Practice Vs OMA Racing


PR Founding Father
I heard a few asking how it is okay for Briarcliff to run practice when Route 62 is racing.

#1. The large majority of the riders that attend Briarcliff don't race. Period. Or they don't plan to race much beyond the Battle. There were some that came that typically race at Briarcliff, but they said they weren't quite ready to race a fresh track yet. Meaning they were still knocking off the rust.

#2. They are going to go to the next practice track, probably Beans. You cant force people to race.

#3 AQs are not cheap, if I had enough money to float my entire AQ and deal with all of our breakdowns lately, I wouldn't be a track be a politician.

Guys we don't run practices against each other because we hate each other, we do it because this is a business of survival, and if you aren't open, you aren't making enough to pay the bills. I may have to try for this Sunday. I cant count on the following weekends weather to be ok (look at April 9-10, no money that weekend). And as much as some of you guys want to make believe that everything is free for track owners, and we just sit around smoking peace pipes with hippie chicks talking about the serenity of it all, that isn't the case. Flower power is dead, get over it, we pay bills with cash. I spoke with Lonnie today about his race, things he learned, things he might do differently next time. Not a negative conversation. We talked about the crowds we both got, and we understand the situation. The most important thing we don't allow is two OMA point paying events on the same day, this is an improvement over a former district. Hands down. Do not take this negatively, I just wanted to set the record straight.
I heard a few asking how it is okay for Briarcliff to run practice when Route 62 is racing.

#1. The large majority of the riders that attend Briarcliff don't race. Period. Or they don't plan to race much beyond the Battle. There were some that came that typically race at Briarcliff, but they said they weren't quite ready to race a fresh track yet. Meaning they were still knocking off the rust.

#2. They are going to go to the next practice track, probably Beans. You cant force people to race.

#3 AQs are not cheap, if I had enough money to float my entire AQ and deal with all of our breakdowns lately, I wouldn't be a track be a politician.

Guys we don't run practices against each other because we hate each other, we do it because this is a business of survival, and if you aren't open, you aren't making enough to pay the bills. I may have to try for this Sunday. I cant count on the following weekends weather to be ok (look at April 9-10, no money that weekend). And as much as some of you guys want to make believe that everything is free for track owners, and we just sit around smoking peace pipes with hippie chicks talking about the serenity of it all, that isn't the case. Flower power is dead, get over it, we pay bills with cash. I spoke with Lonnie today about his race, things he learned, things he might do differently next time. Not a negative conversation. We talked about the crowds we both got, and we understand the situation. The most important thing we don't allow is two OMA point paying events on the same day, this is an improvement over a former district. Hands down. Do not take this negatively, I just wanted to set the record straight.
Jeremy it was nice talking with you and Jason about our first Oma race. It's nice have you 2 guys there for support. I ABSOLUTELY do not have a problem with tracks running practice against us. It is a business period. If there was a practice track right across the road from us yesterday there would have riders at races and practice track. Oh and next time Jeremy it's your turn to buy at roosters!

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Flower power ain't dead it's just different, Prius and tents.

These guys know how to make a buck off a hayfield.


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Interesting view point from a couple of promoters. Its great that you guys are working together.
So my question is, What is the incentive from a track to have ANY races? Clearly the expenses for a race sky rockets over races. Over the past couple decades it looks like we are aiming at having one or two (if any) races per track, then just open riding the rest of the year. If this happens, then what is the incentive for racers to join an organization like OMA? And does this scenario better the sport or destroy it?
I have races because I like the racing part.....I hate all craziness that comes along with it. If I didn't have a passion for the sport, I wouldn't do regular races, hands down no question about it. Qualifiers and Battles are different, those allow me to grow my facility more each year, help pay down massive debts, and keep moving forward with the vision. Those help a lot, but you take a couple years off the life span of your body each year.

You join the OMA because we care about the racers, we want it to get better, we want to do better, but we are realistic too. We do all this for you.

Better the sport? I think so, I hope I'm getting more people into the sport by allowing them a place to ride and get better at riding. Maybe they will become racers? Maybe not, but if we didn't run practice, maybe they wouldn't ride altogether and get sucked into the stick and ball vortex.
I have races because I like the racing part.....I hate all craziness that comes along with it. If I didn't have a passion for the sport, I wouldn't do regular races, hands down no question about it. Qualifiers and Battles are different, those allow me to grow my facility more each year, help pay down massive debts, and keep moving forward with the vision. Those help a lot, but you take a couple years off the life span of your body each year.

You join the OMA because we care about the racers, we want it to get better, we want to do better, but we are realistic too. We do all this for you.

