Trump daddy

Remember how it came to be "balanced"?

Yea, absolutely. Congress was the other party and they had to compromise. That's my dream

Oh, and USSR fell apart so both parties could turn down the military/industrial complex
money spigot.

Is your remembrance different?
Yea, absolutely. Congress was the other party and they had to compromise. That's my dream

Oh, and USSR fell apart so both parties could turn down the military/industrial complex
money spigot.

Is your remembrance different?

Yes, entirely different!
Your strick NYT world view apparently remains intact. Lol!
After watching debates for BOTH parties Im convinced that if you want the economy to get any better you had better vote Republican. Hillary and Bernie want to argue about who is more progressive and can give the most free socialist programs to anyone but those who earn a very good wage. BOTH of them want to TAX people and businesses MORE to pay for it. Taxing more simply doesnt work well. Obamacare had the same idea, the people who didnt really need insurance and were cheap to cover yet would pay high premiums would fund the loss on the sick who were expensive to cover. Well guess what, they simply didnt buy insurance and if they did they didnt buy it through the market place. The end result , unless your looking through Sturds eyes, is a major loss for insurance companies. They are dropping out of the program, and the ones who arent are losing millions if not billions on the program and are threatening to drop out for 2017. So what does the Obama administration do??? They ILLEGALLY give them BILLIONS of our money to shore them up for now.

The same thing will happen if the Dems get in again, they will over tax and people simply wont pay more. How? By not investing, by not expanding businesses, by moving operations over seas. Every one wants to get pissed when jobs move to another country yet the reason is our government has made it too expensive to do business here.

The one thing you dont see on any Dem agenda is to balance the budget, its too hard to do when you are expanding the government , giving away more free s**t and spending more money.

Im one for any anti establishment candidate right now, I believe Cruz is an establishment candidate. I may be wrong but I think if he got in office he would roll over. Trump IMO wont. I think his ego will force him to do what he wants And I believe he is the best of the absolutely shitty field of assholes that want to destroy our country we have to choose from.
So let's talk about audits.

My fiancé was audited last year. The yoyos sent her a $2000 bill. She was damn near in tears and about to write a check. Inwas like wait a minute. So I pulled our returns out and went through them. No mistakes made.

I sent them a letter contesting it. They come back 4 months later saying, well right you didn't owe 2000. You actually owe 300. Pay it now to avoid penalties.

Uh so again, I contested it. And they wrote us back, it seems your correct.

But since Donald got audited, I agree Sturd lets make a big fuss about it. Throw his head on a spike. Clearly since he's audited determines GUILT. Right out of the bat. Hell maybe Clinton or Bernie can change the constitution from innocent until proven guilty to if your audited your guilty, you're a witch, burn you!
Here is why I really like Trump. He is a business man. He has failed before.

My point, I hope his intentions is to run the country like a business. You cant spend more money then you make. If you spend more money than you make, you go out of business.
Trump is a post-constitutional, Washington establishment, crony capitalist. His support continues to come from pent-up frustration with the Republican establishment and the system in general. But Trump is and always has been a creature of the system. He has been acting superior and powerful while spouting his "beautiful", populist nonsense. He's the wizard behind the curtain. And it all has been so easy (too easy?) so far. But what happens when the curtain is finally pulled to reveal the real Donald?
The end result , unless your looking through Sturds eyes, is a major loss for insurance companies.

If you have any proof of that, I'd like to see it. The only proof I have to the contrary
comes from the WSJ. Profit margins were smaller in 2010 than 2008 but are flat
since the Obamacare marketplaces opened.

My future stock moves are awaiting your sage advice.
Let's just play Left Right Center for $100,000 a chip sturd....better chances than your stock moves.
His wife works for Goldman Sachs. That is bad enough for me to not like him or trust him.

"Heidi Cruz is planning to take an unpaid leave from Goldman to help her husband’s campaign." She comes from a Dentist father and Dental Hygenist mother. Middle Class Americans. I consider all doctors to be middle class (Except for Dr. Drew and sell-out Dr. Oz). Because they do WORK for what they have.

Which is very evil of her. Unpaid leave. If she were a true strong independent woman who don't need no man, she would stand up and demand paid time off. Thanks Hillary!

She works in Private WEALTH management. If you end up being successful in life, with a huge nest egg. You'd be smart to ask her for advice on how to keep your money away from the liberals.

When a democrat/liberal/independent whatever, asks you this question:
"Why are you a conservative? Answer: "So you can be a liberal!" (They want free things)

Liberals aren't blue collar hard workers. Blue collar hard workers are just that...hard working, but they're not who Liberal-Politicians are working for. That mentality died a long time ago. And Repbublicans/conservatives aren't for the SUPER RICH. Yet that's what is preached in high schools and universities.

