CTMX Battle for Ohio Round 2 July 15th-17th

Hmmm, well Im not software savvy at all.

Screenshot (6).png

Using google chrome on my laptop and proper symbols in the birthday form. Also this is the 2nd laptop Ive tried.
Glad you changed the step up. Was talking to the kids in 65 cc staging today, and many of them including my kid did not want to race there cuz of that step up. Will be there .
It is just part of the program now. The Battle races are another level, and it just goes with he expense of running a big series.
Put down the Kool-Aid.
It's just more money out of my pocket. It's not a regional! Or Mini O's. You can't prove to me it won't keep some riders from coming.
I'm sure it's tough to score, but I remember running 100 a/b combined 40 riders regularly, 1 gate drop, two scorers and it worked then. What happened? Did I miss out on the big race experience?
Put down the Kool-Aid.
It's just more money out of my pocket. It's not a regional! Or Mini O's. You can't prove to me it won't keep some riders from coming.
I'm sure it's tough to score, but I remember running 100 a/b combined 40 riders regularly, 1 gate drop, two scorers and it worked then. What happened? Did I miss out on the big race experience?
HA HA, Cheapie Mc Cheaperson! It makes the event soooo much better. We look at times and compare with other riders. No fighting over being mis-scored. ( Happened this weekend to us, just 1 place, but I did not want to even bother anyone)

Transponders rock!
Boooo....transponders. Just more $$$ out of my pocket.
Quit complaining spoon man! You will get 20 bucks back in Rocky mountain money. Plus if you pit by me I will supply free Tequila for the weekend. (I guess I have to get the clear stuff)
HA HA, Cheapie Mc Cheaperson! It makes the event soooo much better. We look at times and compare with other riders. No fighting over being mis-scored. ( Happened this weekend to us, just 1 place, but I did not want to even bother anyone)

Transponders rock!

Whoa Whoa Whoa.... What scoring issue? Mr. Grega, I would absolutely make something right, if it was scored wrong.. Please explain what race..