What would it take to bring you back to RACING

Here are a few things I suggested:
1. Less classes means more seat time and home earlier.
2. New class structure - 25+ is the perfect example. Never get more then 5, and same for "college". So why not just make it a 16+ class?
3. $15 a class for sign-up. The promoter figures out a way to reduce cost so this is possible. (you know, like a real business does)
4. Less then ten bucks to get in the gate. MAX.
5. If MX Sports can run an "A/B All-star" class then why not at the local level. Combine A and B. Bam, two less classes.
6. Offer a real track championship. Have 6 or more races per year and offer a discount for people who attend all.
7. Try charging gate fee by the car load.

I like everything you have listed. I also want more on the gate and more seat time.

How about offer $5 fee if you just want to race but don't want to sign up for whatever organization? No matter what you do some guys are only going to do a couple local races a year. They might go to another race or two if they know they don't have to spend double the race fee for a card they are only going to use once. I think WNY does this.
Here are a few things I suggested:
1. Less classes means more seat time and home earlier.
2. New class structure - 25+ is the perfect example. Never get more then 5, and same for "college". So why not just make it a 16+ class?
3. $15 a class for sign-up. The promoter figures out a way to reduce cost so this is possible. (you know, like a real business does)
4. Less then ten bucks to get in the gate. MAX.
5. If MX Sports can run an "A/B All-star" class then why not at the local level. Combine A and B. Bam, two less classes.
6. Offer a real track championship. Have 6 or more races per year and offer a discount for people who attend all.
7. Try charging gate fee by the car load.
We've actually talked about doing gate by the car. But we couldn't agree on a price. What would be a fair price per vehicle load?

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If the tracks would charge less for each class (like $15 for the first class, $10 for the second class), we would race way more. Fast and easy way to do get the race fees down is to get rid of the weekly trophies. Finishing on the podium against 5 others at Amherst, Malvern, TV Land, Smith Road, Lightning, Sunset Ramblers, a fair, ... doesn't really justify a trophy. Let me us keep our money instead of 'paying' for a trophy we don't want, need, display or keep and put that money back into racing. And if your 4 year old, 14 year old or 40 year old self really wants a trophy that bad, then the tracks should have the option for you to buy one for $10 then.

Tracks instead should have really nice year-end track awards, and the top 3 in a class get their awards for free. And don't put any lame restrictions on it, he who has the most points at the end wins regardless of how many races they ran. Anyone that wants a year-end award past finishing on the podium can get an award, but they just have to cover the cost themselves. This again keeps unwanted / unneeded awards from being bought which SAVES MORE MONEY, but still gives the option to those that want one to get one.

One off races that deserve a trophy should have them, but that's not a race that happens every other week or month at a given track. They are EVENTS that are put on like the LLQs, Battle Races, Arenacross Races, Chillitown's Halloween Race and races in general that put at least a dozen or so for each class on the gate. If tracks really want to give out weekly trophies for no turn out races, then get sponsors to cover the cost but don't charge riders for something they don't want.
Discounting entry fees for running multiple classes is a great thing to do as well, but that discount should also be extended to families. If a family has 3 kids running 1 class each for example, then they should be given the same discount that is given to an individual who is running 3 classes themselves.

Track owners / operators do the math, what makes you more money?

Option 1: A racer paying $25 to race 1 class and you buying them a trophy they don't want?


Option 2: A racer paying $25 to race 2 classes, and you not buying any trophy? And if they want one they pay $10 for each trophy they want.
How long on the NP school? Got a daughter starting PA school in August .

We looked at both of these for our daughter and I think it is the same at 4 years if I am right. There are just some differences between what a PA and NP can do with each having their benefits over the other. I think an NP can make more diagnosis and prescribe without a doctor agreeing but a PA can go deeper into more things and the types of medicines but a DR just has to sign off. I thought it was about the same on school but I am curious if I am right-Georgie? My kid decided to be a dentist but this is what I recall on it.
We've actually talked about doing gate by the car. But we couldn't agree on a price. What would be a fair price per vehicle load?

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I would say $20 a car load would be fair. I know many families which don't all come to many of the races together because they can't justify paying $40 - $60 to get in the track to watch their kid race 3 others. Sure the track would be out technically $20 - $40 if the family of 4 to 6 all decided to show up together, but how often does that happen? However by only charging $20 a car load, you should in theory get more people to show up at the races on a more consistent basis. Then you can make your money off those more people that show up consistently at the concessions and merchandising. And more importantly the money the family just saved from getting into the track, they can use to race additional classes. Then when more people run additional classes, gate sizes increase. And when gate sizes increase, you will draw more and new people to your track since most want to race more than just 5 other riders.
I would say $20 a car load would be fair. I know many families which don't all come to many of the races together because they can't justify paying $40 - $60 to get in the track to watch their kid race 3 others. Sure the track would be out technically $20 - $40 if the family of 4 to 6 all decided to show up together, but how often does that happen? However by only charging $20 a car load, you should in theory get more people to show up at the races on a more consistent basis. Then you can make your money off those more people that show up consistently at the concessions and merchandising. And more importantly the money the family just saved from getting into the track, they can use to race additional classes. Then when more people run additional classes, gate sizes increase. And when gate sizes increase, you will draw more and new people to your track since most want to race more than just 5 other riders.
We looked at it from a cost to family/riders but also parking. I think it might help group ppl to ride together also

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OK, this someone is a race promoter. What can HE do to bring you back to racing? And I doubt he is gong to buy you health insurance.
I figured it out! The race promoter is JO and since he will not post on here anymore your his inside guy on pitracer!
Yeah because this is working so well.

Familiar names there. But rewind time 15 years and you would add 15 to those names. This is why I don't race local. Racing 5 isn't racing

20-30 people would be racing every Friday night at pymatuning in the 90s. It was great racing. 5 laps and 5 laps under the lights.then there 3 day had a 20 lap pro race that would pack them in. Did it for 80s 125 and 250 and all those gates ran day qualifiers for the main gate at night. Quads too. 150 would show up for Matt bartosek race.
That and I only ever rememeber like 1 or 2 people that had full kit graphics and trick looking bikes.

Now it's all you see. Nobody runs stock anything anymore.
Yeah because this is working so well.
Chris I agree. Problem is these threads never go anywhere.

I've been saying that motocross is dying for the last 10 years. Every time that I've mentioned it over the years everybody puts out there solution to the problem, but nothing ever changes. The problem isn't the season racers that have gotten older and now just want to have fun practicing. The problem is we just don't have the youth racing today like we did back in the 80s and in the 90s. That's the problem in a nutshell.

Could you imagine if MX Sports got rid of the C class at Loretta Lynn's. It would bring more riders back to the local level tracks and it would give riders a reason to get out of that class quicker. But there I go, doing exactly the thing I said earlier, NOT THIS s**t AGAIN. LOL!

By the way, don't ask the AMA because they'll tell you that things are going great, numbers are actually up. Yeah right.
I would race if you just dropped the gate and checkers at the first corner. That's my thrill and it ain't on blueberry hill.
I like everything you have listed. I also want more on the gate and more seat time.

How about offer $5 fee if you just want to race but don't want to sign up for whatever organization? No matter what you do some guys are only going to do a couple local races a year. They might go to another race or two if they know they don't have to spend double the race fee for a card they are only going to use once. I think WNY does this.
Maybe pay the normal race fee but 1 time only, kinda like a trail membership, if you decide that you wanna race again, great. ... knock off $5 dollars of a membership.