Liberals want to "GIVE-GIVE-GIVE-GIVE" ; however, to "GIVE-GIVE-GIVE-GIVE" they must first "take-take-take-take." They want to Tax (Take), to pay (Give) for things that they think are moral and right for everyone. Even if these people are s**t-bags that DESERVE NOTHING more than to be flushed down the terloit (toilet) of accountability. And if they find something they want to TAKE (guns) they do so behind children as a shield, and they Don't have to GIVE anything, except all they're giving is the false notion of "that was the right thing to do."

My goal is not to dump my heart and soul into my profession for the next 40 plus years, build a nest egg, secure a future for my family, just to give it to some kid coming out of college so he or she can feel fairness. Let that kid fail, let that kid go broke for a while, and then let that kid figure out how good it feels to know "I did that myself, nobody helped me. I did it myself, I made my own dream a reality." My parents raised me, and I never appreciated all the dirtbikes until it was cut-off. I was never conservative until I was cut-off. People on assistance from the government NEVER GET CUT OFF. Therefore, they never appreciate what they have. You get this damn country back to Family values and the country fixes itself. But you don't get family values by giving everything away.

You need a mother, a father, and stability. These are all hard things to achieve; but they ARE achievable by anyone in the USA. It's easy to get a divorce, It's easy to throw in the towel. It's easy to wait for your ohio direction card to fill on the 1st and 15th. Being independent is hard! Why is it only FAIR to make everything EASY?!

***This is for people who have no medical disability. People who are truly disabled should be taken care of, that's what we have the Medicaid for. Even then, if I do have a disabled child, it's my responsibility to take care for that child until I am gone, and then I would hope that Medicare would continue until the child passes. I'm feeling some ectopy coming on. I must stop.
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His wife works for Goldman Sachs. That is bad enough for me to not like him or trust him.

Good catch Brian. I wondered if anybody else caught that.
The bad part is memories are short. The names from the meltdown era slip away cleanly.

And it's remarkable how many simply overlook Kasich's employment history as well.

Georgie, you clearly are developing strong passionate feelings with all of this, which is what happens when you pay your dues in life. I'm proud of you for paying attention, because this business going on right now is every bit as big as anything we ever studied in the American history books in school.
What happens from here is as each working year that pass's and takes you into your 30's, 40's and 50's, will make you less trusting, wiser, more suspicious and angrier. This country is full of hard working middle class folks who have had their retirements destroyed because of the practices of our government, and a greedy corporate pirates.

At some point here, we will be due for a Revolution reset again.
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Here is why I really like Trump. He is a business man. He has failed before.

My point, I hope his intentions is to run the country like a business. You cant spend more money then you make. If you spend more money than you make, you go out of business.
I could not agree more 100%. At the end of the day, Trump if elected will change politicians. They get into office, and they state, "well I had to compromise"......Guess what, I would rather you vote NO! That's what you said you would do.

Establishment on both sides are scared to death of Trump. The liberal media tells you Trump cant beat Hillary, because they want to run against Rubio or Cruz. Trump will go after Hillary harder than any of the rest of them.

Cruz keeps bringing up that Trump funded liberal democrats. I could CARE LESS! He is the owner of many Million dollar businesses, and he is going to grease the wheel on both ends. What does this do for a company and business man like trump? It gives him a ear. No matter what he runs up against doing business, and yes Government gets involved in every business at the local, county, state and federal level, he will have someone that takes his call. Working in Liberal NJ and Atlantic City, I am sure he needed the support of many Democrats to get projects completed.

Trump will be the strongest candidate against Hillary. Rubio is very week. Rubio is way too scripted right from the RNC. Just like the Ohio Republican Party scripts their candidates. I am involved in the republican party pretty heavy. The turmoil inside the Ohio Republican party is ugly and the worst it has ever been! The republican party has lost their base. They are fed up and tired of all the talk and lack of action!
I could not agree more 100%. At the end of the day, Trump if elected will change politicians. They get into office, and they state, "well I had to compromise"......Guess what, I would rather you vote NO! That's what you said you would do.

You do know this is exactly what Cruz is known for, and campaigns on? NOT COMPROMISING.....? Seriously. You love trump so much, but you just stated Cruz's best quality.
Today I learned that both Chris (never trust people with funny names) Christie and former
KKK Grand Wizard David Duke endorsed Trump Daddy.

What could possibly go wrong?
I'm hoping she channels Ronnie and endorses him. Maybe with a dark turban on
and angels fluttering over an altar where she's sitting. With children humming
god Bless America in the background.
Winning? Another day and of course more Trump populist rhetoric. Today he'll sue the media and win money. Sounds great doesn't it. For trial lawyers? What happened to the First Amendment?
If you have any proof of that, I'd like to see it. The only proof I have to the contrary
comes from the WSJ. Profit margins were smaller in 2010 than 2008 but are flat
since the Obamacare marketplaces opened.

My future stock moves are awaiting your sage advice.

Do I need to go on?

It simply doesn't work. Insurance companies can't make money on the market or when they do the plans look affordable to consumers until they realize the plans don't cover s**t and they are left owing thousands in medical bills.