Weston Peick


PR Founding Father
Sounds like Weston Peick was seriously injured in Paris. His father is headed to Paris today. Said he took a big hit right to the face and they have him sedated to keep him out.

Also read Marvin is hurt. Hope the SX season does not start missing a bunch of guys.
Crashed hard off the start in the first rhythm section. Dude jumped on his head as he hit the ground. The ground was crazy hard pack. Could have almost used slicks on that s**t track.

Man, I hope he recovers. My favorite rider
Last I saw in racer x, they said no major trauma but he will require surgery to repair multiple broken bones in his face.

Like I said, thats just what I read on the interweb......
At red bud this year we saw him, Austin was with me and he always liked him and laughed when he beat the crap out of Friese. So I told him Austin liked that, he got a good laugh out of it and talked to us for a bit. Good guy.
At red bud this year we saw him, Austin was with me and he always liked him and laughed when he beat the crap out of Friese....
If you are talking about the A1 semi incident, I prefer to think of that as jumped a guy from behind while he was attempting to pick his bike up.

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I bet he’s trached. Man he must be in bad shape. Trach will Be reversible of course. But damn. I feel bad for him. Good thing he’s out. Hope that nurse keeps his ass snowed. Nobody wants to be awake for that s**t.
Wow. That sucks. Sounds like he is out for a long time. Makes you wonder about that new Fly helmet he was wearing. I would like to see how it looks, if there was any structural failure on the helmet.
they shouldn't have moved him that fast.

You have to move someone fast if you’re concerned the airway is trashed. No time to worry about spine in that situation. Not your typical trauma.

The whole hospital bills thing to me shows how disconnected our sport is. Kinda sad really.
If that was the cell phone video it was gut wrenching. The helmet we caved in and his goggles were really out of wack. You could tell there was extensive damage to the front of that helmet.