Trump daddy

Georgie, there is an ebb and flow to these things, and you are right, they are trying to do as much as they can to push it one way right now so that it can't come back the other way in the future. But there are still many hurdles and thank goodness the Supreme court was updated with the former president in power. Because eventually the rulings of the court may come into play to see where our world is headed, and that is why the LEFT was trying to keep from having the last justice installed. And it's why they want to change the rules now, and make it a bigger court to get their majority to bum rush all of the stuff through............

Thank goodness our forefathers were thinking ahead and tried to make it impossible for any one movement to take over the whole thing and turn this into a dictatorship type place. But we are going to see attempts to PUSH everything through right now........ they can already see very unhappy people around the country and know that at Midterm election, they will probably lose the majority in one place and get the swing going back the other way.................
A timely reply, some time ago?
Georgie, there is an ebb and flow to these things, and you are right, they are trying to do as much as they can to push it one way right now so that it can't come back the other way in the future. But there are still many hurdles and thank goodness the Supreme court was updated with the former president in power. Because eventually the rulings of the court may come into play to see where our world is headed, and that is why the LEFT was trying to keep from having the last justice installed. And it's why they want to change the rules now, and make it a bigger court to get their majority to bum rush all of the stuff through............

Thank goodness our forefathers were thinking ahead and tried to make it impossible for any one movement to take over the whole thing and turn this into a dictatorship type place. But we are going to see attempts to PUSH everything through right now........ they can already see very unhappy people around the country and know that at Midterm election, they will probably lose the majority in one place and get the swing going back the other way.................
I’m affected even more intimately than that currently. Suppose that’s what can happen when raising your right hand. Not to be misconstrued as lack of support, but the latter. I Fully support the office of the president, and hope he makes the right decisions.
Georgie and others:

I'm not downplaying the current state of our nation, it's in a terrible mess right now, and the pandemic along with the political unrest and political fighting that is going on between parties is terrible for the average American family. People have been forced by the government to lose their livelihoods with all of the rules that are put in place to "save" us from certain death by hospital overload. And complying with the rules, means that the people are trying to help the greater good and get to the other side of this pandemic, and right in line with that, is they are relying on the government to help them out while in this time of need. The government has become the most important part of society (which is what the players in the government really want anyway), and people are relying on them. But the government is so screwed up that they can't help the people in a timely manner............ not by giving them some of their own money back to make ends meet while they have been put out of work, not by getting the vaccine out to everyone in need of it to get some restrictions lifted, not by spending future money from taxes on the problem now, because of all the special interests that need to be added to any measure to please the real button pushers............ it's a huge mess!!!!

But what can we do as American citizens? Wait until the next VOTE and let our voices be heard? Is the voting process tainted? Maybe, but when everyone is upset with the state of things, they will speak in one way or another. We may be headed to either an overhaul of the government, voting process, or country as a whole. Civil war comes from the unrest of the majority of people looking to overthrow the "leaders" who are making the unrest........ And we may be headed there in some way, whether it's a Supreme Court Battle on new regulations, whether it's States choosing to make their own rules, something has to give to make the people happy within their own country again.
Georgie and others:

I'm not downplaying the current state of our nation, it's in a terrible mess right now, and the pandemic along with the political unrest and political fighting that is going on between parties is terrible for the average American family. People have been forced by the government to lose their livelihoods with all of the rules that are put in place to "save" us from certain death by hospital overload. And complying with the rules, means that the people are trying to help the greater good and get to the other side of this pandemic, and right in line with that, is they are relying on the government to help them out while in this time of need. The government has become the most important part of society (which is what the players in the government really want anyway), and people are relying on them. But the government is so screwed up that they can't help the people in a timely manner............ not by giving them some of their own money back to make ends meet while they have been put out of work, not by getting the vaccine out to everyone in need of it to get some restrictions lifted, not by spending future money from taxes on the problem now, because of all the special interests that need to be added to any measure to please the real button pushers............ it's a huge mess!!!!

But what can we do as American citizens? Wait until the next VOTE and let our voices be heard? Is the voting process tainted? Maybe, but when everyone is upset with the state of things, they will speak in one way or another. We may be headed to either an overhaul of the government, voting process, or country as a whole. Civil war comes from the unrest of the majority of people looking to overthrow the "leaders" who are making the unrest........ And we may be headed there in some way, whether it's a Supreme Court Battle on new regulations, whether it's States choosing to make their own rules, something has to give to make the people happy within their own country again.
The extreme left democrat party leaders, liberal media, and liberal corporations are battling against conservative Americans.

They are, and have waged war. They're battling for the minds of your impressionable kids and grandkids. They want to wreck and bury the conservative patriotic segment of the republican party, and America in general.

