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PR Addict

Father and son enjoying the day. Wait.. That's Hershey! I'm sure he's complaining about something..

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That is GREAT. Can't wait for my son to get a little more experience on his 65 so we can go racing again.
Track looks great Lonnie


PR Addict
Thanks for the tip , there's been many of late nites when I just didn't have the energy to post pit and face , so our Facebook director Scott Lisk is doing Facebook for us now . But it really does take up time or money that could be going towards the track , except no one would know if we don't post it. Sortta sucks doesn't it ! Especially for us old schoolers , we really do welcome the help on new tech "


PR Addict
I'm done with PR. I'll be a lurker. My last question, since it got deleted due to it going in the wrong direction in the race forum by some moderation. TV land: how can you join the OMA, host a Super Series which includes quads yet not allow them to open practice the day of racing? whatever? Seems like a bunch of drama dipshits anymore on this site anyways. Love, Nitro.

It seems like you may have misread my post.
There is quad practice at 4pm. And since you feel slighted by open practice from 9 until 3pm being for bikes I will make sure there are 2 sessions of practice for all quads before we start racing.
Honestly I don't think I'm going to get many quads. With that said, to congest the practice schedule on Saturday with an additional group doesn't seem like a good idea. I will most likely have 3 or 4 separate groups for bikes. To add a group of quads that may only be 10 or 20 doesn't work. I hope I'm wrong and many quads show up.
Here is a deal for you, Nitro.
If we get less than 25 quad entries on April 30th, then we will never have to have this conversation again because I'll know what to expect.
BUT, if we get over 50 quads I'll make sure we have quads in the practice schedule for the remainder of the season on race weekends and I'll let you practice for free next time.
I realize you want to be mad at the guy who doesn't let you ride your quad on his track much but please understand that sometimes I'm just not up to the additional watering and prep it takes to keep the dust under control for a few quads. And believe it or not, they do different things to the race surface than bikes. I've been working hard lately to make a great track for bikes and your always welcome to come hit it up on on of those, so understand this is not personal towards you.
I did just spend the entire weekend moving dirt to make all the jumps wider and actually made an alternate line around some whoops that I'm not sure the quads would care for.
So I'm trying to get things ready here for you guys. I hope you plan to come try TV Land out on your quad. I think you'll like it.


PR Addict
It seems like you may have misread my post.
There is quad practice at 4pm. And since you feel slighted by open practice from 9 until 3pm being for bikes I will make sure there are 2 sessions of practice for all quads before we start racing.
Honestly I don't think I'm going to get many quads. With that said, to congest the practice schedule on Saturday with an additional group doesn't seem like a good idea. I will most likely have 3 or 4 separate groups for bikes. To add a group of quads that may only be 10 or 20 doesn't work. I hope I'm wrong and many quads show up.
Here is a deal for you, Nitro.
If we get less than 25 quad entries on April 30th, then we will never have to have this conversation again because I'll know what to expect.
BUT, if we get over 50 quads I'll make sure we have quads in the practice schedule for the remainder of the season on race weekends and I'll let you practice for free next time.
I realize you want to be mad at the guy who doesn't let you ride your quad on his track much but please understand that sometimes I'm just not up to the additional watering and prep it takes to keep the dust under control for a few quads. And believe it or not, they do different things to the race surface than bikes. I've been working hard lately to make a great track for bikes and your always welcome to come hit it up on on of those, so understand this is not personal towards you.
I did just spend the entire weekend moving dirt to make all the jumps wider and actually made an alternate line around some whoops that I'm not sure the quads would care for.
So I'm trying to get things ready here for you guys. I hope you plan to come try TV Land out on your quad. I think you'll like it.

I think by having 6 hours of bike practice and 40 minutes of quad practice immediately before the quad race is going to help ensure your quad turnout is low. 2 20 minute practice sessions is not a lot of time for a vet/c rider to learn a track they are going to be racing on in a few minutes. And we all know a practice session before a race is generally pretty hectic. It's really easy to run a track from my chair over here though so don't get too mad at me.