BC Battle Weekend Updates!

This is what confused me. I know in the past there has been a short practice. We were unable to camp for this race so I may bring my son to race Sunday morning.


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Great track today! Good solid 3 rounds of practice! The boy loves the sand rollers and all changes for that matter! UTV racing was super fun to watch, seen a lot of out of the realm spectators there for just that.Great job BCliff and OMA staff!
Rumor has it, its broke in a few spots. My guess is that means hardware. No more briarcliff for you Georgie. Bad Jojo. So bummed I couldn't make it. Was in some sort of denial all day cuz of it. Lol
Yea. Every August 30 for past three years in the hospital.

Broke 3 spots. Need surgery.

Everytime JO makes a track change Some baker gets hurt. So no more changes before race day please. And I won't get hurt.

Also tell the flagger thanks for dropping my bike in he only mudhole down there. :)

Had a great time but get rid of those sand rollers. That whole section is a nightmare!

Competition was fierce and I was battling all the way to the get off. Great racing all weekend.

5th overall in series in 125 class. I'll take it considering I got a DNF.
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Sorry to hear that Georgie! You were ripping out there today! Get well soon. I didn't have a great day either. First moto I bounced my head off the ground and ended my day. I still have a headache. Had a great time this weekend tho! Great racing! Great people! Great event! Thanks J. O. Get sum rest!
Kudos to the BC crew, it was fantastic.
The track is super fun, and very race-able. In the past there have been sections better suited to practice only, but this layout was awesome. And yes, keep the sand rollers.

Rained basically all night long Saturday night, and even some in the morning. They delayed for a bit, got things worked in, and it really was never very muddy at all. That was all due to very hard work by the crew, thanks again for making a great series in Ohio.
More thoughts this morning.

- the schedule of practice and quad racing Saturday and bike racing Sunday for the Battle Series was awesome. I enjoyed watching the quad racing as a spectator as well.
- the UTV invitational at BC was freaking awesome! Those guys have skills! AND BALLS
- as I said above, I think this is the best BC RACE track we have seen. The layout was awesome and good combination of technical areas (sand whoops!!), jumps, and higher speed sections. Loved it and the layout promoted good racing
- the parking at BC is awesome now. Previously a weak point of the facility, they have clearly done a ton of work clearing woods and expanding parking. The parking section near the first turn and staging is fabulous.
- something really cool about BC that I didn't think about before is the start. You have the start straight and the second full straight before you enter the track. So what? Here's the good thing about that -- you have two full straights in which any carnage would not affect the actual race. It's basically impossible for a race to get red-flagged due to issues from the start. That is pretty cool and key to running big events.
- motos clicked off with precision. No unnecessary delays, track crew all over the place and nobody was sitting around.
- water truck was cruising the pits keeping the pit roads watered. This is hugely appreciated and one of those little things that is easy to overlook. When I see tracks doing this I know they are ready for big time.
- handed out garbage bags at the gate to every vehicle, plus there were a ton of garbage cans throughout the pits. If you left garbage on the ground shame on you.

Briarcliff is ready for a LL Regional for sure. Please apply for one for 2016! Thank you guys for working so hard, it is obvious that most, if not all, of the money being made at the track is going right back into the facility for improvements. I've raced all over the country and never been shy about posting suggestions for tracks that I see done at other places. I know Jeremy will probably get on here and say "there's more work needed" but really you guys have done one hell of a job and I can't think of anything more at this point to improve.

We definitely have plenty of work to do, but we have come a long way, and we arent stopping. Real proud of the crew, we had plenty of hiccups, but nobody hung their head or cried, they just marched forward. Lots of little glitches hurt us on time. However i think given the weather imact, we did the best they we could given the cards we were dealt. We will be submitting for a regional sanction, but I wont have hurt feeling if we get a qualifier, or nothing at all. I will run the races that I am selected to run, and give 110% no matter what happens.
By the way, i didnt plan those fireworks saturday, that was an impromptu display by a neighbor from down the road, they werent bad though.
Kudos to the BC crew, it was fantastic.
The track is super fun, and very race-able. In the past there have been sections better suited to practice only, but this layout was awesome. And yes, keep the sand rollers.

Rained basically all night long Saturday night, and even some in the morning. They delayed for a bit, got things worked in, and it really was never very muddy at all. That was all due to very hard work by the crew, thanks again for making a great series in Ohio.
Agree with all of it, even the sand rollers.

This was our first race at the Cliff and enjoyed the track, prep and parking. Rolled in Friday night and found an awesome spot just off the drive by the starting gate - awesome! Until I got the $hit shocked out of me multiple times setting up the RV! Thought the RV had a short, then I looked up and saw those high power lines above us. Time to move up on the hill, but still a good spot. There should be a warning or heads up on that deal :eek:. Was concerned with that 180 lefty out of the gate, but very few riders down or tangled up there, so it worked out.

We had a good time at all the Battle races and got to hang out with some old friends and some new ones.
way to go Briarcliff! you guys rocked it!! I had a blast taking pictures and meeting all the flaggers, you guys are a hoot!!! I took over 1,000 pictures! I have to go through them and edit and most likely delete a lot hahaha! So pictures will be up either tomorrow or Wednesday! There was some awesome racing and some sick scrubbing going on!! And I'm sure this isn't the first time this has been brought up but, when are there going to be rules about parents screaming at their kids in the 50 class? I said something to a parent and he gave me the cold shoulder. I don't blame him, I mean who am I to say anything to him, but the guy was scaring me.....I'm sure he was scaring his kid too. But on a good note, there was a kid that possibly blew up his 85, I was standing right there so I tried to help him and his dad showed up and was nothing but positive. Gave his kid a high five and told him you rode the heck out of that bike! Awesome job Briarcliff!!!!!