Trump daddy


PR Elite
Well........... I hope the Biden supporters and voters are proud of their leader now, (most likely they aren't even paying attention to what's going on as most are quite lazy and un-informed) He's sure created a hell of a mess in Afghanistan. All while he went on vacation.

And all that he had to say about it was......TRUMPS FAULT!


My whole life I've looked up to military personnel and veterans. And like everyone, have family and many friends that have served. Some long term career military.
I had it in my mind to join the Marines after High School, but circumstance's and family influence's made me see that it was not in my best interest at that time to do so. I was bitter about it for a long time as I grew up seeing my uncle on the holidays in full dress, and really looked up to him. There was a lot of pride there.

What's most unfortunate now, almost 40 years later, and this is something Nancy and I talk about often, is that I no longer want any of my family members to be in the military. There ain't no way in hell that I want any Jackwad politicians, like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and on and on to have the power to send my kids or grandkids into harms way. And Biden just reminded my why I feel that way.

Now, before the lecturing from you all begin, I know and understand the critical importance of a strong national military. But lets send the politicians into battle first!
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PR Founding Father
Well........... I hope the Biden supporters and voters are proud of their leader now, (most likely they aren't even paying attention to what's going on as most are quite lazy and un-informed) He's sure created a hell of a mess in Afghanistan. All while he went on vacation.

And all that he had to say about it was......TRUMPS FAULT!


My whole life I've looked up to military personnel and veterans. And like everyone, have family and many friends that have served. Some long term career military.
I had it in my mind to join the Marines after High School, but circumstance's and family influence's made me see that it was not in my best interest at that time to do so. I was bitter about it for a long time as I grew up seeing my uncle on the holidays in full dress, and really looked up to him. There was a lot of pride there.

What's most unfortunate now, almost 40 years later, and this is something Nancy and I talk about often, is that I no longer want any of my family members to be in the military. There ain't no way in hell that I want any Jackwad politicians, like Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and on and on to have the power to send my kids or grandkids into harms way. And Biden just reminded my why I feel that way.

Now, before the lecturing from you all begin, I know and understand the critical importance of a strong national military. But lets send the politicians into battle first!
Military remains a constant. Administrations change. The military adapts. Fight to win the nations wars. That’s the job. And it will get done.


PR Elite
Military remains a constant. Administrations change. The military adapts. Fight to win the nations wars. That’s the job. And it will get done.

And that's just what they want a perfect soldier to think, (as well as the US citizens).

The Military doesn't remain a constant. Look at changes the US military has gone through over stupid and insane policy decisions made by liberal politicians in congress and lying Presidents all in the name of gaining votes. We have terrorist attacks on our own homeland US bases??????

Then look at how we utilize the military to process very-very poor policy decisions for deceptive and political reasons around the world. And we are losing world wide credibility because of it.

Our history is filled with stupid battles fought and lives lost over a geographical area or piece of ground that was deemed critical only to later abandon it, and then have to go back and lose more lives to recapture it.

We have United States soldiers going into battle, only to become maimed or killed by United States weaponry being used against them, left behind from our previous "hurry up and get out" policy decisions. That's messed up!

My nephew put his life on the line repeatedly doing Knock-&-Talks going door to door in Afghanistan looking for terrorist insurgents. My next door neighbors son was involved in some of the most intense bush battles of Afghanistan and was fortunate enough to live to talk about it. And for what?????

I am all for fighting our nations battles, I just don't support putting lives on the line when stupid foreign policy decisions are made or poorly executed.

Georgie, right now you have retired Generals speaking out in the press that this whole mess is a catastrophic F**K-UP by our so called Commander-in-Chief.

I have the utmost absolute respect for you brother, and all who serve, (those who serve for the right reasons, that is), in our military services. And I have nothing but the highest praise for your willingness go. But I'm old enough, and have seen enough, that I don't take it all at face value anymore.

Trump was earning back respect for the United States globally, and now you have the Democrats pissing it all away again.
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PR Elite
Is this a breakdown in our system. Is our so-called President, lost all control and is being purposely locked down and shrouded by the government and Pentagon as the world watch's this unfold? What the hell is happening here ??????

Afghanistan government crumbles despite Biden's assurances
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PR Elite
I don't doubt or question our military. The military is full of incredibly talented, smart, and dedicated people. What we've lost here is intelligent and competent command leadership.

Earlier today I read that Biden was set to give a statement at 3:45 this afternoon to address the debacle in Afghanistan. After which I wondered, what can he possibly say, that won't make the situation worse than it already is? He surely will not admit any guilt, failure of judgement, or decision making, and we already know that they are trying to shift blame onto Trump. ................Surely him and his speech writers are going to build on that diversionary narrative are they?

On my way home from work, the afternoon radio talk show host raised the exact same question: What can he possibly say that won't make it worse? I couldn't help but laugh.

And then it happened. At approx 3:55 he comes on the television, and offers up a "Live, pre-recorded and edited" lame ass high school level, evasive long winded verbal rambling making the I'M THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES BIG JOE BIDEN, and DON'T YOU FORGET IT justification speech, which in essence said a whole lot of nothing.

And there you had it. He actually made it all worse, and blamed every one else in the process.

That's the American Leadership we're putting forward for the whole world community to see. Way to go Democrats ! ! !


PR Founding Father
CNN and FOX gas light both sides. Turn the tv off. You’ll lose your mind. I was working in HQ during covid and I stopped watching because it’s laughable the s**t they come up with on both sides and nearly all of it not factual. Amazing. They report crap that I KNOW from my job briefs and sitreps…the info reported wasn’t correct or EVEN remotely accurate.

Leads me to beleive all of it is s**t. They know nothing.

none of this is news. It’s all opinions of pre selected so-called experts in suits on tv. The same people. You just watch the same Opinions on every talking point. It’s all garbage.


PR Elite
CNN and FOX gas light both sides. Turn the tv off. You’ll lose your mind. I was working in HQ during covid and I stopped watching because it’s laughable the s**t they come up with on both sides and nearly all of it not factual. Amazing. They report crap that I KNOW from my job briefs and sitreps…the info reported wasn’t correct or EVEN remotely accurate.

Leads me to beleive all of it is s**t. They know nothing.

none of this is news. It’s all opinions of pre selected so-called experts in suits on tv. The same people. You just watch the same Opinions on every talking point. It’s all garbage.

For the first time in 10+ years all of the major news outlets are acknowledging together that "Wow" this turned into a disastrous mess. There's too much worldwide journalistic coverage showing the mayhem playing out on this one.

What you are saying is what Biden said in his speech: "Move along everybody.......nothing to see here".

Combined with the party's other reckless policies, this will go down as one of the most significant presidential disasters in American history.
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PR Elite
Thinking where we go from here, my brain tells me that Joe Biden and his Democratic clown administration has just found themselves the new owners of the Battle for Afghanistan in the War Against Terror, beginning with the re-liberation of Kabul, and then to all the other provinces from there.

Can they really allow Afghanistan to flourish back into a full blown terrorist country under this new-found spirit of military victory against the American tyrant's???? After all, as they see it.............they just chased us away in defeat, while the world stood and watched.

The US Military bases will have to be re-taken and re-opened, The Afghan Armies will have to be rebuilt, and permanent long term US Military presence in the region will be required.

May as well forget just sending 6000 troops. He's going to need 30,000 again, along with all the logistics and armament required for a long term campaign. As I see it, it's the only logical recourse to repair the damage done, and to restore faith in America again as a responsible world leader and Superpower country...................But then again, were under weak, lost, and incompetently pathetic Democratic leadership aren't we!
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PR Elite
Another interesting and stunning view:

Biden's speech was 'disingenuous,' al Qaeda will return, former Reagan official says

Former Assistant Secretary of Defense Francis 'Bing' West says al Qaeda 'will again show its viper head'

Bing West responds to Biden's speech on Taliban sweeping Afghanistan


PR Founding Father
It is truly sickening. I think now we will have to worry about Afghanistan folks once on our side....turning on us... Not sure I would blame them.


PR Elite
Very interesting perspective on Afghanistan as a country and their people, and how the US trained Afghan Security forces were never going to keep it together.
I had actually heard most of these facts before from a documentary on PBS from probably 10 years ago, about how there is no cohesive bond between afghan people, but instead are just scattered constant feuding tribes.

The person that I remember most from that documentary that truly understood what we were dealing over there was Condoleezza Rice, Bush Jr's Secretary of State.

Pete Hegseth: Afghanistan withdrawal worse than Saigon, 'demoralizing' for veterans
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PR Elite
Well it's a new day, and as this situation continues to develop, the worse it gets.

The Taliban is now dictating terms of withdraw to our the US government. Makes me nauseous to watch it. Can't believe what I am seeing.
And Bidens clowns are making it clear, that they are more interested in getting Afghans out of the war zone, than Americans. Putting our US citizens to the back of the line to get out.

Biden, Harris, Press Secretary Psaki, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, are putting their foolish arrogance and complete incompetence on full display. They have no idea how stupid, amateurish, inexperienced and unqualified they are revealing to be.

They all completely refuse to acknowledge how disastrously they have F**CKED UP, and if that weren't enough, they are insisting on making it worse. And as usual, the liberal left media is shrouding and aiding them.

It also blows me away how many US Citizens are almost oblivious to what's happening. Listening to the radio host yesterday afternoon, they were even commenting how many people out there are in Bidens camp of blaming this on Trump.

As a country, I think we are in deep trouble here.
I'm purchasing more guns and ammo!
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