Trump daddy

You're mainly seeing the negatives, and yes, there are a lot of them.

Let me put it this way:
George Baker is a bright, young, hard working individual that had enough sense about him to put himself through college to open some doors of opportunity that otherwise wouldn't be available. Georgie has paid a very high price for this education. He has also done his internship and has paid his dues to get where he is at. George is becoming incredibly well skilled in his chosen profession. He even works the "s**t-shifts" that others won't, but he does it so that he can earn a good living, at a good wage, and build a strong future for himself. And he even has enough good sense to live conservatively and put away a bit each week, for his eventual retirement. And he'll do this for the next 45 years.

Now, first you have all of these welfare case freeloaders coming in to get Georgies services on the taxpayers dime. And then you have the incessant greed demands of the corporation that he works for, who will be forever demanding more, more, more, for less, and with less. This corporation wants Georgie to forever be completely flexible, in every possible way, and they, like many and most greedy corporations, have notorious track records of abusing employees, and will retaliate if Georgie screams for any employee rights of his own. Georgie has to fight for every pay increase, has been passed over for promotions or better positions because of nepotism and workplace politics. And everytime he gets a new boss, the same old crap begins all over again. 10 years into his career, Georgie becomes increasingly aggravated. And then the news arrives that the company is now going to screw with his hard earned retirement benefits.

What's Georgie do????? Georgie and his coworkers get fed up, and vote to unionize for collective bargaining rights.

Oh and let's not forget how Congress and the Presidents have the ability to just vote in their own pay and benefits increases. An example is Obama's proposal to increase pay and benefits for retired presidents. (pay increase 18%).

We are Professional. We're not interested in kissing anybody's ass to be recognized as star employees of the month. We just want to do what we do without all the BS. And many of us are very, very good at what we do and get sick and tired of having to defend or prove ourselves over and over to idiot's that are F****ing clueless.

Every job isn't in the capitalistic private sector. And you just aren't going to have those same "A Valued Member of the Team" environments. If you are a city employee who manages the Municipal Sewer Plant, you're not going to work with the same motivations or mentality as an employee of a Building Contractor, or Software Development company. And yet that City employee was required to have at least an Environmental Bachelor Degree, makes himself available 24hrs a day, 365 days a year, and manages a lot of stressful job requirements and accountability. He is entitled to a good wage and benefits for that, and shouldn't have to fight, beg or grovel for it.

Georgie quits his job and gets a better one. Eventually a poor employer wont have employees.

Like I said, not all unions are bad but you still havent answered my question.

In the IBEW it doesnt matter how good an employee is you cant be rewarded much better than a employee who was pushed through the apprenticeship even though he shouldnt have passed. Both a great employee and a substandard employee make the same top rate. Sure there are a couple things like foremans rate and other small bonuses but thats it. How is that not socialism?
You're mainly seeing the negatives, and yes, there are a lot of them.

Let me put it this way:
George Baker is a bright, young, hard working individual that had enough sense about him to put himself through college to open some doors of opportunity that otherwise wouldn't be available. Georgie has paid a very high price for this education. He has also done his internship and has paid his dues to get where he is at. George is becoming incredibly well skilled in his chosen profession. He even works the "s**t-shifts" that others won't, but he does it so that he can earn a good living, at a good wage, and build a strong future for himself. And he even has enough good sense to live conservatively and put away a bit each week, for his eventual retirement. And he'll do this for the next 45 years.

Now, first you have all of these welfare case freeloaders coming in to get Georgies services on the taxpayers dime. And then you have the incessant greed demands of the corporation that he works for, who will be forever demanding more, more, more, for less, and with less. This corporation wants Georgie to forever be completely flexible, in every possible way, and they, like many and most greedy corporations, have notorious track records of abusing employees, and will retaliate if Georgie screams for any employee rights of his own. Georgie has to fight for every pay increase, has been passed over for promotions or better positions because of nepotism and workplace politics. And everytime he gets a new boss, the same old crap begins all over again. 10 years into his career, Georgie becomes increasingly aggravated. And then the news arrives that the company is now going to screw with his hard earned retirement benefits.

What's Georgie do????? Georgie and his coworkers get fed up, and vote to unionize for collective bargaining rights.

Oh and let's not forget how Congress and the Presidents have the ability to just vote in their own pay and benefits increases. An example is Obama's proposal to increase pay and benefits for retired presidents. (pay increase 18%).

We are Professional. We're not interested in kissing anybody's ass to be recognized as star employees of the month. We just want to do what we do without all the BS. And many of us are very, very good at what we do and get sick and tired of having to defend or prove ourselves over and over to idiot's that are F****ing clueless.

