Dam, look at all the vet classes


PR Elite
for the record I DID NOT cause the ruckus I simply stated what everyone else was saying but didn't have the balls to say. When people come to me bitching I don't have a problem "attempting" to be a voice of reason. No hard feelings here at all for Sun, I got a good chuckle out of it. No ego here at all. I know where I am currently and where I COULD be on a motorcycle in a short matter of time if I cared :)

Details man, details!!!


PR Founding Father
I am going to try to explain this as nicely as I can. We were feakin packed. Everyone's wanting to ride, but I had to make an effort on trying (TRYING) to control people riding in the wrong groups. For some reason the #275 had caught my eye from the first session. He looked smoking fast in a lot of places on the track, but for some reason didn't feel 100% comfortable over the finish line. He just kind of stuck out to me. So on the next set, I'm like "no you got to go with the next group", well then I get booming from his helmet "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" Then he gets it, I didn't recognize him at all. He said "ITS MIKE BLAIR!" I was thinking "SOM BITCH". It was him......the only thing I could muster to try and keep egg off my face was " ummmm go faster err something" But I switched from embarrassed to laughing quickly once I replayed it in my mind for the next 20 minutes or so.......


PR Elite
I am going to try to explain this as nicely as I can. We were feakin packed. Everyone's wanting to ride, but I had to make an effort on trying (TRYING) to control people riding in the wrong groups. For some reason the #275 had caught my eye from the first session. He looked smoking fast in a lot of places on the track, but for some reason didn't feel 100% comfortable over the finish line. He just kind of stuck out to me. So on the next set, I'm like "no you got to go with the next group", well then I get booming from his helmet "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" Then he gets it, I didn't recognize him at all. He said "ITS MIKE BLAIR!" I was thinking "SOM BITCH". It was him......the only thing I could muster to try and keep egg off my face was " ummmm go faster err something" But I switched from embarrassed to laughing quickly once I replayed it in my mind for the next 20 minutes or so.......

Lmao!!!! That's funny schnitzel there!! I don't feel.so bad for getting black flagged at WW once now!!


PR Founding Father
No harm no foul lol. Still only hit that damn thing right once or twice. My wrists are so bad I was scares to death to over jumping it being so short now. I do appreciate the fast in some sections thing though, even though I don't agree with it haha.


PR Founding Father
Hear that JO? I know your used to probably dealing with short stuff, but make that finish what it was a few years back!


PR Founding Father
far far far more crashes when it was at full strength. Bad ones too. We still have crashes there, but that's because of the corner being too close. That will be fixed this year.


PR Addict
In the 2nd C session, 2nd group, same lap, there were riders down on both
the finish line and center tunnel jumps. Props on having the flaggers on those
jumps Sunday, JO.


PR Founding Father
That's why you have a C track. Make a bunch of speed bumps over there n bring back the A cliff track of yesteryears.


PR Founding Father
I am going to try to explain this as nicely as I can. We were feakin packed. Everyone's wanting to ride, but I had to make an effort on trying (TRYING) to control people riding in the wrong groups. For some reason the #275 had caught my eye from the first session. He looked smoking fast in a lot of places on the track, but for some reason didn't feel 100% comfortable over the finish line. He just kind of stuck out to me. So on the next set, I'm like "no you got to go with the next group", well then I get booming from his helmet "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" Then he gets it, I didn't recognize him at all. He said "ITS MIKE BLAIR!" I was thinking "SOM BITCH". It was him......the only thing I could muster to try and keep egg off my face was " ummmm go faster err something" But I switched from embarrassed to laughing quickly once I replayed it in my mind for the next 20 minutes or so.......

Haha, you did this to my nephew on my 450 too...I told him that you thought it was me...


PR Founding Father
Calm down, your both nearing the geriatric unit. However, atleast John didn't break a hip yet. If grumpier old men rode dirt bikes, I feel like you two could nail the part. Lol