Trump daddy

Can anyone save us? NO. To much greed everywhere.

No one individual can put this country back on track. Many need to be involved. The present frustration level could provide incentive. The right person in the White House would be a start. Washington will not fix itself. A true fix needs to begin at the state level. The Constitution tells us how.
Greed undoubtedly looms large. Getting to this point has been very lucrative for all involved.
No one individual can put this country back on track. Many need to be involved. The present frustration level could provide incentive. The right person in the White House would be a start. Washington will not fix itself. A true fix needs to begin at the state level. The Constitution tells us how.
Greed undoubtedly looms large. Getting to this point has been very lucrative for all involved.

And the people who need to do the fixing are the ones who are corrupt. What are the chances of anyone starting to fix it? The proof that will never happens looms in front of us right now.

The RNC is doing everything in its power to make sure Trump doesnt get the nod. And just to prove they are corrupt beyond measure they arent even shy about the fact the dont want him even though he is getting the popular vote! So for them , without shame, its about who they want in office and not the people voting.

On the DNC side, Sanders clearly has what he believes is the best interest in the country in mind. He actually tells people what is true and has voted in the past to fix it. The government is corrupt and the people with all the money are the ones funding it. He actually is a 2nd amendment advocate although he wants to ban assault weapons. But he stood up to Clinton on the gun issues calling her out for wanting to ban guns altogether. Clinton is the problem with the government. Yet she is winning by a large margin in the primaries. Why? Honestly I dont know a person who supports her. My friends that are dems dont and no one they know does! Who is voting for this woman? Fixed.

All these issues need to be fixed by those in power and those in power are the ones benefiting, the only change we will see is one world power in our lifetime run by the elite class.
And the people who need to do the fixing are the ones who are corrupt. What are the chances of anyone starting to fix it?
Ya say ya want a revolutiioooon oh well you know.......we all want to change the world. The answer. The beatles!
My guess is Trump will not get in cause he is not invited. The popular vote? that is just a nursery rhyme to keep all the sheeple sleeping.

Hillary or Romney or Satan will get in, I am not even ruling out Obama for a 3rd term. King O will just command it.
We've never really went here before, but I think it's a worthy question.

Do you view yourself a "Conservative, a Moderate, a Liberal, or a blend? And why?
This question I think tells us a lot on how we view our politics and how we vote.

The reason I ask is that I'm learning more about Cruz's position and claim that he is the only "True Conservative" in the race. And with his background, I think there's enough evidence to convict him on that.

So what the hell is Trump then? He seems very Liberal to me, but has some conservative and moderate stance on various issues.

What do YOU really want in your President?
And the people who need to do the fixing are the ones who are corrupt. What are the chances of anyone starting to fix it? The proof that will never happens looms in front of us right now.

The RNC is doing everything in its power to make sure Trump doesnt get the nod. And just to prove they are corrupt beyond measure they arent even shy about the fact the dont want him even though he is getting the popular vote! So for them , without shame, its about who they want in office and not the people voting.

On the DNC side, Sanders clearly has what he believes is the best interest in the country in mind. He actually tells people what is true and has voted in the past to fix it. The government is corrupt and the people with all the money are the ones funding it. He actually is a 2nd amendment advocate although he wants to ban assault weapons. But he stood up to Clinton on the gun issues calling her out for wanting to ban guns altogether. Clinton is the problem with the government. Yet she is winning by a large margin in the primaries. Why? Honestly I dont know a person who supports her. My friends that are dems dont and no one they know does! Who is voting for this woman? Fixed.

All these issues need to be fixed by those in power and those in power are the ones benefiting, the only change we will see is one world power in our lifetime run by the elite class.
I work with quite a few les---ER--nurses... who are all for her. It's scary one girl said we are priviliged because we are white. And wage inequality is too great, and blacks aren't treated fairly. She was just repeating what Bernie and Hillary regurgitate. And when I proved them wrong they just get upset and say I'm done talking about this. I'm leaving. And they leave. I've never understood how people think taxing businesses more, and mandating $15 an hour will help the economy. But they do!
We've never really went here before, but I think it's a worthy question.

Do you view yourself a "Conservative, a Moderate, a Liberal, or a blend? And why?
This question I think tells us a lot on how we view our politics and how we vote.

The reason I ask is that I'm learning more about Cruz's position and claim that he is the only "True Conservative" in the race. And with his background, I think there's enough evidence to convict him on that.

So what the hell is Trump then? He seems very Liberal to me, but has some conservative and moderate stance on various issues.

What do YOU really want in your President?

Im not a true hard core conservative, Im in the middle. Honestly I believe thats where it needs to be. Too far on either side is a problem. Cruz isnt what he seems at all. Check his wifes history and current affiliations.
Raising the minimum wage has had almost no negative effect and in some places, positive effect,
where it has been raised. Remember that the inflation adjusted minimum wage was over $12 an hour
in 1968. If it had been indexed to inflation since then it would be $16 an hour today. Part of the
reason people feel there is greater wage inequality and that some people are winning at the
expense of others is that the minimum wage hasn't risen with inflation.

The argument that we're going to keep kids from getting jobs is false. Eighty nine percent
of people that work for minimum wage are over 20 years old.

