BC Battle round PW class issues


PR Addict
Just back away from the rider when sign goes up. problem solved. If the kid can't hold his self up put blocks under his feet. I have seen some much bigger push offs the point is everyone needs to back away and make it a clean start.


PR Founding Father
Make the PW class along with a D class a non points paying beginner class. Problem solved. JB19, I only commented because I consider Hershey a friend, and think it is totally irrelevant that his had was on the back of Austins bike.


PR Founding Father
Non points pay but give them all six foot trophies if that's the only class they race during the series. Kids love that.


PR Addict
It's really fun watching this train wreck.
Eff that, give it to the podium finishers only. No participation awards you damn democrat

Agree with trophies for podium only for all classes. I do like some sort of medal for the rest of the youngsters. All the Pdub pilots deserved a medal for navigating and finishing the cliff this weekend! Don't be such a hard a$$. This ain't t-ball!

Mandy Boorom

PR Member
Anytime I have been in a competitive environment they only thing I have hoped for is a level playing field and the same rules for everyone. Based on the responses here I guess I have a better idea of where the boundaries are for pw50 racers on the starting gate.

I'm probably guilty of following the rules to a T. In all my years of racing it was stated that once the 1 minute sign went up the rider was on his own. Maybe Don Kenworthy just made that up because it doesn't appear to be in the AMA rule book.

So Mr. Rulebook,
Maybe you will be able to provide some insight on why it was completely acceptable for your son to ride a premixed bike in the "oil inj" class this weekend? So by your rules it perfectly ok leave the oil inj PW parked in the pits and run an illegal bike but completely out of line to lay a finger on your kids bike wile on the gate? I think the "T" that you're following is a little crooked. HAH
But guess what? I didn't make a big deal out of it because it didn't effect us in any way, both of our kids probably had FUN and that is what is important to me. Sorry, I was too busy having a good time to take video or pictures.
On a side note, that was our first and last southwest series race. The "fathers" in the 50 jr classes were the WORST group of mini parents I have ever witnessed. They were shouting profanities and names at their children that I couldn't imagine saying to my dog let alone a child. We had intensions of going to COCR next weekend but that is not happening, I am not one to tell people how to raise their kids but I don't feel like having mine around that nonsense. These kids are NOT making money, they are making memories. Wish more dudes would understand that.


PR Member
So Mr. Rulebook,
Maybe you will be able to provide some insight on why it was completely acceptable for your son to ride a premixed bike in the "oil inj" class this weekend? So by your rules it perfectly ok leave the oil inj PW parked in the pits and run an illegal bike but completely out of line to lay a finger on your kids bike wile on the gate? I think the "T" that you're following is a little crooked. HAH
But guess what? I didn't make a big deal out of it because it didn't effect us in any way, both of our kids probably had FUN and that is what is important to me. Sorry, I was too busy having a good time to take video or pictures.
On a side note, that was our first and last southwest series race. The "fathers" in the 50 jr classes were the WORST group of mini parents I have ever witnessed. They were shouting profanities and names at their children that I couldn't imagine saying to my dog let alone a child. We had intensions of going to COCR next weekend but that is not happening, I am not one to tell people how to raise their kids but I don't feel like having mine around that nonsense. These kids are NOT making money, they are making memories. Wish more dudes would understand that.
I spoke to the fathers of number 209, 77-88, and I don't remember which other one before practice. 3 fathers. Asked them if they minded if he rode his old KTM with the new KTM's in the oil injected class for extra seat time on that bike. I said I would have my kid disqualified from the results and that seat time was all we cared about. They said why would you disqualify him? I said because the bike isn't oil injected. They said so what?

I didn't think they were running a 50 open class. I didn't see it on the original class line up.

As it turned out he finished 8th out of 12 so it wasn't a big enough issue for anyone to care.....or so I thought. You must have been to our pit if you saw our pw so I wish you would have raised the issue with me in person and it wouldn't have been a big deal to make my son ride his pw if it bothered you.

I hope you weren't talking about me yelling at my kid because if so maybe you're not sure which person I am.

We are likely buying a new bike soon and I spoke with numerous dad's on their opinions of ktm's vs cobras and they were very helpful.