Better the sport? I think so, I hope I'm getting more people into the sport by allowing them a place to ride and get better at riding. Maybe they will become racers? Maybe not, but if we didn't run practice, maybe they wouldn't ride altogether and get sucked into the stick and ball vortex.
WOW, Great reply.. Come see me this weekend in the pits. Your next beer is on me.
We ended up with 168 entries yesterday. That's a lil short of what we were hoping for but acceptable for our first race. I defiantly learned a lot this weekend... There's things I would change and things I'm going to leave alone. We had good help in all areas. That include Hershey and DD Any input from people that were there is appreciated. Since Knox wasn't there I won't be receiving my grade or race report.

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My god, who doesn't like having choices.
Hit the rewind button, and 6-7 years ago we were in the "practice only" group.
Now when we do have an open weekend and start making our plans we think "Racing" first, and then practice riding as a backup plan.
Great, I get it. Racing and practice are a different game. But what about the bad move of holding practice the same day as his practice being like 15 mins away? That isnt the business of making money and different beasts, that taking money out of the pockets of both of you, especially since this was RT62 first race in the OMA. In my book that is dirty and it certainly doesnt show respect for a new member of the OMA. Do you respect all of the tracks that way??
Great, I get it. Racing and practice are a different game. But what about the bad move of holding practice the same day as his practice being like 15 mins away? That isnt the business of making money and different beasts, that taking money out of the pockets of both of you, especially since this was RT62 first race in the OMA. In my book that is dirty and it certainly doesnt show respect for a new member of the OMA. Do you respect all of the tracks that way??

Like I said, its not respect or disrespect. Its business. Does MCdonalds close because Wendys is having a sale on doubles? Does Wendys close when Mcdonalds is playing monopoly? I have a business to run, I have banks that are taking my stuff if I don't pay them in a timely manner. I also have a very hectic life and schedule. I don't to pick a choose my weekends freely like the riders get to choose where to ride, sometimes I'm screwed into running at certain times by the weather. Its the reality of the situation. Im sorry if this upsets you, but Im not here to be your friend, Im here to good a job on my track and promote good events.
Ok, but Wendys or any other business doesnt open another Wendys so close to itself that it hurts their business. Thats what you did on saturday running practice on top of RT62 practice. Did you invite him into the OMA? Thats a welcome wagon of screw you pal.

Like I said I get running against his race on sunday, you are right, racers are racers and practicers practice.
Basically you just said you dont care if any other OMA track makes any money , all that matters is you do. Dog eat dog, right? Why get all the new tracks this year from the CRA or SOHMX? Wasnt the point of the OMA to make MX racing great in Ohio again? What kind of organization steals money out of the pocket of fellow tracks?

Just my .02
Basically you just said you dont care if any other OMA track makes any money , all that matters is you do. Dog eat dog, right? Why get all the new tracks this year from the CRA or SOHMX? Wasnt the point of the OMA to make MX racing great in Ohio again? What kind of organization steals money out of the pocket of fellow tracks?

Just my .02

I didn't steal anything, ask a large majority my regulars, they would have went to beans or Malvern had I been closed, or to someone's back yard track. The 62 crowd and my practice crowd are very different, Lonnie and I see it when one of us open and the other gets rained out. Does that help you understand this situation better?
This is absolutely ridiculous... Tracks are not friends.. they are businesses.. Think of them as a consortia - groups of similar businesses that must operate separately to make a living, but that feed off of each other for external growth and internal knowledge acquisition. To monopolize a rider's decision of where to go would be defeating the entire purpose of District X - defying the status quo of motocross districts in the state of Ohio. If a track is so lucky to be offered to join the OMA, they should view it as an opportunity to be seen by the motocross community as a growing track. The rest.. is up to them to decide, but that is what a consortia offers - expansion, not abridgment.

Personally, and I ride a lot so Crazy Cat, you can value my opinion like you would the Big MAC from Micky D's, I would BE PISSED if Briarcliff did not open just because Route 62 was having practice. I won't say anything negative about any other Ohio tracks, but there are no tracks that come close to the quality of Briarcliff and even as someone who races, I would rather practice there to improve than race at another track that I wouldn't get the same seat time at.

Your complaints are simply paradoxical... You are complaining about someone disrespecting another track, but who has partnered to grow the sport in Ohio, expanded the racing scene, and provided one of the best tracks in the state (if not the..). If tracks have something to say about that, they should step up their game.. And if the riders have something to say about it, they probably got kicked out of A/B.. #sorrynotsorry.. Stop complaining to hear yourself talk. It's extremely pitiful.
You should be posting this on facebook more people would see it...More racers and more pro practicers!!!