OMA 2018 More Updates


PR Founding Father
After an interesting weekend at Summit, we have two public service announcements. First, we are bringing back 25+. Done. The members have spoken, we listened. I'm not discussing it further, this FYI, NOT a what do you think.

Secondly, and much more seriously. Drinking and riding. It has come to our attention that people are engaging in this activity. This is being handled. From this point forward, and I never thought I would actually have to put this in writing, but if you are suspected of abusing drugs, alcohol, or any substance that impairs your ability or senses to make decisions on the track, you will be DQ'd on the spot. The second offense is a suspension for the remainder of the year. This is not a joke. We are all knowingly riding with the known risks of an inherently dangerous sport, there is no point in making stupid decisions that makes it even more dangerous. A promoter called the sheriffs department Friday night for the suspicion of alcohol consumption, and that rider was DQ'd. We will continue that trend if need be. If anyone suspects it by smelling it, or if you see someone drinking, then report it, don't wait. This is not a trend that will be tolerated.

The rulebook has been updated and will be live later today.
*some of the members have spoken.

May be an FYI, but I'm still gonna say that's a real bummer. Hopefully more than 2 people start showing up for 25+.
Summit is a horrible race to base this decision off of, didn't even give it a fair shot. A real change like that was needed, back to the same old. See ya at the battle races
*some of the members have spoken.

May be an FYI, but I'm still gonna say that's a real bummer. Hopefully more than 2 people start showing up for 25+.
Summit is a horrible race to base this decision off of, didn't even give it a fair shot. A real change like that was needed, back to the same old. See ya at the battle races

Agreed, but I'm tired of hearing about it, its time to get riding and think about racing. Best of luck this season John.
i agree that summit was an awful place to base a decision off of. also that my input is very invalid as i havent really been an active racer in a while. i somewhat want to change that this year (i say that every year though)... but was definitely looking forward to the change. I do not have fun with 3 guys in my class. Hopefully 2 stroke continues to get decent turn outs at least.
Where’s your 3 other regulars to cheer with you ? Have fun racing each other.

Drinking and riding isn’t hard to police. Zero tolerance. Get the F out. Gate man can fill those shoes. Got gear on and a beer in your hand? Done. Dq’d and suspension. No questions. Nothing wrong with a beer after your done and your gears off.

Now the entire OMA has to look like a drink and ride outfit because of a couple dousche bags. Hanging our dirty laundry out for the world to see. That’s really helping pulling people into the sport when that shits all over Facebook.
Where’s your 3 other regulars to cheer with you ? Have fun racing each other.

Drinking and riding isn’t hard to police. Zero tolerance. Get the F out. Gate man can fill those shoes. Got gear on and a beer in your hand? Done. Dq’d and suspension. No questions. Nothing wrong with a beer after your done and your gears off.

Now the entire OMA has to look like a drink and ride outfit because of a couple dousche bags. Hanging our dirty laundry out for the world to see. That’s really helping pulling people into the sport when that shits all over Facebook.

I agree both ways and i had given up trying to change it. I did hear some of the guys complaining about it but i just accepted what it was and dealt with it. But someone who only ran 3 races last year and signed up for plus 25 at one race (that race had 9 riders where collegeboy only had 4) prolly wasnt complaining at that point... lol

And the drinking problem was "hidden" in a different bottle and the gate guy wouldn't be able to tell anyways because he is at the gate where there was no alcohol. Like JO said he never actually thought he would have to put it into writing but theres always that one person that thinks its ok.
I agree both ways and i had given up trying to change it. I did hear some of the guys complaining about it but i just accepted what it was and dealt with it. But someone who only ran 3 races last year and signed up for plus 25 at one race (that race had 9 riders where collegeboy only had 4) prolly wasnt complaining at that point... lol

And the drinking problem was "hidden" in a different bottle and the gate guy wouldn't be able to tell anyways because he is at the gate where there was no alcohol. Like JO said he never actually thought he would have to put it into writing but theres always that one person that thinks its ok.
9+4 = more than 9. 25+ can’t pull more than 10 any other race besides the damn qualifier and battle rounds. So why in the eff do we still entertain the everyone gets a damn trophy and everyone has their own damn class ideas ? This is so irritating. Nobody wants to actually race. If you all just want to ride around then by all means please go practice.

Or is this merely a problem of kids being shitheads and racing like a-holes ? So now we’ve come to that point where 25+ is considered an old mans class where they’re dodging 16-18 year old idiots ? Both sides suck.

.....look at the July 8th race of.....1 entry. 1 entry! ? Did they get their own gate drop that day as well??