It's too bad that the class structure of the Southern Ohio series didn't have a shaft class for beginners.

My kid riding his old ktm must have really bothered you for you to not approach me in person and wait to call me out on here. If you had said something on race day you would have known that I spoke to other dad's and offered to not have my kid scored. I wasn't trying to cheat anyone that's for sure. Sorry to upset you so much.
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Mandy Boorom

PR Member
Like I said it didn't affect me at all, the ONLY reason I mentioned it on here was because you went so far with the other "issue". No I was not stalking your pit, just happened to see it as I was walking by. And you were most definitely not one of the parents I was referring to. I do agree that their class structure is lame. Did your kid have fun? Mine sure did! That track was rough, was great experience for them!


PR Addict
On a side note, that was our first and last southwest series race. The "fathers" in the 50 jr classes were the WORST group of mini parents I have ever witnessed. They were shouting profanities and names at their children that I couldn't imagine saying to my dog let alone a child. We had intensions of going to COCR next weekend but that is not happening, I am not one to tell people how to raise their kids but I don't feel like having mine around that nonsense. These kids are NOT making money, they are making memories. Wish more dudes would understand that.
Mandy, It is better in other places? We have been to 4 OMA races and 2 Kentucky / Indiana races this year and it is all the same. There are ALWAYS a couple crazy 50 parents no matter what track you go to. Only way to fix this (or at least hide it better) is to keep the parents off the track. I believe the rule of allowing parents on the track was started to "help" the flaggers since the kids fall more often. Now parents are dashing from one end of the track to the other just for the millisecond chance to yell "Go" or, of course much worse. Several races this year I have found myself doing this exact thing. Finding just the right spot on the track so I could yell "go", or "give it more gas", or "stand up" each time my little dude went past. This week, my son reminded me that he cant hear me, so why am I doing that? Good point. Still I yelled "Go" but this week just stayed in the mechanics area.
I think it is time for the rules to be enforced. 50 parents, stay in the mechanics area. Once everyone is in a small area, it would be much easier to enforce the "foul language" statement.

Mandy Boorom

PR Member
I unfortunately know that there will be these types of guys everywhere, and I know it isn't just this sport, it happens in little league, soccer, etc, etc.... These select few were just extremely exceptional. Having been around this sport for awhile now, as sad is it may be I did expect this when my kid started racing. I could not imagine if I had been an "outsider" and went to this race as a first time experience. It was a TERRIBLE display of attitudes.


PR Elite
So Mr. Rulebook,
Maybe you will be able to provide some insight on why it was completely acceptable for your son to ride a premixed bike in the "oil inj" class this weekend? So by your rules it perfectly ok leave the oil inj PW parked in the pits and run an illegal bike but completely out of line to lay a finger on your kids bike wile on the gate? I think the "T" that you're following is a little crooked. HAH
But guess what? I didn't make a big deal out of it because it didn't effect us in any way, both of our kids probably had FUN and that is what is important to me. Sorry, I was too busy having a good time to take video or pictures.
On a side note, that was our first and last southwest series race. The "fathers" in the 50 jr classes were the WORST group of mini parents I have ever witnessed. They were shouting profanities and names at their children that I couldn't imagine saying to my dog let alone a child. We had intensions of going to COCR next weekend but that is not happening, I am not one to tell people how to raise their kids but I don't feel like having mine around that nonsense. These kids are NOT making money, they are making memories. Wish more dudes would understand that.

The real question is did you video tape it??????? Lol

I spoke to the fathers of number 209, 77-88, and I don't remember which other one before practice. 3 fathers. Asked them if they minded if he rode his old KTM with the new KTM's in the oil injected class for extra seat time on that bike. I said I would have my kid disqualified from the results and that seat time was all we cared about. They said why would you disqualify him? I said because the bike isn't oil injected. They said so what?

I didn't think they were running a 50 open class. I didn't see it on the original class line up.

As it turned out he finished 8th out of 12 so it wasn't a big enough issue for anyone to care.....or so I thought. You must have been to our pit if you saw our pw so I wish you would have raised the issue with me in person and it wouldn't have been a big deal to make my son ride his pw if it bothered you.

