C class struggles.

See now fusco in my opinion has been gradually progressing. He couldn't move out of his own way a couple years ago. I See him on Instagram and Twitter at these training camps. Which is cool. haven't seen him this year but id venture to say he's still within the rules to be a c rider. And come qualifier time at BC he won't be anywhere near blowing the doors off the field. He wasn't really that competitive on smaller mini bikes. Not bashing him. I'm just saying he is where he should be....he's not sandbagging.

Now getting destroyed is going to happen first year out on big bikes. It's a big change. He will progress. And right now c class is a good class for you guys to see this progression. Keep at it.
I agree and disagree with you, GeorgiePorgie, because I do agree that Fusco is becoming a faster and more confident racer. I also have a good personal relationship with Fusco and I do know is that he has never been to a training camp of practice facility. And btw he was a pretty fast racer on smaller mini bikes. The funny thing is, is that he may be fast at local races and might make it into a main at Mini O's or Daytona, but you don't see him making into top 5's every national race!?1?! I really like little Fusco and think is a quick kid. He has talent so everyone should shut their mouths and get a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's never been to James Stewart's facility ? He has. But so what. Good on him. Trying to develop his skills, and having a fun. That's what we ride for.

Fast racer on smaller mini bikes. In the cra ? Ama?


My point is he's a C Rider. He was never overly successful in the mini class. And he's well within the rules. I like the kid too and his dad is really a nice guy.

A good c class thread always has opinions of riders brought up. Some can agree and some can disagree. But look at facts and you can determine who the real sandbaggers are.

Sick whips, scrubs and tear off pulling while hocking monster jumps at a regional. All top 8 do it. He'll probably the top 10-15! That's about as factual as you can get with sandbagging.
I anxiously await and am working for the day I get called out, blasted, besmirched, and dragged through the mud on PitRacer for being a Sandbagger. Until then I'll just keep trying to beat somebody.

I can just read it now. "Dan Totally Destroyed the only other entrant in that 50 plus Post Vintage race (oops I mean fancy bike parade)."

Maybe that is why Action Sports cancelled all the GPs this year. They found out I bought an almost modern bike (1996) just for Action GPs and knew I would be an unstoppable sandbagger at Athens.
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This is a never ending debate that you will never fix, people will always find a loop hole in the system.
Require a ss# to buy an ama card and it must say year 1 or 2 to be in the C class. Done. No loopholes. No sandbaggers. No chatters. And if you are racing the c class after 2 years your a cheater. I don't care if there is a loophole or not
Leave c for new guys to help grow our sport
I've been reading all this and just taking it all in. My son just got a 125 and decided to hop in the c class Sunday at Briarcliff to get some seat time, only to be absolutely demolished and he isn't what i would call terribly slow just new to the big bike. Congrats to the Fusco boy for totally destroying everyone in the class hands down, here is your trophy son….…time to move to b class….but I won't hold my breath!

That is not cool!

You have no problem calling out others by name, but failed to mention your name or your sons name.
I think I've only seen 1 or 2 people post that have anything to do with c class.. The rest are just people bitching.. Lol

Ive heard the C results from BC. Some ones gotta win. No matter what. That doesn't make them a sand bagger.
I don't care who won. Winning the C class is the motocross equivalent of wining the NIT in basketball.
The point of the bitching is the guys that are cheating ( I now refuse to call it anything different) and not moving up are not helping our sport and in fact hurting it by discouraging real beginners
I was 18 at my first race. It was at OIR in 2005, and I couldn't believe how fast and far gone 1st was. He took every jump on the track and was hauling the mail, along with 6 or 7 other guys up front. It's discouraging. That's a fact. I thought that day that there was no way I would ever be able to go like that, so why bother even going anymore.

I am in no way a C rider as far as ability and technique. I'm in control, rarely make huge mistakes, and know how to race safely with others. However, when I run the B class I struggle to keep up with their SPEED. I could probably win a C class moto, but only if the top 4 guys fell and I get an excellent start. It's a joke. The fact that a guy like me would not even win a C class moto (which I have no desire to do anyway) shows that there is a flaw in the system. I don't want to ride C, I don't want to win a moto.

I pretty much stick the woods these days, and a lot of that has to do with this exact problem. If I race B, there's a chance there will be no one to race with (4 entries). If I race C, I would be in the top 5 and battle with guys, but there's a good chance I'll get run off the track or landed on by a moron. That leaves Plus 25, which is fun, but I'm not interested in sitting around for 10 hours for 20 minutes of race time.

A couple of guys on here have some really good ideas and thoughts on this subject, CK being one of them. CK, I've never met you but you seem to legitimately be trying to help the sport grow. It's just sad that everyone blows it off.
What are the requirements for C class? I'm aware of the AMA advancement system in place to move riders from C to B but falling short of that I'm not aware of anything? What else that is quantifiable would define what a C rider is supposed to be? Maximum years riding requirement? Definitions? etc.
I agree that cheating is stupid. Period. I'm not OK with that in any way.

I do agree there are some flaws with the rules (or lack thereof)..

However, the top riders in C this passed weekend are completely within the guidelines for C class. So until rules are changed and implemented, there's no reason to point fingers at the riders.
I agree that cheating is stupid. Period. I'm not OK with that in any way.

I do agree there are some flaws with the rules (or lack thereof)..

However, the top riders in C this passed weekend are completely within the guidelines for C class. So until rules are changed and implemented, there's no reason to point fingers at the riders.

That is what I was trying to get at in my post about the rules. We are calling these kids cheaters or sandbaggers but they are completely within the rules that our governing body has declared are applicable for the class they are riding in. I agree that C class years ago may not have been the same as it is now, but who's to say that makes somebody a cheater? The sport has evolved considerably. Training facilities were only for the elite 20 years ago. Now anybody has access to them. A beginner who goes to a training facility should not automatically be bumped from C. Also, a mini rider who moves to big bikes and isn't that fast should not be bumped to be just because he/she has ridden mini bikes.
If you think i can get away with it, yep!! thats not really sandbagging right? not my fault i have a girls name.
Here I deleted it to not offend anyone being nice. Go for it.....Wonder if Bruce Jenner is going to play golf or tennis at his country club in the womens league?
Why is there a "Like" button but no "Dislike" button? Think about that one for a while!

The problem is deff. with the system or organization if it is indeed a problem. I just found a few of my observations to be interesting. Has anybody ever compared results from a letter class to an age class that is designated as a B/C/age class and has the same racer racing in both classes? How often does the racer that races in the novice letter class beat or go faster than the B/intermediate racers in the age classes designated B/C?

How many of those classes overlap? School boy, College boy, and Vet 30 Sportsmen, did I miss any?

What would you even do with the results when the organization knows that some of the designated novice class racers are beating some of the designated intermediate class racers when they race together in the age classes? Should you do anything?

In my opinion it's about the status or class, if you will/so to speak! I have seen racers try to make a wide range of arguments for why the letter class "B" should not drop the same gate with the letter class "C" and I mean... you name it it's been argued. Only to turnaround a few motos later and race with those same racers in an age designated class and not have one issue with it. I guess they don't realize the age class is also designated a letter class also, it just so happens to combine "B" and "C". Again, I think it's about the status, and the status is in the eye of the beholder!