

PR Member
After reading Jesse Nelson is now paralyzed from the waste down after a crash at unadila, and a long list of riders hurt. Why is it that the nationals don't disk the tracks between motos. Would make for more safe conditions and better racing with less injuries I would have to say


PR Founding Father
Unadilla two or three years ago straiggt overhauled the track. I liked the old one better...

In surprised more pros aren't critically injured the speeds these guys get to now a days. Hopefully he can recover...


PR Member
Unadilla two or three years ago straiggt overhauled the track. I liked the old one better...

In surprised more pros aren't critically injured the speeds these guys get to now a days. Hopefully he can recover...

If they groomed the track in between motos if wouldn't be as brutal and less injuries imo


PR Founding Father
The people running it just don't care. They seem to be of the chest thumping variation. The nastier and rougher the better right? That's cuz they're not risking life and limb. While I'm ok with "rough", "rougher and ruttier than hell" I am not. Simply because it adds danger to an already incredibly dangerous sport.

Before all the old timers come on and say "well back in my day"... bullshit. The bikes back in the day weren't capable of destroying a track like today's bikes. Back in the day rough, I'm down with. 3' deep 200' long tractor (4 stroke monsters) ruts, nah.


PR Addict
wrong. 500's worked over the track the same.
Ruts are always part of a track.
His injury may not be as bad as first thought.

C Hudak

PR Addict
I don't think the track conditions really have much to do with it, these guys are in race mode! You know when that gate drops your thinking changes from playing it safe to this is what I'm here for! If the tracks where completely groomed there would be guys going even faster. Deffinately don't like to hear about injuries like this, but I think the option to go a little slower is the only thing that is going to be safer.


PR Member
Lots of good points here. My opinion is that tracks should definitely be rough. It slows the riders down for sure. There should also be ruts....IN THE TURNS. We don't need ruts in straightaways. That track yesterday was brutal. It was awesome to watch honestly, but I don't think it's safe to have 2' ruts in straightaways. I just think those could be knocked down a little bit here and there in strategic areas.

Either way, it's a bummer deal for anyone that gets hurt. We can never eliminate injury in this sport, but it sure doesn't hurt to try to improve upon areas we can.


PR Founding Father
Sounds like Jessy may just have a pinched nerve based on his brother's post earlier tonight.

He hit one of those big yellow track barriers is why he crashed so hard.

The ruts were a great equalizer. Would not want to see them dozed out every moto. They made for great race craft and that brings out the best in the best.


PR Addict
Coty Schock also went down at Unadilla and was the cause of the red flag in the first moto. Coty ended up breaking his back and wrist in that crash. I know that he had surgery today on his back and had some hardware put in it. That's all I know.


PR Member
I like tough conditions, but long straights with peg deep ruts across the track is a bit much. If you watch the gp's it seems to be a theme there as well.
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PR Addict
I like the rough tracks, but I'm glad I don't have to ride them. On a positive note, anyone else notice little Z-Man in one of the pictures when they were talking about Loretta's at the beginning of the 1st 450 moto? Congrats.


PR Addict
The track was tough. It's more than those pro guys wanted to race, as I was in the pits with my brother who was racing at 48. Even though it was tough and gnarly, they don't slow down, and you get some injuries.

I know if it was a local race people would say it's "racing", but tracks don't get slowed down with ruts and tough obstacles. Guys still go fast and want to win and you get guys pounded into the ground. It is hard to control the right wrist when racing. Racing has changed there so much since I raced there in the 80's. Used to be giant holes and bumps and rocks, now it is giant ruts EVERYWHERE!

It was dangerous then too. Always will be.

I don't think there was much passing like the old days, but it is what it is. Guys were complaining it was kinda one lined. No lie.


