Fast Traxx fair race


PR Founding Father
So I get a text at 2:30 today asking if we are racing the fair race at the Montgomery county fair. Its 30 minutes from our house. Been at the races the last two weeks, heard not a peep about this race, nothing on my Facebook, nothing. Not quite sure how they intend to draw any riders to this race.

We are on social media, go to the races, zip, nothing. Looked on fast traxx FB and did see it there posted like 2 days ago.

But the funny thing is I clicked on the class list. 65 classes for a fair race!! I was like what the heck, lol. 1st place trophies for everyone, just pick the right class.

Hard to have a race when racers dont know about them.

Whats the difference between class 1 and class 22. I am all for supporting a womens class but i think 3 is a little much. And really whats the difference between the girls class and the women 65-105. ‍♀️

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Whats the difference between class 1 and class 22. I am all for supporting a womens class but i think 3 is a little much. And really whats the difference between the girls class and the women 65-105. ‍♀️
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Kelly, I have no idea. I would think for a non sanctioned fair race, they would perhaps have few classes. When I saw that, and it had 65 classes, I thought is this for real?
Looks like fast traxx is inclusive also. Classes 23, 24 and 25 are LGT classes for Lesbians, Gays and Trans people.
I believe they’re running the Medina county fair this year as well. If they start races at 7 pm and say they run 5 laps they’re not gonna be done until easily midnight or later... that’s just unnecessary
We raced Hartford Fair last year, also a Fasttraxx event. Had fun but knew going into it that was a bit of a money racket. The kids wanted to do it so I agreed.
It was a good experience for Joshua, especially racing under lights in front of a large crowd.
The hardest part for me, is to get me and josh two moto's each, have to pay four class's. Getting home at midnight, unloaded, showered and in bed before 1:30am and with a 5am alarm was hard on me as well.

The track was watered down hard pack which meant slip&slide every corner early in, and two of jumps were too peaky and a little difficult which worried me a bit for Joshua. Glad we did it, just not so sure we will this year.
So you didn't just drop everything, stop the whole family from whatever they were doing, load them and the bikes up and go in 2.5 hours John? Why not? Would love to know what the turnout was and really how they do advertise these deals. The only time I hear about a fair race is when one of the pitracer members brings them up.
So you didn't just drop everything, stop the whole family from whatever they were doing, load them and the bikes up and go in 2.5 hours John? Why not? Would love to know what the turnout was and really how they do advertise these deals. The only time I hear about a fair race is when one of the pitracer members brings them up.
Bill I did not. We are at races most weekends. I am on here and FB. My son is on FB, Instanagram, snap chat. He talks to all these other kids that race all the time on social media, and he knew nothing about it, so I am assuming the other kids he talks to in Dayton knew nothing about it. I really wonder how anyone found out about it. Bet they did not have 50 riders.
I hope you know I was joking. I have since poked around different Ohio fair websites and found a few I think. There might even be one in Adams County tomorrow but I really can't even confirm that. I am coming up with Hartford, Perry, and Medina all still having them yet this year..I think. Could be more as I did not look at all in the state.
Yeah, I knew that. I don't do fair races. Maybe if there was one in Greene Co right out my back door...maybe. Just a waste of time and money for a crappy little track and one little moto.
Norm doesn't do much promoting but does get good turnouts.
We went down a week ago Saturday for a GP race. It was his Rumble on The River (3 day) event.

His place was packed wall to wall. And not even a mention of it on here.
Talking to the promoters they were disappointed in turn out. I told them that until a few weeks ago no one knew about it in this area. They thought the fair was going to do more.

Although not a large turnout it was a good time. 2 motos per class. Racing started around 7:00 and was done before 10:00. I expect that next year could have a large turnout.

Thumbs up to Fast Tracxx. Ran a great show. Was told they built the track in the AM. By the time we left around 10:45 they had the track broke down and dirt pushed to the far end. You would know there was a track there an hour before.
Still want to make it to a GP at Fast Traxx one day! I used to go on weekday practices when I was on shift work. Straight days has put a damper on riding but weekends off are cool too lol
Still want to make it to a GP at Fast Traxx one day! I used to go on weekday practices when I was on shift work. Straight days has put a damper on riding but weekends off are cool too lol

The FastTraxx GP's are fun and are one hell of a conditioning work out.
They get a lot of regular area riders who are fast and you have to ride your ass off to stay on the lead lap, and the track has so many turns, obstacles and elevation challenges that you don't ever get a break. The only time I get an opportunity to reach for my camelpak hose is when picking my bike up from crashing in the ruts.

And speaking of ruts, if you need practice riding ruts, corners or straights, fasttraxx gets plenty. We raced June 17th and 30th, and I believe every corner had a minimum of two rut lines around them, with some having three, four, or five. And some of the ruts get as deep as any I've seen on MX tracks.

Funny side note: On June 30th's race I was coming around a corner in my morning Decade class, spotted a bike rider cheating, cut the track. I didn't slow down any, and it took a minute or two to register in my brain what I had just witnessed, but then it hit me. Not exactly sure what class he was racing in, but I guess he wanted one of them $5 plaques pretty bad.
Poor fella....just isn't good enough to beat the competition straight up.
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