Anyway, lets forget the Cavs and talk about REEEEDDDDD BUUUUUDDD!!


This guy has it all figured out.

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Anyone else thing that Tomac's bike looks slow? I thought last year that you could tell that Roczen's bike was low on power compared to the other top guys. This year, the Kawi isn't looking up to par. I was at High Point and you could really tell on the straight away after the finish line jump. Tomac was pegged, but his bike just wasn't accelerating like some of the other top guys, even privateers for that matter. Could be gearing, or bad mapping, or my eye sight. Also, last week at Muddy Creek, his bike was smoking a bit there in the first moto. It's possible that they noticed the power difference too at High Point, changed the mapping for more power, and went to far. Anyone else noticing that?

I was thinking the same, k roc was pulling him on every straight.
We made it to RED BUD for the first time
Everyone has to see Laroccos Leap,freaking unreal.
Rochzen was on the throttle and never let up,you could see the difference just watching what he was doing then watching
No matter what the bike was doing or how rough the track was in spots he was hauling butt.
He is so smooth everywhere.
Jeremy Hand looked really good out there ,at that level expecially it has to be really hard.
Had a great weekend!

I had a couple good motos but didnt string anything together. Austin, of course, got a couple good finishes and trophies showing me up. I did pull another epic Red Bud holeshot with 29 riders on my gate so all is good. By the time sunday rolled around I was spent and it was almost worthless to race 2 classes, its is Red Bud though so on I went! What a fun track! The extra pro section is crazy fun, I was too tired to huck the triple but it wasnt near as big as I thought.

Austin did really well but had a few good crashes. He got right up each time. He was jumping 3 good size ( for him ) table tops that surprised me, I really didnt think he would. He is just starting to jump some tabletops that arent that big so it was cool to see him bust out a couple bigger ones.

The Pro racing was great!! The 250 class was a blast to watch. Webb was on fire, especially the 2nd moto. Good battles all around. We went up to the start gate for the 2nd 450 race, with pit passes you can stand 20' away from it. WOW. It is amazing how loud, how fast they go. Ive never been that close to a pro national start before, do it sometime if you have a chance. Babies mama is the one that suggested it, she loved it too.

Another fantastic weekend in the books, I need a vacation from the weekend though, Im beat.
Never had one. I still have a YZ125 but the last 250 2 stroke I owned was back in 08 and it was a YZ