Trump daddy

Big news of the day. Kasich and Cruz teaming up to keep Trump out! This is total Bullshit. Kasich is pulling out of Indiana, and Cruz is not campaigning in New Mexico and Oregon. They want to keep Trump from 1237. Does not matter what the people want, does not matter who the people vote for. To hell with them, let the political insider delegates, that we are aloud to pay for meals, flights, and hotel rooms for, to bribe them at the convention.

No two presidential candidates have ever joined forces like this. It is a joke. You have no chance to get to 1237 so you will not bow out with some freaking class.

I hope the American people call this for what it is.......BS. Cruz stands there and says Trump is desperate. Really? Kasich and Cruz are freaking delusional! Every time cruz talks I want to punch him in the face through the TV.
Not sure how many of you caught this on Friday, but this one is a biggy also. I warned you guys some time back about Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, He's an absolute slime-ball !
( for those who don't remember, before he got his Governors seat he was the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and chairman to both Bill and Hillary Clinton campaigns, and major fundraiser and advisor.)

In Virginia, Terry McAuliffe Breaks the Constitution to Plump the Democratic Vote

In what is likely an unconstitutional state action seemingly calculated to ensure that the purple state of Virginia goes blue in the November election, Governor Terry McAuliffe (D.) signed an executive order on Friday restoring the voting rights of 206,000 ex-felons in Virginia, including those convicted of murder, armed robbery, rape, sexual assault, and other violent crimes. The order also restores their right to sit on a jury, become a notary, and even serve in elected office.

The New York Times inadvertently gave the game away when it said that McAuliffe’s “action effectively overturns a Civil War–era provision in the state’s Constitution.”

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I only caught one interview with him about it, and he emphatically stated that the executive action wasn't politically motivated at all.

Uh....Yea.... I'm stupid and I'll believe you on that.
This is all such a mess and discouraging. A coworker and I were discussing the national debt, deficit, and Debt/GDP ratio and how quickly it's all escalated. America needs a fix soon. Who's going to do it?

No one person, that's for sure.
Really, he is playing a part? Isnt that what people trying to get elected do? No where, except for Lyin Ted , did it say any one in his team claimed he wouldnt try ot do what he claims he will. So whats the point of your post?

Notice Cruz's numbers have tanked lately?

And I thought Trump was going to be so different. But no need to look further when it comes to Donald and his crew, apparently the show is that good.

Notice how Trump gets all the media time and attention? He communicates with the media constantly. Has he won them over or is he really just one of them?
Every time cruz talks I want to punch him in the face through the TV.

Such a violent visceral reaction concerning a Constitutional conservative? Say if for example Jim Jordan was running and Donald had done his number on him, would you feel the same way?
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I only caught one interview with him about it, and he emphatically stated that the executive action wasn't politically motivated at all.

Uh....Yea.... I'm stupid and I'll believe you on that.

Mcauliffe, long time Clinton political bag man...
Big news of the day. Kasich and Cruz teaming up to keep Trump out! This is total Bullshit. Kasich is pulling out of Indiana, and Cruz is not campaigning in New Mexico and Oregon. They want to keep Trump from 1237. Does not matter what the people want, does not matter who the people vote for. To hell with them, let the political insider delegates, that we are aloud to pay for meals, flights, and hotel rooms for, to bribe them at the convention. No two presidential candidates have ever joined forces like this. It is a joke. You have no chance to get to 1237 so you will not bow out with some freaking class.

As concerned and strategic as they are being about stopping the Trump Train, why don't they just call up Jeb Bush, Rubio, Carson, Fiorina, Santorum, Rand Paul, and Huckabee, have them restart all of their campaigns again to dilute the vote tallies even further before the convention ?

I'm thinking that this is all a dead sure sign that the Republican National Committee are at a complete loss on how to handle this problem.

Before, I believed that Trump was a creation resulting from the lack of any real solid candidate. I've since rethought this and am now convinced that it's all just indicators and signs of how lost, fractured and dysfunctional the Republican party has become.

The Democratic party has Liberals, Moderates, and Conservatives as well, but I'm just wandering if the number of Democratic conservatives and even moderates are outnumbered in their voices and vote? Not hearing too much these days, and the Democratic world sure seems to love Hillary ?
That cackling you hear in the background, sort of a soft buzzing that is right at the edge of
your consciousness? That's me.

FYI, in 38 states ex-felons automatically gain the right to vote upon the completion of their sentence.
Ohio is included in that. McAuliffe's decree requires ex-felons to complete their sentence and
any parole before granting them the right to vote.

Whether McAuliffe's decision was political or not, people that have served their time should not
remain disenfranchised.
Whether McAuliffe's decision was political or not, people that have served their time should not
remain disenfranchised.

Reading up on this a little, it's been a hot topic for some time, and again, it all happens at the state level first. To my understanding, the laws on the felons restrictions from voting goes back to the civil war era. I remember the topic being taught when I was in Jr High School.

If there are going to be changes made to these laws, I would think that the voters in the state's should have a say in this. It's very clear that these laws are being changed for political purposes and gains for the parties.
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Back to Trump, Terry McAuliffe had big money enablers during his gubernatorial race, including Donald. He helped McAuliffe defeat a good conservative opponent in Ken Cuccinelli.
Trump sweeps all 5 states. wins 100% of all counties in all 5 states. That's a clean sweep. managed to also get something like at least 36 of the 54 unbound delegates elected that will support him on the first ballot.

Now onto Indiana. Trump is campaigning with Bobby Knight, who is like God in Indiana, much like Sabin in Alabama. I predict a major victory in Indiana. Hell Cruz called it a basketball ring in a speech today! It's a hoop Ted, a hoop!

Trump will get to 1237. He already has 2.5 million more votes than Mitt Romney had at this same point 4 years ago. The establishment is waking up to this movement. Voters are not stupid. Voters are pissed off at career politicians. They are changing the way a Republican will run for Congress and the Senate right now.

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Dad! Thanks for posting his pic.

Dad? Know about this guy?

Sorry but he's a convicted felon. No more political finance involvement but in NC he should be able to vote again.

Timothy Leary's dead but old Richard Alpert (Ram Dass) lives on. Many years ago at a U C San Diego holistic health conference, white robe clad Ram was perched before us on a soapstone lab/lecture bench. Many seemed enthralled during his supposed conciousness raising presentation. I wasn't impressed. A conciousness razing con man may have been an apt description. His NC son, a chip off the old block?
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