St Louis SX

reed has always been a dick. Grant too.

And smith, RD was running him down. Of course after RD got around reed there was no reason to risk anything, it was too late.

Plus these tracks suck. Narrow with little non contact passing.
Hey but nice 16th place by reed. Didn't js7 pull over and pass Reed to show him what a f in a hole he is?
Its time for the sport to make some changes. If they are going to qualify riders for the night show based on time then they need to limit the number of riders to 4 or 5 per "session" spaced out by 10 seconds each. You get 3 laps to post your best time. No dealing with other riders, just you the bike and the track.
Then give every rider a ONE way radio where only race directors can talk with the riders. This is how it is done in the dirt track (cars) world at just about every local track. Forget the blue flag, race director tells each rider "your getting lapped, get the hell out of the way". If you watched race day live then you mite have seen Bam Bam center punch one of the track crew guys trying to protect a downed rider. Dude got knocked out of his shoes. If they had a radio then every rider could have been told of the downed rider after the whoops. This would also help for red flags.
Lappers are part of racing and 99% of the time, make it interesting since the leaders have to make there way past. But a blue flag is stone age.
Side bonus would be to add a "slight correction" electrode to the ear piece. Get one warning, "your getting lapped" then ZAP.
I agree with Reed, If he's racing for a position and Dungy is moving up and getting ready to lap him, then Dungy should pick a spot and pass, This is pro racing, and he's racing for points and money too, not just a trophy. He's currently in the top 10 in points. He doesn't need to pull over for anyone if he doesn't want to. If Dungy is faster and lapping him, then Reed can hold his race line and Dungy will need to be aggressive and pass him and move on. If Dungy wants to follow him for two laps, that's up to him.

Funny sarcasm....right?
good one from Vital...

If Reed want to race with the big boys, he should stay on the same lap. once you get lapped you are just "GATE FILLER" get the F**K out of the way.

Might have been a really fun last 4 or 5 laps to see Dungy try to catch Tomac, like most I think Tomac had the win locked up but we all missed some great action to watch.

By the rules he should have been black flagged, simple as that.
RD is the douchebag acting like that in the heat race. Just because he has the red plate doesn't mean crap.

True, I agree Dungey should have held back on the Reed comments after the heat race. But do you know what Reed move Dungey was referring to in the heat race? Hint, It wasn't the tight little chicane corner get-together they showed in the broadcast as Dungey made the remark.
So local tracks need blue flags then? I've been stuck behind idiots in the past I'm lapping, guess what??? I didn't bitch. I found away around and got mad at MYSELF for taking too long to pass a lapper. Aren't these guys pro racers? If CG was sooooo damn fast and running down ET ( NOT.....LMFAO) then how come Tomac didn't have trouble getting around him?

Ps.....using the Vitards as an example about complaints and bashing is lIke using 6 year olds to show intelligence ratings for scientists
Comparing a local race to national championship races...really? Comparing your local race experiences to what the pros deal with at their level...really?

The Dunge hate is strong with you.. but don't let it make you look like a jester (clown).'s not hate at all. I appreciate his abilities with out a doubt. I'd love to have one tenth of it!

But yes, what we deal with on a local slow guy level is not different other than the shear speed. I've seen guys go off the hook about slower riders on the track plenty of times. And the answer, like ET said in the post race interview, you can't com plain about it, we all have to deal with it.
No complaints from Tomac for one simple reason....Reed pulled over and waived him by.

Chances might have been slim for Dungey to have passed Tomac, but I'm disappointed that Reed took away ANY chance of there being any haggling between the two top guys. I'd think any race fan would see it the same way. can you say that "shear speed" doesn't make a difference when you're comparing what you and I do to someone at their level is doing on a supercross track? Sorry, but's that's just an odd thing to say.
Admittedly I was half paying attention but it kinda sounded like the Dung is thinking about hanging it up after the year??? His interview saying "I don't want to comment about next year until the SX season is over" sounded a lot like "I don't want to tell everyone this is my last year". Odd that he has become such a polarizing figure over the past couple years. Love or hate him I want to see him on the track as the next gen (plessinger, Webb, C-N-C- casserole and others) come up to speed.
Dungey was catching Tomac. And if he had went right around Reed quickly, what you don't know is if the pressure of Dungey back there would push Tomac into making a mistake.

As far as locals go, if your lapping a guy in a 4 or 5 lap local race, than your a hell of a lot faster than him, and should have no issue blowing past him on the track. Not a good comparison.
I think if dungey wins the championship he retires. He's gonna go out on top.

If he doesn't win the championship. I dont know he might still retire but better chance of him coming back.

What was dungey alluding to in the podium interview after the heat race if it was not the chicane pass ?
Hey dungeys haters.... I mean, Hershey. At just befor 10 minutes which is half of 20 minutes. Dungey was closing in on et. Then RD5 started turning the fastest laps until he caught Reed.

Does not mean he would have won. But a couple more laps and he would have caught him, or et would of had to step it up. Either way Reed was out of line and he ruined a good race. May have ended up as close as the 250 class.