Every job isn't in the capitalistic private sector. And you just aren't going to have those same "A Valued Member of the Team" environments. If you are a city employee who manages the Municipal Sewer Plant, you're not going to work with the same motivations or mentality as an employee of a Building Contractor, or Software Development company. And yet that City employee was required to have at least an Environmental Bachelor Degree, makes himself available 24hrs a day, 365 days a year, and manages a lot of stressful job requirements and accountability. He is entitled to a good wage and benefits for that, and shouldn't have to fight, beg or grovel for it.

Im beginning to think you actually work for the NSA and have been listening to me at work, and somehow see exactly what I'm up to....scary.
Like this Hershey,
When I was working out of the Hall, if a poor worker was sent out to a contractor, the contractor always had the right to refuse them, and or lay them off, and get another. And then there are many contractors that will take the pick of the crop and hold on to them somewhat permanently, even though they aren't supposed to. We occasionally contract out some of work here at the plant and use local union contractors. If they bring in a bad employee, we make a fuss about it, and get them sent back.

Most of the good electricians that I worked with out of the hall just simply wanted steady work, that's all.

And even here at the plant that I work at, there are over 150 craftsmen between us and the mechanics union, we just simply want to be able to come in and perform our craft, make a career of it, and eventually enjoy a comfortable retirement from our work. The company looses way more of their profits because of their own stupidity and mismanagement than we ever cost them. And that's an undisputable fact with a long history.
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If you are going to stoop to the level of insults then I say this comment above is even more stupid.

Point being, I have friends in the union who either have spouses or parents who cover their health benefits. In that circumstance they do not need the coverage from the union. On top of that regardless if you are a young single guy with zero health issues or a 45 year old with a spouse and 6 children there are unions that it costs the same to the employer to cover them both.

Everybody gets sick. Everyone's needs to be covered. Not by the government. Not for free. But they need to figure out how to cover themselves whether it's employee based, or private pay.

If you won't figure out how to get insured, then you'll have to figure out how to minimize damages to your health.

This all comes back to personal accountability. To of which, there really isn't a growing amount of this thought process. Since we are regulating everything on this portion of a rock floating in space under God....its just promoting demands of entitlements. And I don't want to be 68 years old with a nest egg flushing my retirement down the terloit to some 19 year old arsewad that decides they're not going to work for the next 45 years.
The company made profit every year , under every contract it had with the union . Some contracts we got more , some contracts we lost wages and benefits with the ebb and flow of the industry .

[Mostly redacted]

FYI, our third branch of government did NOT strip a pile of union rights away today. But only because
one sitting member died a few weeks ago. Had he been alive, not only would union organizing
be set back years (from an earlier Supreme Court ruling they would have rescinded!!) but republifucks like
our Ohio congress would be emboldened to take more away.

If you think that workers should be allowed to organize, you should be voting democrap.

Why anybody thinks unions are a problem is beyond me. In most of the world business owners
wouldn't even consider dealing with every single dumb cluck employee separately. That's what
unions are about. Just because american business owners have sometimes been bad negotiators,
and gotten taken for a ride by the much better organized unions, in the last 20-30 years
should not be blamed on unions. It should be blamed on incompetent management.
I say this as a business owner that wishes his box of kittens would get their s**t together
so I didn't have to pet every single one of them.
I was on the wrong end of an argument in 2011 with the local IAFF. Got drug into the issue 2, senate bill 5 argument at the state level. No a pleasurable thing having the iaff actively working against you getting re-elected. I was re-elected though.

Issue 2 would eliminate collective barging for police and fire. We also had a charter amendment in the city placed on the ballot that if passed would have taken management rights away from the city and bankrupt the city in two years. The IAFF did not care.....they really didn't. Maybe because over 85% of our Fire fighters did not live in the city.

So we were supposed to buy turn out gear, that is rated for 10 years.....but the city replaced at 4 to 5 years. So many sets are bought a year. $3000 for a set. My point in the discussion was, why as a fire fighter are they literally not responsible for anything to perform their job?

They get almost $1000 a year for clothing. One fire fighter bought 500 pairs of socks one year because he didn't need anything else. They get every piece of gear needed at the tax payer expense. make sense? People in the private sector are required to buy tools, etc to perform Jobs all the time. professionals need to buy computers, clothing, etc to perform their jobs. So is it asking to much for government workers to provide the clothing they wear to work, etc?

It was a bitter fight, but I was really just making a point at the time. Glad it's way behind me. Bridges are mended. I respect the job public servants perform, but really hate how the unions don't take the tax payer into consideration usually.

Sent from my SM-G900V using PitRacer mobile app
While off on this tangent, no more public sector union discussion?

Back to Donald, do his supporters actually listen to what he is saying? Or do they just hear key words and then project to hear what they want?
Back to Donald, do his supporters actually listen to what he is saying? Or do they just hear key words and then project to hear what they want?

Trump has blown it.

It took some time but it has finally happened. Because he is not a politician, they knew he would always make a strong effort at a direct answer when asked a question. The media has finally gotten their opportunities to set him up with questions that they all knew he couldn't answer intelligently, and now the media pouncing begins. Now they will replay his blundered answers over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.