I’m done before joeco shows up. Carry on.
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So you are telling me that on a practice day I can't have 2 beers spread out over at least 4 hours at the track? Thanks to the f***** who had to ruin it for everyone.
It says anything that impairs your ability or senses....drugs. Weed is far more common at the track, hell, I guarantee you somebody is going to argue it makes them a better rider on here ( it has already happened ). You might as well count minimum 10% loss of riders on that alone. Im glad to see somebody finally did something about it.
9+4 = more than 9. 25+ can’t pull more than 10 any other race besides the damn qualifier and battle rounds. So why in the eff do we still entertain the everyone gets a damn trophy and everyone has their own damn class ideas ? This is so irritating. Nobody wants to actually race. If you all just want to ride around then by all means please go practice.

Or is this merely a problem of kids being shitheads and racing like a-holes ? So now we’ve come to that point where 25+ is considered an old mans class where they’re dodging 16-18 year old idiots ? Both sides suck.

.....look at the July 8th race of.....1 entry. 1 entry! ? Did they get their own gate drop that day as well??

I’m done before joeco shows up. Carry on.

im more worried about the kids who dont pay for their own stuff and dont care what happens. I like racing but at some point you gotta find a way to separate the people riding for fun and the people who take it way too serious and think they have to take someone out for a plastic trophy. And the plus 25 class is more relaxed and fun where i dont have to workout to stay competitive against kids who do nothing but ride. Allows us vet riders to be able to ride with others who have a 40 hour work week and a mortgage to worry about instead of a plastic trophy to keep mom and dad happy. Obviously im not worried about trophies since i still run the B class and also do alot of amateur arenacross races. And at the END OF THE DAY we can talk about the motos while having an adult beverage lol.
i never really considered 25 to be 'vet status' ... once i crossed 30 i really felt old (31 now)... im sure it only gets worse from here lol. but i think the same rider at 18 is going to be the same competitively at 25 and probably damn near close to up to 30 too.

if your worried about getting to work on monday you're in the wrong sport. i prefer to make it there but fully understand anytime i throw a leg over a bike its a risk, whether its goofing off in the back yard or at the track.

also, hows it any different than open practice sessions? faster riders get by the slower riders all day long there.

i guess i dont get it.. at all. and again think summit was terrible to judge it from. but whatever. at least they [promoters] are trying to address issues and make things better one way or another, even if i dont agree - clearly there are others that do. at least they give a s**t i guess...
.....look at the July 8th race of.....1 entry. 1 entry! ? Did they get their own gate drop that day as well??

Looking at that day there was 2 entries (1 DNS), just as many signed up for 2-stroke, 65 sr, womens (1), collegeboy had 3, vet 30C (1), 250 A (3), Open A (1), ATV school boy 1 (1), and ATV A (1).

And no plus 25 didnt get their own gate drop that day. Like i said i accepted it and even raced the new college boy class and wasn't complaining. The people who seem to be complaining the most are the ones who dont even race (whether thats because they dont want to race or they dont have time because of work or life in general)

I know its a risky sport but it doesnt need to be riskier by racing against people who dont care about others on the track. No matter what is said here itll never make sense to everyone and will never ever make everyone happy. and difference between open practice and races, that plastic trophy that little johnny wants to show off to his gf or parents to make him look special.
And the plus 25 class is more relaxed and fun where i dont have to workout to stay competitive against kids who do nothing but ride. Allows us vet riders to be able to ride with others who have a 40 hour work week and a mortgage to worry about instead of a plastic trophy to keep mom and dad happy.
Some of us are actually trying to race bigger gates here, not race 2 people for fun so we don't have to workout to be competitive against faster people. That logic is ass backwards.
Ever think 25+ is relaxed because there's only 2 other people on the gate to "race"? I know when I race bigger events with a full gate that class is just as aggressive as any other. There's quite a few boneheads in our age group, I keep my defenses up no matter who I'm racing.
It's ashame people whining can't see the bigger picture here. We really could've helped out our scene and the promoters with this change, but stubbornness will prevail once again on the riders end.
I'm noticing people are comparing local racing to amateur national racing. Apples to oranges, again.

If you're trying to race Nationals, you know which races to go to and you damn well know ANY class is going to be aggressive.

I still stand by the fact that college boy kids can be full of piss and vinegar n may get a little whiskey more often than local vet riders. I know for a fact, if Dave, John, Georgie, Jordan, ect are in front of or behind me, we're gonna race our a***s off. Out of mutual respect, none of us are gonna punt each other to the moon. Not saying there aren't a few bad apples around in every age range, but alot less likely from +25 up.

I completely see both sides. I like full gates too and I know where to go to get them.