Trump daddy

Thats all you can do. And in the face of death I would probably laugh.... I laugh at everything, it gets me in trouble regularly.
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I was on the road a good bit Saturday driving back and forth from a job that I was doing, and I would say that for every Clinton/Kaine sign that I saw, there were at least 10 Trump/Pence signs.

Yet, I'm still not convinced that Trump is going to pull in the votes needed to win this. With electoral college and voter redistricting that has taken place as well as the amount of voters that just don't see things with the Clinton clan as being as bad as they really are, he's just not going to pull it off. Then of course the dumbass stuff that he has done hasn't helped the situation either.

This will be a very sad and long four years!
I was on the road a good bit Saturday driving back and forth from a job that I was doing, and I would say that for every Clinton/Kaine sign that I saw, there were at least 10 Trump/Pence signs.

Yet, I'm still not convinced that Trump is going to pull in the votes needed to win this. With electoral college and voter redistricting that has taken place as well as the amount of voters that just don't see things with the Clinton clan as being as bad as they really are, he's just not going to pull it off. Then of course the dumbass stuff that he has done hasn't helped the situation either.

This will be a very sad and long four years!

Lol...probably 8 years
Yep, all you can do is laugh. Thinking about the fact that people actually would vote for that woman will eat you alive from the inside out....realizing that they will most likely vote for a second term, like they did Obama, will put you in the nut house.
I just can't stand what they are doing to this country we grew up in. (Of course Nancy often questions if I'll ever grow up! ):D
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I'm confident the bitch loses. Unless those machines are humming to the tune of soros.

never thought this would get 42 pages. I Win bigly!
how long before the clintons assassinate him?

You wonder if all that stuff he said today he would act on.....

Super pacs will have their hands full trying to outspend this tycoon.

What the laws on spending for a campaign? I expect OBAMA might be throwing down an executive order for campaign spending. Lol.

Back to my original post. Here's spending:

Trump daddy:
I said it around page one. ( I am always wrong)

There will never be another republican pres. Ever. Unless we have a revolution. Trump revolution?
I said it around page one. ( I am always wrong)

There will never be another republican pres. Ever. Unless we have a revolution. Trump revolution?

On one of the Sunday morning political talk shows they were having a discussion amongst their Power Panel and were hashing over what Hillary will do to bridge the divide and reunite the country after she wins. Their responses were predictable spin and once again revealed their slanted bias and arrogance. Only a few in the public media really get it. YOU AIN'T NEVER GOING TO BRIDGE THIS DIVIDE WITH A CLINTON IN OFFICE !

Here is another thing that sticks in my mind.
Hillary knows that most of the tax paying working middle class that keep the lights in this country turned on, have a complete deep disgust for her and her pedophile husband. But yet, they are going to show us just "Who in the Hell do you think you are" by doing whatever it takes to win this election. Popularity and belief in leadership means nothing. It's all about big money and control!

They absolutely don't give a damn about what's good for the United States. If you put Americans 1st, and say NO to the politicians and an out of control government, we could turn this ship on a dime, and truly rise to greatness again. But first we have to educate the ignorant and get the blinders off.

(sorry for the rant, my 38 degree cold ride in on the bike this morning woke me up and got the juices flowing :D).
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I just Voted for Hillary. The whole grab her by then pussy comments swayed me. And when he said they can go eff themselves. And also how degrading when he said if dinner isn't on the table gets very upset.

After all the FBI say she didn't do anything a wrong. Big govt is awesome. Let's make it bigger.
You know that she cares.

You know that her entire career has been focused on serving her fellow Americans. The poor, the women, and most importantly the children. You know... all the little people.

And as she extends for a warm and welcoming handshake and then then wraps her arm around your shoulder embracing you close to her to show you that SHE... Hillary.... Understands YOU!
She knows what's important to you. Why wouldn't you vote for her ?????

Last week it was reported that her and Bill have secured a personal net worth over $111 million.

Yesterday it was reported that she was having personal maid printing off classified doc's.

She doesn't drive, and hasn't since 1996. Personally chauffeured everywhere. Which of course means she never has to whip it into Duke and Dutchess to fill up before the gas goes up again.

She doesn't have a "Real Marriage" like normal folks do. Her and "Bill"ary have an marriage/business arrangement. ( I love my wife and our marriage, and wouldn't trade it for $100 Billion ).

She never has to travel on public aircraft, or Coach Class. Private Jets everywhere, WITH an entourage of servants and security detail.

She never has to worry about if she will get flocked out of her Social Security, have her Pension stolen, or if her retirement Broker isn't telling her the truth.

And it goes on, and on, and on...........

People with $111 million and this sort of lifestyle are not in touch with YOUR REALITY. I'm sorry, but it's true!
SOunds likes she lives daily how Kristi and I lived in Jamaica on our honeymoon. If I lived like that I wouldn't give a s**t about any of you. Bahahahahah.
My little rural polling place was packed when I came to work and was packed when I went back to vote at 1 pm. Never saw that many people in that Town Hall building in previous elections. My estimate is that signage on the roads in my neck of the county has been 10-1 for Trump.
I walked into the fire dept, walked right up to the desk, showed my ID, walked right to a voting machine and was out in less than 10 min total. It was 115 pm. Usually I have to wait. Odd