For all the JS7 haters


PR Addict
The fact KTM felt compelled to make an official statement is proof enough James did in fact play a part in it. This is week what and this is the first official anything I have heard from KTM


PR Addict
This just in. KTM releases and official apology for all the hurt feeling that were created by their team members beating any other team. De-coaster says it is no ones fault but his teams. They clearly screwed up by winning and wish no ill will towards any other rider.


PR Elite

Following an intense moment on the final lap of Saturday’s 450SX Main Event in Atlanta, the Red Bull KTM Factory Team would like to issue a clarifying statement regarding a highly discussed incident between Marvin Musquin and James Stewart.

While racing his teammate Ryan Dungey for what would have been his first career 450SX Class victory, Musquin made a mistake on his own that ultimately caused him to come up short on a triple and lose the lead position. Stewart, who was not competing for the lead, happened to be near Musquin during his error and has since received undeserved criticism for the incident. The Red Bull KTM Factory Team would like to clarify that there are no hard feelings toward Stewart.

Red Bull KTM Factory Team Manager Roger DeCoster added, “After the race a lot of blame was given to James and I just want to make things clear that the mistake from Marvin was not directly caused by James and we shouldn’t blame him for it. Credit to Marvin, he rode an amazing race and was under tremendous pressure from Ryan for the majority of the race. To lead for 19-consecutive laps is no easy task and how quickly he has adapted to the big bike class in just eight rounds is very impressive.”

Musquin went on to capture a career-best second place finish at the Georgia Dome, while his teammate Dungey took his fifth victory of the season.


PR Elite
Right, it has nothing to do with Roger being a stand up guy and letting people know it wasn't James fault since he has been getting the raw end of the deal.

Funny how people can't accept the truth even when it comes from the people involved when they hate.


PR Addict
I don't hate James at all. But he is at fault. Then again. Big whoop.

Wait. Why is it hate if anyone posts their opinion that other people don't agree with? Not you dhds01 any one. I hate two things. Mushrooms and the BMV. Negative and or not agreeing with people is not hate.
Man I have to stay off PR when I drink


PR Founding Father
I don't hate James at all. But he is at fault. Then again. Big whoop.

Wait. Why is it hate if anyone posts their opinion that other people don't agree with? Not you dhds01 any one. I hate two things. Mushrooms and the BMV. Negative and or not agreeing with people is not hate.
Man I have to stay off PR when I drink

Lies! Filthy lies! Three things; the BC driveway!


PR Founding Father
All I want to know is how Stewart made Marvin case a triple? Marvin even had the outside line heading into the triple. If it was that sketchy, wouldn't Marvin have doubled like Dungey did?????????? Unless there was a ghost slowing Marvin down in the air?


PR Addict
I don't hate James and have cheered for him in the past. He is/was one of the most gifted riders I have ever watched and so much fun seeing James charging to a win from from last after an early in the race mistake. I have also seen him do some very selfish things that put other riders at risk and resulted in avoidable crashes for others. How often have we all hoped James wouldn't do something dumb that hurt himself, screwed up another racer or gotten somebody hurt.

I understand a lapped rider is a part of the track and can influence the outcome of a race. I understand that by the rules that James didn't do anything to be penalized or fined. I understand James didn't hit Marvin or directly knock him off the track.

My complaint about James' sportsmanship and judgment is that he did not not start racing at leader speed until he was in the process of being lapped. He was not battling with another lapper for position in his own race. James was simply a lapper that obviously decided to try and race with the 2 race leaders only after they were trying to lap him. He battled with the leaders through multiple turns at a race pace he didn't begin riding at until they caught him. To let them pass he didn't have to pull up or change his race line. All James had to do was ride at the same pace he had been for the previous 19 laps. Musquin and Dungey would have passed him quickly.

My observation that night ( but who cares) is that Stewart's actions did have an influence on the outcome of a really cagey/smart race between Musquin and Dungey that I would have preferred to see finish without James in the middle. Not a huge deal either way - I just wanted to see an exciting end to a great race.

Roger was careful with his words when he said "the mistake by Marvin was not DIRECTLY caused by James".

On to next week. Can't wait for an outstanding race day here in Daytona and hope James runs with the leaders for the entire race and not just a few seconds at the end.

Double D

PR Founding Father
Not surprising. I guess Roger is lying.
once again!!

I know you are defending your brother here...
Roger is taking the high road, being the bigger man, being professional, and putting the issue to rest. Roger is smart enough to put things behind him. Stewart is like 100th place in the title hunt. Insignificant, means nothing to anyone.

It is now not on MM mind or RD5's and KTM looks like a class outfit. Last thing ktm's championship, dominating super hero team needs is ANY distraction. roger is putting a nail in the casket and moving on. You should too cause I will never claim anything but, wait for it.....wait for IT!



PR Elite
This is an ADD post. my life is so shallow that the only enjoyment I get out of life is arguing with you.
But I keep losing cause you drag me down to your level of ignorance and beat me with experience. ( and ignorant wise man once told me)

No wonder we are friends! Btw....if you don't bring nick down to ride next week Austin is going to piss in your beer next time we are camping together. ... just an fyi