AMA Sound Testing Kits

Thing is, the 4 stroke exhaust pulse wave is lower than a 2 stroke, the lower pulse wave travels much further and dissipates less than a high frequency 2 stroke.

Track set up and having a way to dissipate the pulse is key to keep the pulse wave away from neighbors.
A place like Smith Road where they are basically in a valley but having their starting line (exhausts facing the street) is a bad place to have it. The rest of the track is good that it is in kind of a valley (high mound train tracks on one side and high area by pond on the other) save them in keeping noise relatively dampened. Routing the direction of straights NOT exhaust facing neighbors should be a must. Summer tree coverage saves them.

Meadowlarks should be relatively quiet because most of the track is parallel to the highway/rail line, except down the hill where you enter (which I suggest they remove) because the noise of the bikes powering up the hill is a BAD idea, that and I would assume dust would be their number one complaint. Remove said area and make a raised berm across the top of the hill to contain the noise.
Walk around your track layout and think like an exhaust outlet, look where it would point under acceleration, if it points to mankind, re route or change direction.

Easy things that would help out with little or no cost on track owners.
We applied for 1 of theses last year and never even received a reply from the AMA to my knowledge, I wrote the grant paperwork myself, we'd love to have one.


PR Member
I find it very cool that people are willing to share their thoughts about the issue and offer to volunteer their time (as will I).
But find it interesting that those with so much to lose (organizational bodies and track owners with multiple hundreds of thousand of dollars invested) have yet to comment...
Possibly they have already submitted their application for a testing kit?

As Pres and Treasurer of D11, I can attest to the fact that 10 years ago, prior to the AMA providing any for free, the District bought three testing kits and distributed them to the MX, Enduro and HS divisions. They have since disappeared with former officers not recalling what happened to them. Well, we tried, and now only HC is interested in sanctioning events through the District. I only hope somebody got some good use out of them - likely in some promoter clubhouses?