2015 By the numbers

For the faircross racers, you'd better be thanking Jason Rogers, if it weren't for him those races wouldn't be included. I know they help get people in the sport, but I wouldn't have time for it.
Tim your missing the point on fair races.....they really don't matter in the grand scheme of things ..The CRA is dead man! It's over.

Lol....you are missing the point! If the OMA is going to continue with faircross races then Tim is offering insight on the numbers and offering options to improve them.
Just so im 100% clear, his suggestion is to stop selling membership cards to see it grow? Am I correct? I have re read it a few times, and i see no other "suggestion" in either response.
Oh I see now, so ultimately you are only interested in comparing the current Medina fair numbers to the numbers four years ago(the last CRA race). Why stop there, go back a few years earlier when those numbers were so huge they made it a two night event. So why had the numbers I inherited in 2012 (still CRA) dropped from those previous years?

If you remember correctly, the Medina co fair board pissed a lot of people off in 2013 (the first OMA year) when THEY changed to an earlier start time and did not change it on their advertising. THEY also drastically raised THEIR gate fee.

Honestly I am pretty content with the faircross numbers as I feel they are about where they should be for a fair track, those numbers range from 110 to 200 per race. Keeping things in perspective and comparing those numbers to the current climate of other local races they are within reason. That does not mean I don't want any more riders but Im not sure why you feel the need to paint them in a negative light as if they are failing other than they are OMA and not CRA. Get over it already.

People in the stands is not my department. Each fairboard is responsible for advertising to the people of their county. I find it comical that you draw a connection between residents of Medina county having lower attendance numbers in the stands because the racers are buying an OMA card and not a CRA card.

I definetly do agree with you that faircross is a way to introduce new riders. I guess we just look at it different though. I would like to think that those new riders that now have their OMA card might be more inclined to come to another race. If a $25 membership card is keeping them from racing in front of their friends and family at their LOCAL race, then they will NEVER spend that same $25 to race an hour away in front of strangers
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No MX315, I think I do get the point. To most OMA racers, they don't matter, and its never been about expanding or improving them. It's about erasing the CRA.

I was skeptical when the whole OMA organization was formed. I said if it's purpose to to exand and grow the sport, I would support it, but if its purpose was to tear down the CRA rather than compliment it as an alternative, I would not.

Briarcliff is right. Nobody else has time for such petty events that are beneath so many OMA riders, and we sure can't have these local guys wearing work boots and jeans, making people think that anybody with a bike or quad could be out there racing, so we'll just keep it limping along so nobody else can or wants to do it.

Of course, some of the OMA promoters are actively trying to build, and it will be interesting when people brainstorm to figure out why an OMA promoter is doing so well with a Fair race, while others, not so much. My guess is that the comparison will never be made, because as MX315 pointed out, fair races "don't matter" to the "right people".

I think what the OMA cheerleaders are really missing in this entire thread is that some people race for fun, and a 500 racer event is not all that appealing to everyone, and that some people actually prefer going to smaller and more informal events, with a friendlier atmosphere, which is more likley to keep those people in the sport. Not everybody in "the sport" is all about MX exclusively, and they aren't even considered "part of the sport". To set this whole thread up as "growing the sport" by comparing select CRA numbers, and rejoicing over your success in promoting their decline and calling it "growth of the sport" is revealing, to say the least.

Congratulations on your huge home track MX events for serious racers. You do them better than anyone else, which is why your are growing while others are declining. Once the fairs and all the "insignifcant" lowly and less glorious promoters are gone, where will your next generation of racers come from?
Its not beneath me by any means, I really dont have time. Regular job, kids, wife, track, OMA, trying to keep my quad running, responding to stuff like this. Im simply busy, its not beneath me. I wore those shoes long ago.

My point was simply that I dont see a true worthwhile suggestion in there. People will spend thousands on equipment to go race, take out loans, max out cards.....But a $25 membership that goes back to the riders at the end of the season???? That i guess has me puzzled.
No MX315, I think I do get the point. To most OMA racers, they don't matter, and its never been about expanding or improving them. It's about erasing the CRA.

I was skeptical when the whole OMA organization was formed. I said if it's purpose to to exand and grow the sport, I would support it, but if its purpose was to tear down the CRA rather than compliment it as an alternative, I would not.

Briarcliff is right. Nobody else has time for such petty events that are beneath so many OMA riders, and we sure can't have these local guys wearing work boots and jeans, making people think that anybody with a bike or quad could be out there racing, so we'll just keep it limping along so nobody else can or wants to do it.

Of course, some of the OMA promoters are actively trying to build, and it will be interesting when people brainstorm to figure out why an OMA promoter is doing so well with a Fair race, while others, not so much. My guess is that the comparison will never be made, because as MX315 pointed out, fair races "don't matter" to the "right people".

I think what the OMA cheerleaders are really missing in this entire thread is that some people race for fun, and a 500 racer event is not all that appealing to everyone, and that some people actually prefer going to smaller and more informal events, with a friendlier atmosphere, which is more likley to keep those people in the sport. Not everybody in "the sport" is all about MX exclusively, and they aren't even considered "part of the sport". To set this whole thread up as "growing the sport" by comparing select CRA numbers, and rejoicing over your success in promoting their decline and calling it "growth of the sport" is revealing, to say the least.

Congratulations on your huge home track MX events for serious racers. You do them better than anyone else, which is why your are growing while others are declining. Once the fairs and all the "insignifcant" lowly and less glorious promoters are gone, where will your next generation of racers come from?

Every word, dripping with disdain.
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I do think fair races are a good way to get the sport in front of potential new racers. But if Johnny Workboots wants to race then he needs to buy a membership. If I drive my Nova to Talladega, I cant try to qualify if for the 500 without joining the organization. Now maybe they could include a "first timer class" at the fair races so Johnny Workboots is only racing against Joe Flannel but still, they need to "join the club" to participate.
Im not going to say a fair race does not matter but I will say it should not count in points.
I think what the OMA cheerleaders are really missing in this entire thread is that some people race for fun, and a 500 racer event is not all that appealing to everyone, and that some people actually prefer going to smaller and more informal events, with a friendlier atmosphere, which is more likley to keep those people in the sport. Not everybody in "the sport" is all about MX exclusively, and they aren't even considered "part of the sport". To set this whole thread up as "growing the sport" by comparing select CRA numbers, and rejoicing over your success in promoting their decline and calling it "growth of the sport" is revealing, to say the least.

Congratulations on your huge home track MX events for serious racers. You do them better than anyone else, which is why your are growing while others are declining. Once the fairs and all the "insignifcant" lowly and less glorious promoters are gone, where will your next generation of racers come from?

In case you haven't noticed, there are WAY more "smaller and informal events" than there are "500 racer events". If the idea of ol' boy running his local fair race once a year is growing the sport, then i just don't follow.

Sure getting new people into the sport by trying a fair race is definitely realistic, but I just don't believe that a $25 OMA or CRA card is going to deter them. I've stood in many of fair race signup lines where people just as you described in work boots and blue jeans couldn't wait to fork over money for a (back then even D-11) membership card. Many of times at the Hartford Nationals and even the Delaware Co. fair which are always at the end of the year knowing that was probably the only race for them that year.

I would be curious to know what the number of the fair serieswere that was ran by Fast Traxx (the old AMS series) this year. They didn't require any district cards. I've looked but it doesn't look like they are published anywhere.
I do think fair races are a good way to get the sport in front of potential new racers. But if Johnny Workboots wants to race then he needs to buy a membership. If I drive my Nova to Talladega, I cant try to qualify if for the 500 without joining the organization. Now maybe they could include a "first timer class" at the fair races so Johnny Workboots is only racing against Joe Flannel but still, they need to "join the club" to participate.
Im not going to say a fair race does not matter but I will say it should not count in points.

The points are for the faircross series only and do not count towards overall series.
No MX315, I think I do get the point. To most OMA racers, they don't matter, and its never been about expanding or improving them. It's about erasing the CRA.

I was skeptical when the whole OMA organization was formed. I said if it's purpose to to exand and grow the sport, I would support it, but if its purpose was to tear down the CRA rather than compliment it as an alternative, I would not.

The CRA doesn't need any help on imploding, they have done that just fine by themselves. A perfect example is the Skyview MX race this weekend. A few people came on Pitracer expressing interest in racing this weekend but there was little-to-no info available regarding this CRA track. It was not until word got back to them of being discussed on PR that they hurried up and joined to post photos of their track and tell everybody about it. Promotion at its finest. THIS is way the CRA has spiraled down for the past few years.

Tim, we started racing about the same time your kid did in the late 90's and hit all of the CRA tracks. It was the same old bullcrap year after year, and it got me pretty excited when it was announced that the OMA was being formed.

I just don't get you guys, first you complain that the OMA tracks aren't bringing in enough riders, then you say you want more "home town" events with fewer riders for the newbies. You can have plenty of both with what the OMA offers. If you guys don't like it, just turn the channel. I'm getting so tired of hearing it, change doesn't come overnight. FYI, if the OMA is not your cup of tea and you don't want any part of it, you might just end up out in the cold...

FYI: we race OMA, CRA and AMA
Thanks for posting GoFar. While I realize this does not mean that my formula is perfect or will work for everyone, it is good to know that it can work out for the better.
Thanks for posting GoFar. While I realize this does not mean that my formula is perfect or will work for everyone, it is good to know that it can work out for the better.
If the Medina County Fair promoters. NOT YOU JASON, but they guys selling tickets want to fill the seats, they should pay some A Riders or at least cover their fees to race. (invitational)
I know I used to get 50 bucks to show up at a monster truck deal just to put on a fake race. But it was fun/comical. Get some of the local pros and pay them.
NOT YOU once again the FAIR. 20 bikes. I would go see that.
A fair, arena and other "special" race would be a great place to hand out a new rider pamphlet that describes how to get involved and other information for the curious. I think we are missing a great opportunity by not having SOMETHING to hand out. On top of having a group of race "concierge" to help new riders on there first race. I think it would help bring in more racers.
If the Medina County Fair promoters. NOT YOU JASON, but they guys selling tickets want to fill the seats, they should pay some A Riders or at least cover their fees to race. (invitational)
I know I used to get 50 bucks to show up at a monster truck deal just to put on a fake race. But it was fun/comical. Get some of the local pros and pay them.
NOT YOU once again the FAIR. 20 bikes. I would go see that.

Chillitown gets a full gate of A riders, does their idea of free sign up help or hurt them? In what ways?
Not only A riders but prestigious a riders. Like Jeff alessi.

Well maybe not prestigious but well known. I saw buzz of CHILITOWN on Twitter. And license plates from Iowa, inidianna, Michigan, New York, Kentucky and Pennsylvania. HELLO! that's how you draw true racers. Not let's figure out how to draw the flannels and boots without demeaning them.

As far as partying after racing: I'll have a beer maybe. But more than that no. Too much can go wrong at a track with pit riding and bicycles. I'm not going to smell of alcohol when I walk my 16 year old brother into the ED woth a broken arm from a bicycle or pitbike accident. Or stepping in a hole. Etc.

As far as awards: kames bucks are awesome. No doubt. But I wasn't mad when I left two battle races empty handed, and one broken. It was a perk to get a chikitown trophy. It was cool and it's on my tv stand. But if I wouldn't of got it I'd be just as pumped that I did some great racing with people that are close to my speed.

I got around 8-10 place at malverns battle race. Didn't care because I battled with Dave hands son, talin swope and a few others. To the point where we swapped positions from 7th to 12th. That's a 6 rider battle the entire race! And we were still close enough to others that if any competitor crashed we could change positions up to 4th or all the way back to 19th. THATS racing.

At CHILITOWN I went 4-3 for 2nd overall. That's racing! So many equally fast riders it was left to consistency and the least amount of mistakes. THATS RACING.

At every battle race I had butterflies. The only other time I've been butterflied up is at hand racing OIR event (CRA I might add--if anyone wants to stereotype me as an OMA bible thumper).

I don't get nervous at low turnout events or piss poor promoted races, I get bored fast and think about all the other stuff I could be doing with my day.

Getting the fair racers to join the club is a difficult task that I don't know the answer to. But the more riders we have introduced, the more competition it delivers in the future.
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