I hope you weren't talking about me yelling at my kid because if so maybe you're not sure which person I am.

We are likely buying a new bike soon and I spoke with numerous dad's on their opinions of ktm's vs cobras and they were very helpful.

It's too bad that the class structure of the Southern Ohio series didn't have a shaft class for beginners.

My kid riding his old ktm must have really bothered you for you to not approach me in person and wait to call me out on here. If you had said something on race day you would have known that I spoke to other dad's and offered to not have my kid scored. I wasn't trying to cheat anyone that's for sure. Sorry to upset you so much.

Seriously, I get where you are coming from But since you preached so badly about how you are very "by the rules" it sure makes you seem like a hypocrite. You see, your son riding the wrong bike in the class has no less impact on the out come than me having my hand on my sons rear fender on the start. Not to mention you broke a written rule of the AMA where as I didnt. In your mind you wanted more seat time on the KTM to teach your son how to ride it better, how is that different than me wanting to teach my son about the starting gate? Make sense?

I think this should be a lesson to all pee wee beginner parents, these classes are about having fun, learning to race and spending time as a family together. You cant do any of those things when you are concerned about who your kid is beating, if they are going slower than you want and if some one is cheating. Im with Knox and others, the beginner classes should be non points paying, let the kids have help when ever they need it and teach them to race.

Finally, JB19 certainly didnt yell at his kid that I saw so I hope no one takes that from this post. The parents that do should be DQ'd immediately IMO. There is no place for that in MX. A little heated argument is going to happen now and then, its a rough sport and people get worked up. But for parents to yell at their kids using profanity or not because of their performance is abuse plain and simple. Kids shouldnt be crying because of being yelled at. The way I have witnessed children being treated is scary, I will continue to tell parents not to do this. Honestly I cant believe how many people will stand there watching it happen and not say a word, it makes me sick.


PR Member
I really would rather not argue about this again, but what I did was told people before practice that I'm going to break a rule....does anyone have an issue....if so I understand. There was no competitive advantage since I said I would disqualify him myself.

Someone else asked if he had fun. He kept telling me he was. I didn't realize until we watched the GoPro footage at home that he had a crash on the far side of the track in which he started crying. I asked why he cried and he said the bike was on him and it scared him. Another dad was there to pick his bike up get him going, which was awesome.

I thought everyone was pretty pleasant to be around. A few dads were pretty serious, but everyone is different and every kid responds different. Having been a mini racer myself at one time, I know how difficult it is. I decided after Briarcliff that I was willing to loosen up a little with the guidelines...to try to fit in better if anything.
Jb19 you came up to me before practice I'm the father of the twins.. I've never said one word to any parent about holding there young child up pushing them off or riding a bike that shouldn't be in that class. I would rather see a full gate of kids on there bikes then a kid setting up at the fence not racing because a parent was gonna protest.. I could have protested 3 kids in my boys class at the regional atSunday Creek. If I would have done this both boys would have made it in at Lorttas. But I didn't do it and I know that from the beginning that if they couldn't beat those kids then those kids out rode mine. And I was fine with that.
Jb19 we also talked about what the best bike to go with and I gave you my honest thought on both the ktm and cobra. As we parted from are conversation and I walked back to are pits I thought you was one heck of a nice guy.. Just a little advise from a 50 parent just let the little stuff go.
Mandy: yes I yell at my kids I'm always yelling at them to stand up that's about the only thing. I have yelled and cussed but I know they can't hear me and I give them a good talking to once back at the trailer. But realize they are my kids. I know how these 2 boys are they pay no attention until they know dad raises his voice.
I played stick and ball sports when I was coming through school and was good at them. From an early age my dad would pick out the bad things I did at ever game and that is what he would talk to me about and that is what I would practice that week. I remember hitting 4 home runs one game crushing shots over the fence but I missed a ground ball at third base and I never heard one time about the homers... So as I got a little older I asked my dad why was this.. He said son everybody in that ballpark knows when you do something right but very few know when you don't. He had a point and I see it now.
Everybody jb19 is a really good guy and Mandy I'm sure I talked to you and I would have to say you are to. This is a tough sport for not only the riders but the whole family.