know what the hell we are talking about. And when he makes light of what I said about Tim Cotter and Davy, I have to laugh my ass off. MX Sports controls US motocross. For him to think they have no influence on the AMA is just pure bullshit on his part.
There is a problem. Everyone knows it deep down. It's easy to fix, but nobody wants to be the "one" who implement the remedy.

If you raced more than 3 years, your not a C rider. C is novice. If your slow, to bad. Your talent ran out. Then the B class will have more guys.

Back in my youth, we ALL, and I mean ALL went A as fast as we could. That was the pinnacle. Old guys know what I'm talking about

Then again, there wasn't all this Loretta stuff. There was an amateur championship, but you had to be "A" to run it.

Motocross is "Marketed" as going to Loretta Lynn's as the thing to do. This is the problem with advancement of riders. It didn't exist in the 70's and the early 80's , before the Loretta thing. So in my eyes, the Loretta Lynn stuff and MX Sports promotors have caused this problem, but it doesn't effect them ( and I think they actually benefit financially from the class structure the way it is) so they see no problem.
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Here's what I would like to see: Let people sign up for Expert ($), Amateur, and Beginner (first year racer). Then after moto 1 (heat race), you split amateur into A-B-C based on lap times for the main.......chew on that one. Kind of like RC racing, you could be in the A main, B main, or C main.
Well, get those transponders out and I'm for paying more money if the classes are policed correctly.

It's doable. Who's gonna take the bull by the horns?
Here's what I would like to see: Let people sign up for Expert ($), Amateur, and Beginner (first year racer). Then after moto 1 (heat race), you split amateur into A-B-C based on lap times for the main.......chew on that one. Kind of like RC racing, you could be in the A main, B main, or C main.
Yes your a genius.....transponders!!!!!!
Here's what I would like to see: Let people sign up for Expert ($), Amateur, and Beginner (first year racer). Then after moto 1 (heat race), you split amateur into A-B-C based on lap times for the main.......chew on that one. Kind of like RC racing, you could be in the A main, B main, or C main.
Now this has been suggested a few times and at first thought I said "stupid" BUT it could really be something. An event could run a lot like a Saturday night dirt track car race. Practice then timed qualifying that place riders for main events.
Just think, limited classes mean a lot more seat time. Pulls in the pro practicers maybe. No one complaining about sandbaggers. Could sell it to a wider audience since it shortens the show for the quickly distracted.
Now, if we only knew someone in a position of authority with a motocross organization that promotes races that would try it.....
You know...I have had these kind of arguments in my head since I was a wee boy. You debate what you were taught was right against what you feel is wrong. After you come up with your opinion of what you think is right through these thoughts in your head...you might decide there is value in taking action. That action may range from discussions to arguments to fisticuffs that end with you loosing teeth (spoken from experience). After those actions...you have time to reflect on the reason that you felt compelled to take part in the activity-what ever it was. Hmmmmmm- was it a true feeling of right and wrong? or was it personal opinion? could it be a inner democrat need to control everyone and make them do what I want? could it be a feeling of loss of connection with something you care about and have passion...? Could it be jealousy that you are to ashamed to admit?

These thoughts come after years of exploring your inner self and attempting to find the motivating factors driving your behavior, and then analyzing the activity vs. the results you achieved. Were the results worth the energy utilized? Were your motives true? Was there any value to the results other than yourself? Were you able to achieve your desired end result?

When you are honest with yourself, some times the answers surprises you and a favorable resolve is the outcome. Other times you realize that all the jumping, screaming and hollering only made you look foolish and nothing changed. And of course there are times when a little of both occur but it was worth the fight.
Years of looking foolish and broken teeth can teach you that some things will never change and your desire to change them will have little impact. Once you have reached that point you have the internal serenity that allows you to move on with a smile. Some have little success controlling themselves let alone others but are hell bent on doing it.

What's your motive? Do you ride the C class? Are you getting 2nd and angry? Do you ride B class and want everyone to do what you want them to do? Have you learned valuable lessons on what it takes to improve and want to share them with others? Will your approach achieve your desired result? Does anyone get hurt if they win the C class? Does it really matter?! Just ride...
Hey John250... For whatever the AMA did to make you so upset, I'm making it a personal mission to make sure you get a different experience at AMA events. Understand I'm not the same AMA guy your probably used too. I can't make it to Briarcliff this weekend to ride myself, since I'm heading south to work the Daniel Boone Area Qualifier but I look forward to meeting you in person and discussing what we can do to make your racing experience a better one. My travel schedule can be kind of crazy (I travel to about 35 events a year plus I'm having a baby in August) but I plan to be at Malvern and Briarcliff for the Battle of Ohio events (hopefully riding myself). But I'm sending you my personal cell number in the meantime. If you want to discuss any racing topic, or discuss the relationship between AMA, MxSports, Feld and any other promoting partner, please don't hesitate to contact me anytime.
Here's what I would like to see: Let people sign up for Expert ($), Amateur, and Beginner (first year racer). Then after moto 1 (heat race), you split amateur into A-B-C based on lap times for the main.......chew on that one. Kind of like RC racing, you could be in the A main, B main, or C main.

Simple. In the heat I'll sleep on the gate. Ride real slow. Look at birds. And then when I'm placed in C. IM GONNA COME OUT AND LIGHT THE WORLD ON FIRE.
Here's what I would like to see: Let people sign up for Expert ($), Amateur, and Beginner (first year racer). Then after moto 1 (heat race), you split amateur into A-B-C based on lap times for the main.......chew on that one. Kind of like RC racing, you could be in the A main, B main, or C main.

I am going to hurt you when I see you.........:eek: