Trump daddy

Its not progressive populist to have patriotism with regards to fair trade and monetary equality, creating jobs and fueling OUR economy. Again, its the only reason I back Trump. For me its the most important issue we face as a country right now.
Dave, how many times have I told you the facts or reality has no place on the internet.

I say 75% of people living in this country have no clue, or do they care. but wait, when they lose all the free stuff and freedoms look out.
Its not progressive populist to have patriotism with regards to fair trade and monetary equality, creating jobs and fueling OUR economy. Again, its the only reason I back Trump. For me its the most important issue we face as a country right now.

Does anyone remember way back to Iowa? Trump lost. In a desperate pandering attempt to win the economic genius revealed his true character and principles. He went full crony capitalist establishment to endorse corporate welfare ethanol subsidies. So Trump supporters are good agrarian nationalist progressive populists and just fine with that. Ted Cruz of course stood by his principles and won.
Our elected, career politicians, have hosed the middle class for decades. The laws they pass have ruined our manufacturing base and put people out of work.

All the while, those same career politicians continue to gain wealth and power. Their donors control their votes.

I get paid based on what I produce for my employer and work hard to achieve success. The majority of politicians have little experience in business and it shows in the stupid laws and regulations they come up with.

If that isn't a reason to vote for new blood, nothing is....

Ever see the Rep. from Georgia that was concerned Guam would sink if we put too many troops on that island?

Got it Captain Obvious :D

So AHRMA361, when does your campaign start?

Need a flunkie?

At least he found a flunkie (running mate?).

Watching the PBS News Hour last night, they ran an interesting segment on American cities pushing for new immigrant citizens. There are a lot of cities that have been on the decline for many years, but are now seeing growth and revitalization due to the influx of refugees such as the ones from Syria, Bosnia and other places. Paul Solomon (PBS) used Utica, New York as his story example.

Bottom line is, towns like these can use both the immigrant labor, as well as the lost manufacturing (regained from China) if plans such as Trumps were to succeed. And the story showed how industrious and hard working these folks are and how much they appreciate the American opportunity. And many of these immigrants are educated already. And the plan is for eventual path to citizenship. A type of Win-Win situation for all.
If we tax China goods coming into the country eventually we will manufacture products here and create jobs.

Look up Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act and study it's effect on the economy.

Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it.
Look up Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act and study it's effect on the economy.

Those who don't remember history are doomed to repeat it.
Some scary read. This is a different time though. Maybe instead of a tax we make China adhere to the trade agreements put in place.
You have to admit, what is going on now is not working out well for American Jobs.

No plan will work if everyone ignores it.

Consequences of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff
The Smoot-Hawley Tariff was more a consequence of the Great Depression than an initial cause. However, its passage did not help end the Great Depression and in fact caused more suffering. It provoked a storm of foreign retaliatory measures. It also became a symbol of the "beggar-thy-neighbor" policies (policies designed to improve one's own lot at the expense of others) of the 1930s. This and other policies contributed to a drastic decline in international trade. For example, US imports from Europe declined from a 1929 high of $1,334 million to just $390 million in 1932, while U.S. exports to Europe fell from $2,341 million in 1929 to $784 million in 1932. In the end,world trade declined by about 66% between 1929 and 1934. In less monetary terms, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff fostered distrust among nations leading to less cooperation in either the political or economic realms. It also pointed to further isolationism that would be key in delaying US entry into World War II.

The Smoot-Hawley Tariff was the beginning of the end of major US protectionism in the 20th century. Beginning with the 1934 Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act which was signed into law by President Franklin Roosevelt, America began to emphasize trade liberalization over protectionism. In later years, the US began to move towards even freer international trade agreements, as evidenced by its support for the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Damn Mark, it's going to take me all day to study up on what that means. :confused:

A compilation of terms bandied about in attempts to account for and categorize Trump's various positions and appeal. Agrarianism for example is derived from Donald's support of and proposal to increase farm subsidies. Big government, deal making, corporate cronyism would continue unabated in a Trump administration.
Watching the PBS News Hour last night, they ran an interesting segment on American cities pushing for new immigrant citizens.

Well, that was your first mistake. The rest is just so wrong on so many levels. Put an industrious and pleasant face on Obama "immigration" policies? The left so wants to ignore our time tested immigration laws and destroy our civil society. You may also find that these immigrants belong to a brotherhood that supercedes any workers union or any assimilation for that matter.
Want to make it better or worse?
I want to make it better of course, it seems the more educated I get on this whole political/economics crap. That I dont know anything.

So I give up, anyone know how to get on welfare, SSI, disability? I just want a free check. When do I get my check for NOT committing a crime? I have never.
So I guess I am due 49 years worth of back pay.
I've been following this stuff since before I attended Buckeye Boys State where I realized I wasn't cut out to be a politician. It takes time to get a handle on things. The political terrain is constantly changing but there are constants through history that make it all very understandable.
Well, that was your first mistake. The rest is just so wrong on so many levels. Put an industrious and pleasant face on Obama "immigration" policies? The left so wants to ignore our time tested immigration laws and destroy our civil society. You may also find that these immigrants belong to a brotherhood that supercedes any workers union or any assimilation for that matter.

First mistake :D, probably makes me a old fogey nerd for liking PBS, huh. I don't sense as much bias from them as I do the other networks.

But if these immigrants are brought in by the time tested policies and methods, then it's a good thing isn't it? Particularly if they can help a dying city or town thrive again?
If our politics are good, and our policies, and regulations are good, then we Americanize these immigrants. ya?

I guess why it struck me is that, all we ever hear about are the bad immigration stories, rarely the good side.
Not a fan of Obama's handling on immigration, particularly with the Hispanic's and now Cuba, but that's not to say that all immigrants are bad, and that America can't prosper from them being here. Especially if we get immigrants that have quality education, hard workers, and are good family folk.

America can still be a great and positive influence. And it's in our best interest to be the greatest capitalistic powerhouse country in the free world. So with that being said, we could use the best and the brightest to help us get there. Both in our politics and our immigration?
You have to admit, what is going on now is not working out well for American Jobs.

Whoever is telling you that is misinformed. Job growth has been around 2% a year last couple of
years. Unemployment continues to fall, it's around 5% as of today.

If you want to talk about how wages aren't working out for some, that's a different
matter. Many of the jobs created are lower wage ones. and Research/Econ Notebook/Forecast-2015-E-D-vs-Total-Job-Growth.jpg
First mistake :D, probably makes me a old fogey nerd for liking PBS, huh. I don't sense as much bias from them as I do the other networks.

I agree and I am totally in love with Nina Totenberg. Where else can you get Supremo coverage
like hers?
Agrarianism for example is derived from Donald's support of and proposal to increase farm subsidies. Big government, deal making, corporate cronyism would continue unabated in a Trump administration.

I do recall some of the talk around this from the Iowa Caca news.
If I recall it was about ethanol correct? And the farms are not the family farms one envisions, but more of the corporate farming like Monsanto and others?
Whoever is telling you that is misinformed. Job growth has been around 2% a year last couple of
years. Unemployment continues to fall, it's around 5% as of today.

If you want to talk about how wages aren't working out for some, that's a different
matter. Many of the jobs created are lower wage ones. and Research/Econ Notebook/Forecast-2015-E-D-vs-Total-Job-Growth.jpg

The only reason unemployment is falling comes from people no longer eligible and a declining labor force not really from job creation. Amazing how left you can be.
Just one of many articles to back up my claim.