C class struggles.

Here I deleted it to not offend anyone being nice. Go for it.....Wonder if Bruce Jenner is going to play golf or tennis at his country club in the womens league?

doesnt offend me any and thats such a creepy weird thing that guy/girl has going on.. lol.
I'm amazed this thread is still going. But, it gives gravity to the situation.

Personally...I signed up in B last year to race just wanting to be competitive

I'm not sure how to improve upon the RPV system or any given sanctioning body rules or how to bump a rider mid season fairly.

The one aspect I do see....why do we compare apples and oranges as being the same when they are not...as to say whe do we try to compare LL C class to the local C class (or other applicable class examples) when the level of competition is clearly not the same.

Maybe dont hold local races in the same hemisphere as national races except for A class.

Or...keep them in the same hemisphere and go race.

I dunno...you always have new riders coming in every couple/few years that raises these concerns over and over again.
The AMA could have a RPV system for their sanctioned races based on a local and national RPV system...not one in the same.
Require a ss# to buy an ama card and it must say year 1 or 2 to be in the C class. Done. No loopholes. No sandbaggers. No chatters. And if you are racing the c class after 2 years your a cheater. I don't care if there is a loophole or not
Leave c for new guys to help grow our sport

That's BS. C is a skill/talent/speed related classification-not time in the sport. If that should be...then if you ever raced as a Pro at a national you shouldn't be able to participate at AMATUER Nationals.....

Your idea would force people out of the sport that would have to move to B and get destroyed. One way to grow the sport is to increase the amount of enjoyment one has participating in it. Forcing someone to move up who isn't ready doesn't accomplish that.
Fine with me. After you are banging a 10 why would you want a 5?
Why would forcing people to move up to B kick them out of the sport? If you suck in the C class you can suck in the B class. What's the difference?
Maybe I was a little harsh. But someone please tell me if you have been racing for 5 years in the C class and week after week you finish 15th, are you really going to quit because the AMA moved you up to B and now every week you finish 27th? 15th? That's what's keeping you in the sport? Help a man understand???
Your idea would force people out of the sport that would have to move to B and get destroyed. One way to grow the sport is to increase the amount of enjoyment one has participating in it. Forcing someone to move up who isn't ready doesn't accomplish that.

They wouldn't get destroyed though. There would be others in the class that would be forced to move up as well that would be their same speed. It's not like there would only be one person that would be required to move up based on experience.

However, you have a point that C is a "skill related" classification. If that's the case, the solution is to have AT LEAST one jump at every track that has to be rolled by all C riders. If their skill level truly is Novice, regardless of years in the sport, they shouldn't be taking certain obstacle on the track anyways. Races get safer, sand baggers move up to B, those who still continue to sandbag will get made fun of for racing C, everyone is happy.
That is not cool!

You have no problem calling out others by name, but failed to mention your name or your sons name.

Well that may be true, however I prefer to keep our names out of the equation. My son is 15yrs old and has only had a dirtbike for less than 4 years total, he is just a big kid, thus the big bike. He is a newb to racing and motorcycling and I felt he truly belonged in the c class. I do not want my son to suffer in anyway because of my big mouth or something stupid i may have said, and I know how pitracer is. For the record, I didn't or wouldn't ever call anybody any names like cheater or a sandbagger.

In fact i regret mentioning any names, and to be honest, I wish i hadn't . I don't know the Fusco boy or his family personally. I don't/didn't have anything against him/them then or now. He looks to be a nice kid and a fine motocross racer, hopefully my son can do as well someday. I'v got no problem with the family or Matt, personally or otherwise. I only saw the name on the back of his jersey and the speed at which he rode and I felt he was kind of advanced for c class so i chimed in. My son wasn't going to win or even be competitive in the class, it was his very fist time riding it, so jealousy was not my factor. I was simply chiming in on the conversation and I apologize for mentioning names. Again, I don't have anything against anyone. I saw the thread so i chimed in with what i saw.
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If that's the case, the solution is to have AT LEAST one jump at every track that has to be rolled by all C riders. If their skill level truly is Novice, regardless of years in the sport, they shouldn't be taking certain obstacle on the track anyways.

