Weston Peick

He probably does. But could have some bullsbit policy that doesn’t pay out in foriegn soil or for when in a “speed contest.”
I cant imagine any pro not having medical insurance. I cant even sign up for daytona with out giving them my policy #
From the looks of the video, appears he face planted pretty bad going down.

I see vid's like this and can't help to think that sometimes it just isn't worth it.
Hope he comes through it all ok.
Oh my...
All things considered he looks really good. He got some great care for sure!

That’s just another day in the icu. So many people are like that everyday after car accidents and cancer surgeries and stuff.

(Pssst.....This is why you need health insurance)
I’m not going to...but.....I don’t know with the bigger goggles the helmet companies are widening the facebox on the Helmets. Seems to look like the trend. I think I’ll stick with a traditional setup. The fly f2 carbon I run are good I think. But I don’t know.
Health insurance does not ask questions of occupation. With ACA all they can rate for is age and zip code. Life insurance, he pays a hefty premium. Hell, I had to fill out an extensive questionnaire for my own life insurance because of racing.

Now what these guys do need to look into is how their health insurance will pay in foreign countries out of network. That is the real issue. Although my dad was working in England, and had to go to the ER. They did not bill him anything, and said he was a guest in the country. Socialized medicine. So who knows what and how much he is being billed in France.
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Health insurance does not ask questions of occupation. With ACA all they can rate for is age and zip code. Life insurance, he pays a hefty premium. Hell, I had to fill out an extensive questionnaire for my own life insurance because of racing.

Now what these guys do need to look into is how their health insurance will pay in foreign countries out of network. That is the real issue. Although my dad was working in England, and had to go to the ER. They did not bill him anything, and said he was a guest in the country. Socialized medicine. So who knows what and how much he is being billed in France.

I had to see a doc in Jamaica. Socialized medicine. Except only for citizens. Imagine that...vetting their own citizens. MAKES SENSE. (Why don’t we do this ?! lol. ) I had to be paid out of pocket. And it wasn’t cheap. Partially ruptured ear drum woulda costed me $150 in the states. That quack billed me $800. Wouldn’t let me leave until I paid him either. Submitted to my insurance and they reimbursed me 100%. But had to make sure the doctor wrote that it was medically necessary and was unable
To obtain care anywhere else. You gotta babysit these people.
Most health policies don't charge out of network if it is a medical emergency out of state.