Malvern....The Battle Draws Near



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Awesome day! Races turned out awesome, some nasty crashes!, but I think all the victims walked away unscathed. Good job malvern, always worth the drive to be at your facility
If you took photos today for the race, if you would take the time to reply your website that would be very kind thank you
I took pictures!! Check out!!! I will get the pictures uploaded probably Tuesday, I have to work tomorrow:( AWESOME day of racing!!! Way to go malvern! Classes were stacked! It was so awesome meeting new people and re-meeting some :) I was only there for the first Moto.... Mother nature and her heat don't mix well with my hyperhidrosis and heart condition. But the first half of the race was awesome!!
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I needed to be at the football fields the past two days, but wish I were at Malvern. I am hoping to be healed enough to race next weekend, and then be ready to race BC. Hated to miss it, I love Malverns track.
I first want to let everyone know that Zach Rogers took a nasty crash in his first Moto today which resulted in him breaking his collarbone. Please keep Zack in your prayers and wish him a speedy recovery.

I want to thank Jason, Tina and the whole Malvern staff for a great day. Your hard work sure showed.
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Competition was....well, to say the least, fierce. There wasn't a moto where I didn't have to work for position. That's the kind of racing I love. Very challenging weekend for me both on the track and with bike set up. Good job.

Also keeping the dust down on the access roads was well policed! Thanks for the great weekend.
Thanks for the kind words guys. Zack is fine, no big deal just a collar bone. We all know in this sport it not if you get hurt, it's when. Quite frankly he was probably due.
What class was Zach racing in? And any news on the guy who crashed last race first moto? He kept saying his knee his knee, he got a golf cart ride off the track. Georgieporgie, weren't you racing in 2 stroke bike? You checked out!! You are one heck of a rider, super smooth and fast. Sometimes I have a hard time watching certain classes and taking pictures because the riders can get a little out of control but then there are those classes and some riders were I forget to take pictures just because Im in awe, make riding a dirt bike look beautiful (not in a cheesy way) But it is just like you belong there. I LOVE THAT! Awesome job Malvern!! That is the most packed I have seen Malvern in years! You guys rocked in!
Fun weekend at the Vern. Great competition, as well as some great races. Hats off to the Malvern crew for all the hard work. I thought the track changes worked out well to slow the back section down, there were still crashes but they seemed to be much slower, with less impact so, the ones I saw everyone but one got on their bike and rode away. Again, to all involved thanks for your efforts and Zack heal up soon.
That was my son with the golf cart ride and his knee. He is ok. No breaks or acl damage. His leg was pulled up behind him while boot was stuck to bike as it was trying to flip. Very lucky on this one.