Regional prep

This past weekend three of us Vet goons threw our names on the list and took a HOW 2 GO-FAST class with Whitcraft / Kilbargar Training.

I’ve been to a few Moto Schools in the past when I was in my teens but it’s been 20 or more years since.
Ok, maybe 30 years ….
What?? It’s been 40? ….uggg.

Anyway – This was a two day camp being held at Wild Wilderness Raceway with instruction from both Chris Whitcraft and Levi Kilbarger.

The original Two Day Class was abbreviated because Mother Nature coupled with over anxious weather forecasters just seemed to be looking to screw things over this weekend. Regardless, everyone agreed that on Sunday - we were putting our boots on and gettin down.

Located in Logan Ohio, Wild-Wild is easy to get to. Just a few miles off Route 33 with easy /clear access for big rigs.

Plenty of parking to be found – with fine/ healthy livestock grazing the meadows on your way up the drive.
The equipment is plentiful and sized properly for the tasks at hand.

Set in a valley, the track has steep elevation change with good viewing and offers anything and everything a rider could ask for.
It has big jumps & small ones. Big turns & small ones. Steep ups & steep downs. A roller section going up and a roller section going down. It pretty much has everything you could ask for…. plus a starting gate!

Dotted around the property you can spot mounds of compost / sawdust / wood chips that are added to the track surface when needed to help provide students with specific style / type of dirt conditions for optimal training. On the track, you could see where fresh compost had been added waiting to be tilled in for this weekend’s class.

As we were finishing up breakfast early A.M. Sunday the sound of equipment could be heard in the valley. They were busy prepping the circuit for the onslaught of abuse it was about to receive by the days students.

With the track fully prepped, Levi goes out and makes the race lines that will be used for the days instruction. He makes an inside line and an outside line …..around the entire track.

Then we gather up as a group by the big tree, get the rules cleared away ….and it’s our turn to shred!

F’- Yeah Let’s do this - !!!!

They start the day with a 20 min open ride to help us work up a sweat, get familiar with the track and the race lines. During that time both instructors are watching students circulate, making notes on what areas of skill needs to be addressed

Once on the bike, you realize quickly the track is badd-ass. No shortage of thrill…..It’ll work ya for sure!!!

More in a bit -
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With our open ride complete we reassembled at the tree. After comparing notes the instructors decided that splitting us up into two groups would be a better way to start the day. One group going with Levi and working a specific section while the other riders went with Chris and worked on a different section.

We had rippers both young and old. We had big bikes and small - all the way down to 65cc screamers. No problem- because at the end of the day we all want to learn how to go faster while being smoother on our dirt bikes.
Plus, since it’s a class (and Chris & Levi have been working with some guys for a while now) you can bet you’re going to get shown up by kid on a 125 and that’s pretty humbling in itself. Over & over the kid on a underpowered two stroke blasts through the section like a boss while your buddy stands up his big 450 and flounders around like a carp.

This continued throughout the day. At times both instructors would work the whole class if needed. Then there were other times they would split us back up into our group for more specific attention.

Drills were done using a particular section of track. We were instructed on where to enter and when / where to go into race mode, come through the section and apply the technique. The instructor would watch and comment on what he saw. Sometimes it ment pulling the guy over right there on the spot for a one-on-one or maybe just waving a few hand signals as a friendly reminder. Earlier in the AM we were given some simple hand signals that the two would use throughout the day to communicate to us riders. Over time they’ve realized that most of us fall into many of the the same bad habits and could use a quick reminder on the fly.

Drills were done two different ways. Single file through the line pre-selected by the instructor or side by side with another rider, each taking their mandatory line and then switching it up on their next pass through.

Well - I’m not going into any specifics on what was taught, said, explained, demonstrated and witnessed. I will say that on my maiden pass through the very first section Chris pullled me over and said “dude what’s up with ————???
As soon as I see you come over that hill, all I see is ———- what’s up with that?You need to fix that - right now!

Yep, that’s a big issue for me & im going to work on it. I can tell immediately the difference between doing what’s right and wrong (my old way).

I went into this class with the hopes of maybe regaining some lost skill and adding a higher level of confidence to my riding. I was hoping to get the full effect of spending two days with some quality instruction. The weather cut that short by 50%. But even with the limited time available - this class was a successful addition to my riding year. The short time I got to spend under the watchful eye of two professionals that understand moto and are passionate about teaching will certainly make the rest of this year that much more enjoyable.

Thanks a bunch guys !!
I’ll be back - and we won’t have to work on———.
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And having DD behind the camera is GOLD.
Can’t lie to the camera - who is 947
That’s not how they said to do it. Lol.
Sharc.. great recap..was awesome to read! It’s exactly ..why we started our program with these guys. I had traveled and hit many ..almost all of the training institutions east of the Mississippi..the communication and passion are like no other. Sad we missed you guys at this one but happy to know we will cross paths this year down there.
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..and who had to do pushups? I know someone wasn’t listening and got dinged in the group? Where are those pics DD?

Sorry - I'm stealing all kinds of work being done by 11 year old if I were to guess.
Thanks Nick-!!