PR Elite
My opinion on this ...... I know Im still an a*****e for it

Look at ET last year, same dealio. Many riders complained it was too much that day. Many riders complained this weekend it was too much. Not just any riders, top guys. What about earlier this year with the massive jumps (180' wasnt it?) and the SX rhythm section that was goofy, top riders complaining. Some of you guys saying nothing is wrong, its ruff and needs to be. When the TOP riders say its too much you have a problem. Watching it on tv means nothing, see it in person, ride it once. Pros make it look easy because they are THAT good!!!

Now that said, it should be strategic prep between motos. The rough does help slow down the racers and thats a good thing. It helps give better racing too.

Injury rates? That is part of the sport too but it sure seems there are more and more each year. I believe that is mainly due to riders pushing harder to win more than anything. But a smart track builder knows this and adjusts options to help bad decisions not be tragic or fatal ones. The key word is HELP, a safe track will never eliminate injuries. Every where we look in our 2 wheeled world we see the envelope being pushed to the extreme now. Kids are faster than ever in MX, each new batch wants to be faster than the last. Have you watched the crazy s**t they do on mountain bikes lately???? BMX? Hell, watch the xgames. Or Pastranas show. Scooters, Big Wheels, tricycles and wheel chairs! This stuff pushes people to try it and do better, more extreme. Nothing wrong with that at all. But we need to realize that unlike care racing and other motor sports there are very few options to help protect a body subject to forces around it with out protection from harnesses and a cage.

Its unfortunate when injuries are that severe but we cant blame just the track, just the riders throttle hand or just protective gear. I believe it is a combination of all those things. Hopefully each area can be addressed as often as possible to keep riders safe.


PR Member
wrong. 500's worked over the track the same.
Ruts are always part of a track.
His injury may not be as bad as first thought.

I am not saying just his injury. There have been many injuries over the last 5 years that could have been avoided. We never use to let our track get that bad. Once it hit a point, we stopped and groomed it then re started.


PR Member
My opinion on this ...... I know Im still an a*****e for it

Look at ET last year, same dealio. Many riders complained it was too much that day. Many riders complained this weekend it was too much. Not just any riders, top guys. What about earlier this year with the massive jumps (180' wasnt it?) and the SX rhythm section that was goofy, top riders complaining. Some of you guys saying nothing is wrong, its ruff and needs to be. When the TOP riders say its too much you have a problem. Watching it on tv means nothing, see it in person, ride it once. Pros make it look easy because they are THAT good!!!

Now that said, it should be strategic prep between motos. The rough does help slow down the racers and thats a good thing. It helps give better racing too.

Injury rates? That is part of the sport too but it sure seems there are more and more each year. I believe that is mainly due to riders pushing harder to win more than anything. But a smart track builder knows this and adjusts options to help bad decisions not be tragic or fatal ones. The key word is HELP, a safe track will never eliminate injuries. Every where we look in our 2 wheeled world we see the envelope being pushed to the extreme now. Kids are faster than ever in MX, each new batch wants to be faster than the last. Have you watched the crazy s**t they do on mountain bikes lately???? BMX? Hell, watch the xgames. Or Pastranas show. Scooters, Big Wheels, tricycles and wheel chairs! This stuff pushes people to try it and do better, more extreme. Nothing wrong with that at all. But we need to realize that unlike care racing and other motor sports there are very few options to help protect a body subject to forces around it with out protection from harnesses and a cage.

Its unfortunate when injuries are that severe but we cant blame just the track, just the riders throttle hand or just protective gear. I believe it is a combination of all those things. Hopefully each area can be addressed as often as possible to keep riders safe.

I agree Hershey, when those guys say it's too much, then you better believe it. And like you said TV does the track no justice. Turns are good, meant to be rutted. But there should at least be spot fixes


PR Addict
I like the rough tracks, but I'm glad I don't have to ride them. On a positive note, anyone else notice little Z-Man in one of the pictures when they were talking about Loretta's at the beginning of the 1st 450 moto? Congrats.
Missed it...


PR Addict
1.39 spot here