Biden and the Clinton's are in deep with foreign countries and are selling the United States out. It's treasonous!
Why do you think they didn't even attempt to dispute Tony Bobulinski's accusations revealed to Fox news and the media during his open press briefing on China-Biden business? Pelosi, who is head of the house, won't even hold a hearing on it. And the liberal left media are giving the Dem's protection from the scandal. There's easily enough there to impeach Biden.

And then you have the ongoing, unresolved and unexposed Durham investigation that dug deep into the scandals of the left, ensnaring Obama, Hillary Clinton and Biden during the Mueller Investigation . Hell, even Obama called out Biden for his crooked international activities while he was the sitting VP. And then Obama was refusing to later endorse him. Why do you think the Clinton foundation took such a massive financial hit after Hillary lost the election. She was selling favors and empty promises while she was the Secretary of State. These f*ckers are only about building their own legacies while selling America down the river.

They want to build and secure their own fortunes and power as "Elites", and to make everybody else dependents to the state. All the while they redistribute your wealth to others.

As I stated before, most every person I have been around, or hear from, that vote democrat and voted for Biden, are seriously uninformed, and misinformed. And many are seriously loyal to the party, beyond good reason. They are usually completely clueless when you begin unveiling the verifiable facts. And they make literally no effort to educate themselves. Their like blind sheep. And it's really puzzling to them when you also spill the goods (the bads) of the Republican party as well, so that they can understand that you aren't just attacking them.

The biggest mistake we can make is leaving this all up to the politicians that created this mess. Americans have to pull together, throw out ALL the party politics, and VERY SIMPLY: DO WHAT IS RIGHT FOR AMERICA...RIGHT NOW!
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My apologies to you guys for putting up with my bullish headstrong views about this. I certainly don't mean to come off as though I'm browbeating and that others can't have an opinion on it without hearing me rant afterward. At least you guys return with helpful input on the matter the majority of the time. I'll clam up for a while. :)
Graham: Massive coronavirus stimulus package is 'reshaping of America'
'I hope the American people are paying attention,' South Carolina senator says
All talk Lindsey...
All talk Lindsey...
Congressional democrats are refusing to even test illegals for China-virus as they are Illegally invading the country at the southern border. Biden completely refuses to talk about the issue.

How long can Biden continue this charade of being the the worlds most powerful leader?
Why is Harris handling all calls from international leaders?
Why is Biden avoiding the press, how long can his handlers shelter him from to the press, and how long does the liberal media keep covering for him?
What will it take before they admit there is a serious problem and invoke the 25th amendment?
Who will Harris appoint to be VP, and will congress approve?

It is absolutely stunning to see what is happening here and the grand lie they've created. Looks like a House of Cards?
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Corona virus is being used on both sides of everyone’s mouths. It’s a clown leveraging tool.

1. The uneducated are scared shitless. (Im talking about truly poor folks who don’t have access to education)

2.The woke educated are so undereducated on the virus but they feel it’s their place to spread their collegiate educated guilt and keep pumping the fear. (I’m talking about truly idiotic folks who think they’re special because they got a masters degree but have never lifted a finger in their life to add to GDP)

3. Politicians swing it to whichever side their constituent vote dictates.
(poor /uneducated > scared more hand out policy.

Middle class constituents> freedom / stay the f**k out of my business, leave me alone I don’t give a s**t about sardine can city living. Don’t give me a fish, I’ll buy a fuckin fishing pole.

ultra rich constituents> make hand outs vs rich guilt or total control whichever they want.

Roll your sleeves up bitches. ✌

Tinfoil hats won’t even stop this madness.
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Nice touch with the "On any Sunday" T-shirt.


The Offended Song:​

"We Gotta Be LESS WHITE" New Song!! | Buddy Brown | Truck Sessions​

Interesting that now the major news outlets are finally acknowledging the mess created along the US-Mexico border since President Harris and VP Biden have taken office, but they are spinning the story only from the humanitarian aspect, showing young mom's and their children heroically trekking their way up from South America. No talk about all the sketchy bad characters, drugs and human trafficking.
And of course now the administration has also ordered a complete media blackout to all border agents, patrols, detention center workers, etc.

Situation with Mexican cartels 'out of control': Former US marshal
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Federal Judge: ‘One-Party Control Of The Press And Media Is A Threat To A Viable Democracy’
“It should be borne in mind that the first step taken by any potential authoritarian or dictatorial regime is to gain control of communications, particularly the delivery of news,” wrote Judge Laurence Silberman of the D.C. Circuit for the Court of Appeals. “It is fair to conclude, therefore, that one-party control of the press and media is a threat to a viable democracy.”