In a letter to the president, more than 600 economists, including 7 Nobel Prize winners wrote, "In recent years there have been important developments in the academic literature on the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment, with the weight of evidence now showing that increases in the minimum wage have had little or no negative effect on the employment of minimum-wage workers, even during times of weakness in the labor market. Research suggests that a minimum-wage increase could have a small stimulative effect on the economy as low-wage workers spend their additional earnings, raising demand and job growth, and providing some help on the jobs front."
There is plenty of peer reviewed research into this and these guys know what they are talking about.

Trickle down has been proven to not help the economy as a whole. Trickle up does because every dollar a low wage earner makes gets
put back into the economy immediately.
There's no such thing as a true conservative anymore. They were co-opted by the religious
fanatic christian right.
I work with quite a few les---ER--nurses... who are all for her. It's scary one girl said we are priviliged because we are white. And wage inequality is too great, and blacks aren't treated fairly. She was just repeating what Bernie and Hillary regurgitate. And when I proved them wrong they just get upset and say I'm done talking about this. I'm leaving. And they leave. I've never understood how people think taxing businesses more, and mandating $15 an hour will help the economy. But they do!

Those nurses can't help it, they've been programed through school curriculum shaped by the likes of this guy. "Medicare for all" roles off his lips with only the slightest provocation.


He also most likely authored this guy's first "autobiography".


As a Constitutional conservative, I'd say check out Ted's record. You won't find one better. And yes, Mrs. Cruz works for a bank.
Lowest paying job at the clinic is now $12 an hour. I don't see anyone working harder because of it. Most went from 9 to 12 an hour. A 25% raise.

The ohio direct card goes directly back into the economy too.....load up on the 1st. Gone by the second. Load on the 15th gone on the 16th.

It all makes sense now. If we all just made the same amount of money then we would all just dump it right back into the economy. No need for savings, or anytbing like that. We all will have the same fair lives in a fair country. Thank god I realized this before this coming Tuesday. And who better to manage all the fairness than the government ? Brilliant.
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They start in the grade schools. That is why I pulled mine out of public schools. The things my 8 hear old would come up with.
Oh, if all the failed and failing federal social programs had just been properly done, what a wonderful place our country would be. :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Obamacare is about power and dependency. Control by the central government.

Foxnews Today article on Obamacare: Failed ObamaCare co-ops have not repaid $1.2B in federal loans, docs say

Looks like this will be quite a mess for the incoming President to inherit.
Im not a true hard core conservative, Im in the middle. Honestly I believe thats where it needs to be. Too far on either side is a problem. Cruz isnt what he seems at all. Check his wifes history and current affiliations.

I hear you on this, but what's kind of caught my attention is that Cruz led the 2013 government shutdown, which in reality is almost like the ultimate test for a politician when you think about it. That took some balls to take a stand like that, especially in light of political history taking us back to when Newt Gingrich lost his House Speakership for the exact same reason.

Right or wrong, I found myself strongly in support of the 2013 shutdown, particularly in light of the fact that Obama created the terms of the shutdown with his Sequesters plan, which was in reality just a poker bluff that backfired on him. The bottom line was, and is, that this group of political maniacs that represent us as a government in Washington live and act similar to Heroin junkies in the way they spend money that isn't theirs to spend.

Tax and spend, Tax and spend, that's all they know how to do, and make laws so that they can't be held accountable to any of the calamity that they create. And of course they cater to the special interest folks that got them elected and promise them power and wealth for themselves in return.

If Trump locks up the convention, and then wins the presidency, which both parties will do their damnedest to complicate and prevent, we will see the Republicans lose the House and Senate majorities, and then the campaign efforts to impeach Trump will soon follow. They are not gong to let him have the Presidency!
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I hear you on this, but what's kind of caught my attention is that Cruz led the 2013 government shutdown, which in reality is almost like the ultimate test for a politician when you think about it. That took some balls to take a stand like that, especially in light of political history taking us back to when Newt Gingrich lost his House Speakership for the exact same reason.

Right or wrong, I found myself strongly in support of the 2013 shutdown, particularly in light of the fact that Obama created the terms of the shutdown with his Sequesters plan, which was in reality just a poker bluff that backfired on him. The bottom line was, and is, that this group of political maniacs that represent us as a government in Washington live and act similar to Heroin junkies in the way they spend money that isn't theirs to spend.

Tax and spend, Tax and spend, that's all they know how to do, and make laws so that they can't be held accountable to any of the calamity that they create. And of course they cater to the special interest folks that got them elected and promise them power and wealth for themselves in return.

If Trump locks up the convention, and then wins the presidency, which both parties will do their damnedest to complicate and prevent, we will see the Republicans lose the House and Senate majorities, and then the campaign efforts to impeach Trump will soon follow. They are not gong to let him have the Presidency!

If he wins the presidency why would that guarantee losing the majority in the in congress? If republicans vote him in they will keep the majority also wouldnt they?
Right or wrong, I found myself strongly in support of the 2013 shutdown, particularly in light of the fact that Obama created the terms of the shutdown with his Sequesters plan, which was in reality just a poker bluff that backfired on him.

That is incorrect. The sequester was written into the Budget Control Act of 2011 by republicans. They then had the
opportunity to pass a full budget before the sequester took effect two years later but failed to put anything before
the president to sign.

The sequester was a product of the republican congress.
All the budget control act of 2011 did was slow the spending. Not cut spending. And many of the items in that are now gone by the way side. Too slow for the dems. need to tax and spend more faster.