OMA 2018 More Updates

Right, and we should run the +70 class here too.

Its all good, the OMA cut the class because the turnout sucked. A few people ( sorry , extensive membership meetings ) complained and its back. Cant we all just race?

What is fun about racing for you? Obviously from this post for some its a Trophy, for others its more about being safe on the track. But I think for most of us its about the adrenaline and fun. The most fun Ive ever had racing is when Im battling the entire moto with somebody. I dont care if its for first, last or in the middle.

Did i say to add the plus 70 class or any other class? i was simply saying im not the only one who considers plus 25 a vet class. SMH
I am really happy that plus 25 is back!! Myself and about 4 or 5 other buddy's will be coming out of retirement from (Racing) and signing up for that gate drop as often as possible this season! thanks OMA.

ill get my 2 seasons of it then off to +30 class for me...
Hmm.. I just had brain... Fart, I guess? Lol

Locally. 25 only. No 30, 40, 50.

Yeah, real fart. I can see some digging it, but most popular opinion would probably mirror the thoughts of those who didn't like the +16 class idea, just an older generation. I know Dave, George, and John wouldn't mind, but bet the majority wouldn't be happy to have to ride with us young 30 year old whipper snappers. Lol

Plus 70? DHDS is the only one I know old enough for that one. Gotta be like 74 by now. Lol
ill get my 2 seasons of it then off to +30 class for me...
Exactly why +25 is a weak class. When most people turn 30 they stop running it. It's a class with a 5 year window.

Hmm.. I just had brain... Fart, I guess? Lol

Locally. 25 only. No 30, 40, 50.

Yeah, real fart. I can see some digging it, but most popular opinion would probably mirror the thoughts of those who didn't like the +16 class idea, just an older generation. I know Dave, George, and John wouldn't mind, but bet the majority wouldn't be happy to have to ride with us young 30 year old whipper snappers. Lol

Plus 70? DHDS is the only one I know old enough for that one. Gotta be like 74 by now. Lol

Track I might race this weekend does 25 and 40+. Might yield a nice turnout if the weather cooperates.
Also the money class is A/B open
Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't that A/B thing screw some kids over if they are a B rider and accept money as an award?
Good point, not sure.
How do those a/b all-star races work? I wanna say those in B have to be paid a dealer check
And to help push this +25 debate in a positive direction, I'm going to challenge every plus 25 rider to get on the gate for the Oma Wiseco series(on top of the battle series of course).

It's 5 races at 5 different tracks. I know I can personally make 4 of the 5 at a quick glance of the schedule. Lets hold ourselves accountable for all the talk and show up. If you want to prove +25 isn't dead, show up. If you want to prove you'd race if there were bigger gates, show up. First round is Briar, everyone loves that place so let's give it a go.
And to help push this +25 debate in a positive direction, I'm going to challenge every plus 25 rider to get on the gate for the Oma Wiseco series(on top of the battle series of course).

It's 5 races at 5 different tracks. I know I can personally make 4 of the 5 at a quick glance of the schedule. Lets hold ourselves accountable for all the talk and show up. If you want to prove +25 isn't dead, show up. If you want to prove you'd race if there were bigger gates, show up. First round is Briar, everyone loves that place so let's give it a go.

Now this is a positive start. I am on board for that and it was also nice to see sq2208 say he and some buddies are coming back. I also know of one guy who said since plus 25 is back he will be racing this year. So ill be on him to make sure he sticks to his word. Come on Meister, Crute, Baker, i think you guys can manage atleast 4 or 5 races this year as well lol. Heck if this happened like we all wanted, i can count about 15 guys that we could have on the gate. And if thats the case maybe DHDS and Pape would also be on board.
If I get a bike I'm down. Since I'm not ref'n much these days I'll be able to ride two classes when I actually have the time to ride.
It’s our job to drag our buddies back into racing. You should get a shirt or something for bringing a first timer. The super series schedule this year is really good for local racing. Between the battle, super series, and EROC I have a busy summer.

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Ok, I fly out for Texas April 9th unless the army tells me I need to go on the 8th. If i'm not ordered to leave the 8th I will be there for the 25+ super series race at BC.

I fly home from training May 5th, unless ordered otherwise. And the following day will be Round 2 at western reserve. If i'm home I'll be at that race as well for 25+.

Marked on the calendar. We will see how it works out.
I typically only go to one race a year and that's the Police and Fire motocross benefit but I'm hoping to catch a few of the Saturday night series this summer. I'll be lining up for the 25+ class.

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It seems like a lot of the 30+ guys are discontent with the lack of bikes on the gate. Can I ask why the 30+ guys don't just ride 25+? Or why not combine those classes instead of trying to merge 25 with college boy? All three classes averaged 4.6-4.7 riders at the gate last year (3.5-3.8 if you take out the Battle rounds, which average 14-17 respectively) so it would be an equal switch either way. Just trying to suggest something that can be fixed without even really needing a ruling, just have those 4 30+ guys every weekend line up for 25+, or just drop them together and score them separately.

As someone who recently turned 30 this year, I personally don't feel any better/worse racing against someone 39 vs. someone 25. This year will be my first year racing in a decade so add a +1 to as many gate drops as I can make this year as I relearn what the hell I'm doing out there.
Now this is a positive start. I am on board for that and it was also nice to see sq2208 say he and some buddies are coming back. I also know of one guy who said since plus 25 is back he will be racing this year. So ill be on him to make sure he sticks to his word. Come on Meister, Crute, Baker, i think you guys can manage atleast 4 or 5 races this year as well lol. Heck if this happened like we all wanted, i can count about 15 guys that we could have on the gate. And if thats the case maybe DHDS and Pape would also be on board.

Im thinking every race i go too Jake Palermo #33 Eric Madison #53 and Andrew Jude #141 Shane rapose jr#828 and jared young should come line up!

i just sold my old bike to Jesse Moore so maybe he will start racing again!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but couldn't that A/B thing screw some kids over if they are a B rider and accept money as an award?
Nobody enforces that and nobody can prove it. Was a big issue when pymatuning used to pay out the 85 pro race. And b riders would run the pro bike race. Same deal. They never cut one dealer check but everyone that showed up to the window took the money and just told everyone it was a dealer check when protested 6 months later. Prove it.

And really who cares. 100% payback. Or one off events....That’s not getting paid to race. Ha. If anythinf it’s an incentive to get people racing knowing they can win their entey back.