The OMA tried to do something like this "C-Riders cant hit any triples".... Then #77 (No name drop, :)) hit the uphill triple at Malvern on a 65!!! I don't think you can judge someone's ability by the size of their acorns.
I wanted to throw out another idea based on reading all of the posts and trying to understand what is driving the problem. I do not think it has much to do with the pressed wood plaque, but more to do with the pursuit of LL/Nationals qualification and not being forced up vs. local/regional racing. I think many fast local C riders would gladly race B locally to improve, but the AMA would automatically move them up when reported/protested at a national qualifier. Just as may fast B riders would run A locally to improve if they would not be forced to A by the AMA or a protester at the next AMA or amateur national event.

It has been stated many times that there is a skill/speed difference between the classes locally vs. on the national level, and this is very true. Also, MXSports/Loretta Lynns is a major factor in motocross today. So my proposed "solution" is to identify the local classes differently from the AMA standards at local events. Do Not use A-B-C at local races, so their is no direct connection/correlation to AMA sanctioned events and national qualifier races. I suggest something like Beginner, Novice and Expert, or whatever. I think, but am not sure, this would allow racers pursuing LL to race up a class locally (where they would be skill/speed appropriate) and maintain their AMA status at nationals (where they are skill/speed appropriate) based on the RPV advancement.
So at the end of it all...everyone agrees, LL having a C class is the root cause of all these problems...
And who runs LL? = MX Sports...
Anytime we can have a 9 page rage and it being the result of MX Sports.... All is right with the world.
Same premise as making A and "B/C" structures for local events. Ama can't bynp them because it's technically a b/c class.
Not exactly Georgie, and this is why: Most of the kids chasing LL or national qualifiers have had some local success, have won some races and have a few pressed wood plaques, but they would still like to race local races too. By combining b/c you are not helping the situation where newer/local riders have a better chance of running in the top 5 and getting an award to encourage them to come back and grow our sport. Combining the current c with b makes this worse from that riders perspective. I know everyone says just go ride and have fun, but it is a race and younger/newer riders have a different perspective than you or CK who have had your successes already and its all about competition and having fun now.
So at the end of it all...everyone agrees, LL having a C class is the root cause of all these problems...
And who runs LL? = MX Sports...
Anytime we can have a 9 page rage and it being the result of MX Sports.... All is right with the world.
Not exactly what I said. I did not say MX Sports is good or bad, but it exists, so lets deal with it. Not having a C class at LL does not grow the sport, best case it stays the same, but realistically it will cause a loss in attendance across the board in my opinion. Why don't we just have 250 and 450 class with no age or skill level separations? That would grow the sport for sure - not. We need some system of segmentation to encourage participation, competition and continual improvement, but the current one is broke.

But who expects rational arguments from a 50 parent :) hahaha j/k
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Not exactly Georgie, and this is why: Most of the kids chasing LL or national qualifiers have had some local success, have won some races and have a few pressed wood plaques, but they would still like to race local races too. By combining b/c you are not helping the situation where newer/local riders have a better chance of running in the top 5 and getting an award to encourage them to come back and grow our sport. Combining the current c with b makes this worse from that riders perspective. I know everyone says just go ride and have fun, but it is a race and younger/newer riders have a different perspective than you or CK who have had your successes already and its all about competition and having fun now.
You would still need a beginner class or D class. MX Sports would have to step up and make it so that local D rides wouldn't be aloud to run qualifiers until they move to the B/C class. That way it would put the advancements back to the local organizations to bump riders when needed.

George and I were just bench racing. The reality is none of this is going to happen. People will always be complaining because there's always got to be a winner and there's always got to be a loser.
OMG... if this crap ends in creating another class I am going to spit.
The C class IS the beginner class. And lets not forget to add the cheaters in the B class doing everything possible not to move up.

"rational argument" whats that?