OMA's 125 class?


PR Founding Father
like jason said, i look at the class as an extra fun class to use my "play" bike should i decide to ride it. if i really care about where i finish it wil be in the +25 or b class... maybe it should be a non points paying class and people wouldn't bitch.


PR Founding Father
I could care less about the 125 class, or 150 class........whatever you want to call it. My beef is the schoolboy class. It should be a transition class, and my personal opinion, 250Fs should not be allowed in schoolboy. And with the new AMA rule in place next year, even more reasoning to make schoolboy a 125 class, or go to schoolboy 1 or 2.

The class I don't get is the 2 stroke class, up to 250cc. This is the class I would eliminate. A 250 2 stroke can run in all the B and C classes, and all the age classes. Just don't see the need for that class.


PR Member
Awful lot of bitching going on around here. Who gives a s**t? Are you going to be a pro 125 2 stroke class champion? It's a FUN class. Learn how to ride. If you ride a 125 and get beat by a 144 or 150, you probably would have gotten beat even if that person were on a 125. Just saying, it's not that much of a difference.
But let's complain and demand more specific classes. I remember when there was an actual limited number of classes. Crazy thing is I would race 3 of them on a 125. Now I see people complain because Johnny is on a 150 and I only got a 125. He's a cheater because he beat me. No. He beat you because you suck.
End rant.


PR Founding Father
Awful lot of bitching going on around here. Who gives a s**t? Are you going to be a pro 125 2 stroke class champion? It's a FUN class. Learn how to ride. If you ride a 125 and get beat by a 144 or 150, you probably would have gotten beat even if that person were on a 125. Just saying, it's not that much of a difference.
But let's complain and demand more specific classes. I remember when there was an actual limited number of classes. Crazy thing is I would race 3 of them on a 125. Now I see people complain because Johnny is on a 150 and I only got a 125. He's a cheater because he beat me. No. He beat you because you suck.
End rant.

THIS^ I like it a lot. I might copy this and save it with my Epic Rocket post I have saved.
Jared I appologize for your name not being there.. You as well were fast as heck!! Just seems like people do more cleanin and lookin good anymore than gettin down to business and hittin the gym and ridin..


PR Elite
Back in the day when I was young and full of energy I used to only race a 125 ..... In the +25, +30 and +40 classes. I spanked many a 450 for first place finishes. Now today against 62+ HP 450's is a bit rough but the point being Im a mid pack B rider, if this old man can beat a 450 on a 125 I cant imagine an extra 19cc is making much difference to most people. What happened to going to the races and just having fun with friends? Did everyone slowly become AMA pro racers?

In all honesty at local races what is the big deal? Hell, we used to cheat just to pull one over on friends, it was part of the fun. If you are talking about going to LL or being a National Pro I get sticking to the letter of the law, but my God people why not concentrate on having fun, isnt that what we all really do this for?
It's just this region I believe.. Go over to pleasure valley sometime or any District 5 track and see a Jr. Mini rider turn times that 5th and 6th place place pro riders are running. You gotta twist that thing on the right side of the handle bar. I never modded one of my 125's and pulled every holeshot at scenic up hill disced deep in college boy vs. 450's! The 1-2-5 is a BEAST!!
Ok, long time lurker here turned user. This John250 dude, wtf is his problem? ALl he does is bitch and moan about womans class, James stewart , tracks and now 250f bikes.

Is he a chauvinistic closet gay that hates colored people or what? Some one needs to slip that guy a mickey or something.

And the rest of you cry babies need to man up and ride. Isnt MX supposed to be a mans sport? You tight legged little pansies with your cell phone selfies couldnt hold a candle to the past greats, they didnt bitch , they just made sure they won.


PR Addict
Ok, long time lurker here turned user. This John250 dude, wtf is his problem? ALl he does is bitch and moan about womans class, James stewart , tracks and now 250f bikes.

And the rest of you cry babies need to man up and ride. Isnt MX supposed to be a mans sport? .
Careful. That sounds sexist.


PR Founding Father
Can we get a clydesdale class (200 lb minimum) like they have for the local MTB series? My winter regiment of miller lite and riding the couch would appreciate it!

I am in!!!!! Lol

Kevin, in my old age, Id rather look fast than be fast. Lol! Mud = NOPE. Put my time in ruining bikes and gear haha..


PR Elite
Ok, long time lurker here turned user. This John250 dude, wtf is his problem? ALl he does is bitch and moan about womans class, James stewart , tracks and now 250f bikes.

Is he a chauvinistic closet gay that hates colored people or what? Some one needs to slip that guy a mickey or something.

And the rest of you cry babies need to man up and ride. Isnt MX supposed to be a mans sport? You tight legged little pansies with your cell phone selfies couldnt hold a candle to the past greats, they didnt bitch , they just made sure they won.

Whoa there big guy......coming out swingin in your first post! Tell us how you really feel. CK1 you may have a new friend


PR Addict
Awful lot of bitching going on around here. Who gives a s**t? Are you going to be a pro 125 2 stroke class champion? It's a FUN class. Learn how to ride. If you ride a 125 and get beat by a 144 or 150, you probably would have gotten beat even if that person were on a 125. Just saying, it's not that much of a difference.
But let's complain and demand more specific classes. I remember when there was an actual limited number of classes. Crazy thing is I would race 3 of them on a 125. Now I see people complain because Johnny is on a 150 and I only got a 125. He's a cheater because he beat me. No. He beat you because you suck.
End rant.

Do you feel the same if it's a LL qualifiers? How about the Baja Brawl, Mini O's or The Can-Am race at Area 51? If you've raced any of those races then you know just how damn expensive they are. Some of these events cost thousands of dollars to attend. ( entry fees, gas, hotels, meals, and etc). So yes I have a problem with someone's cheating. Its sucks if you built a 144 for the OMA's 125 class and then get mad that you can't race it at one of those events. They are true 125 class.

I have absolutely no problem with the OMA, period. My son raced the OMA's 125 class and the Schoolboy class on a 125 last year. No complaints here. When I was racing the Vet classes I was on a 250f and pull quite a few holeshots. Never complained about being underpowered. But in all my years of racing I never cheated, just tried to twist the throttle longer. By the way I'm no keyboard warrior, I'd be more than happy to argue this point with anybody face-to-face. Hopefully with some laughter and a couple beers.


PR Member
We have a stock Rm 125 & a Rm 144, both run just as strong as the other. When Tanner raced them he was just as fast on the stock 125 as he was on the 144. That being said , told me it don't matter 125 or 144. If you run a 125 the way it should be ran you deffently wouldn't be crying about 144 out there. Up to me 125 or 144, if it's 2stock run it!!!!


PR Addict
We have a stock Rm 125 & a Rm 144, both run just as strong as the other. When Tanner raced them he was just as fast on the stock 125 as he was on the 144. That being said , told me it don't matter 125 or 144. If you run a 125 the way it should be ran you deffently wouldn't be crying about 144 out there. Up to me 125 or 144, if it's 2stock run it!!!

Are you saying it's OK to run a 144 in a true 125 class? Are you saying it ok to cheat? How about Ktrop, Hershey, Crazycat 259, or TwentyThreeMx, are you guys saying it ok to cheat. I wish one of you guys would sack up and answer the question? Is it ok to cheat!!!