They have already began their little game plan of shaming you for ever considering such a boob! C'mon............. Is this reeeeeeeaaaaalllllllyyyyy who YOU want for a President?

The Republican party "Establishment Crew" can't blame it on Trump, because in all honesty, they failed to put up a candidate that could win against Hillary. Which is the vacuum that allowed Trump to surface and rise.

And now, it's all about her.
Trump ; champion of the dumb masses ( say it quickly ) .

Wonder if Hillbillary can win from federal prison ( of course she will never do time , no matter what ) ? News reports said her underlings are all lawyering up in this continuing investigation of the email/server/info scandal . Wouldn't be surprised if some of them had fatal " accidents " like some in other Clinton scandals .

What choice is no viable choice ? Whoever wins - we lose .
Im tired of Trump acting like a school kid having to one up everyone in debates and on social media. However when he talks I believe him. Cruz talks like a veteran politician. I can't stand the stupid slow talk, the pauses and the fake sincerity. Hillary is an evil person who's entire life has been surrounded by scandal. She has been caught in too many lies in the is campaign alone that you would think people would vote for her.....let alone her past. Bernie .... well I'm not socialist. Pick the best of the worst.
Im tired of Trump acting like a school kid having to one up everyone in debates and on social media. However when he talks I believe him. Cruz talks like a veteran politician. I can't stand the stupid slow talk, the pauses and the fake sincerity. Hillary is an evil person who's entire life has been surrounded by scandal. She has been caught in too many lies in the is campaign alone that you would think people would vote for her.....let alone her past. Bernie .... well I'm not socialist. Pick the best of the worst.

Totally agree. That is why Trump is still the best option. He needs to come out and start naming people for his cabinet. He will surround himself with very smart people.

Read up on Cruz's wife. Him and his wife are total establishment. And the people he has surrounded himself with are all total establishment.
Yep total establishment. Totally. 110%. Even Mitch McConnell loves Cruz and rand. They're the most establishment candidates since Nixon.
Trump is such a poser. No longer a Democrat? Conservative? Religious? Really? He has never even so much as taken the time to think out the positions that he now attempts to espouse. He's the same self promoter, showman and deal maker that he has always been. His notion of conservatism comes across as some liberal media created characterization. Open borders with a welfare state is an obvious disaster unless you are a Democrat or an establishment Republican (Kasich?). Trump like isolationism and protectionism have already been tried with a history of disasterous consequences. I don't believe Trump or believe in him. But he has served a good purpose. He has refused to be controlled by the press and used the media to his advantage. Great, but it has all been for show. And in so doing, he has demonstrated to be lacking the principles required to be to begin to right the country. Thankfully he has also helped in exposing a raft of Republican posers.
But if it comes down to it, I'd vote for the petty fool Trump over the "other" Democrats. The Democrats are that bad. Lesser of evils again.
As for the Cruz, his style, his family or whatever other nonsense. The guy is a constitutional conservative and his career demonstrates that. He defeated Rove and the Bush establishment to get to the Senate and has stood by his principles.
Investigate on your own or believe the propaganda. It's still sort of a free country.
He's not perfect. I am a conservative republican for sure. But I am voting Trump. The Republican party is such a disaster right now in Ohio and Nationally we need a major shake up. Trump will surround himself with smart people, I am not worried about that at all. The RNC needs a serious wake up call! They are so out of touch with a majority of Americans. They have controlled the house and senate, and done absolutely NOTHING since controlling them. They have let Obama go ahead with his spending and everything else.

Republicans need to focus back on Conservative principles. If a Rubio or a Kasich got elected nothing would change at all.
Reince Priebus interviewed on all of the major political talk shows yesterday morning.
I'm actually a little puzzled as to why? I don't think he helped matters any.

No surprise that the line of questioning was completely centered on what happens as we go into the convention, if Trump does not lock up the 1237 delegates. I'm just not sure what message that he was actually intending to get across? Everything seemed to be on the table open for discussion, including the possibility of a last minute Dark Horse candidate. His body language conveyed nervousness, uncertainty and disappointment.

The ship is taking on water and listing.
Reince Priebus interviewed on all of the major political talk shows yesterday morning.
I'm actually a little puzzled as to why? I don't think he helped matters any.

No surprise that the line of questioning was completely centered on what happens as we go into the convention, if Trump does not lock up the 1237 delegates. I'm just not sure what message that he was actually intending to get across? Everything seemed to be on the table open for discussion, including the possibility of a last minute Dark Horse candidate. His body language conveyed nervousness, uncertainty and disappointment.

The ship is taking on water and listing.

I agree. The Party has been taking on water for some time. Nationally, and at the state level. There are many county battles happening with the state party. The state seems to be filled with RINOs and are not pleased with the number of Freedom Caucus members becoming involved within the state and county central committees.